Super Cookery System

Chapter 43: Go out

Xiao Yi: Huh? Luoluo, is your snack water tank empty? too fast!

Langlang: Forget it, I also said I'm going to eat and eat someday, the day after tomorrow! Just take my daughter to the petting zoo tomorrow!

Chen Ming was a little depressed today. He was dragged to another place by his father. He couldn't eat skewers. He lost his appetite all day. Suddenly, Yang Song was inexplicably dragged into a group, and he saw someone who made him feel better. Bad news!

Yang Song rests every day! Oh my god! Chen Ming can't wait to call Yang Song now and ask him what is going on! But after thinking about it, according to Yang Song's temper, he said good night. Call this point, I am afraid that there will be no skewers in the next few days!

Come on! Be patient!

Yang Song is sleeping very peacefully now, and there will be no class in the next few days, mainly because I don’t know why. Since the system is in place, his head has become clearer. The next half month was originally Yang Song and their thesis period. As a result, Yang Song quickly finished writing the essay with more than 10,000 words.

If it hadn’t been for the computer to get stuck on the way several times, it’s probably faster, so Yang Song decided to buy a good computer these few days, just to change his mobile phone, and have to pay for it at home. The construction of a new house is now being dragged down.

It’s not that Yang Song doesn’t want to make money. He has hundreds of thousands on him now. He wanted to make a deal long ago, but he didn’t know what to do. Now it’s been a long time, and the time should be ripe. Three days later, the task given by the system was completed. So, just go back and give the money to your parents.

Those diners? Wait, then! Now Yang Song doesn't worry that they will be angry at all. After all, Los Angeles, there is no other delicious food like himself.

A skilled chef must have a temper! that is it.

With this thought in mind, Yang Song went to sleep beautifully.

If those people who are still making trouble in the group hear this thought, they are afraid that they will have the heart to find Yang Song with the knife!

The next day, Yang Song woke up early, not because he remembered it so early, but because the system was chattering with him, so there was no other way but to get up.

"A day is in the morning. The host's punishment must be carried out in strict accordance with morning, afternoon and evening. After nine o'clock, there must be a supper."

"Good, good! I know! When I get up, don't make a noise and go out immediately!"

Yang Song now often eats food provided by the system. With the upgrade of the system, it seems that he is also subtly upgrading Yang Song's tongue. For example, when he recently went to the cafeteria to eat, the gas smell in various meals and the smell of inferior oil. Filled his own mouth.

Meng Shihan seemed to be fine today. He woke up early in the morning with facial cleanser on his face. Seeing Yang Song had already gotten up, he asked curiously: "Are you up so early today? You don't have to get up so early in class, right?"

"I won't go to class today, I'll go out to gather the wind!" Because Yang Song had just woke up, he directly said what he was about to do.

"Caifeng?" As soon as Meng Shihan heard this word, he immediately became interested, "Huh? What is it for? Is it fun?"

"There is nothing fun, just go out and taste the food made by others to see what is delicious and what is not delicious!"

"Then take me! Wait a minute! I'll be fine soon!"

"Uh... alright!"

Yang Song couldn't think of the reason for rejection. It seemed that one more person would be a little more lively. Besides, Meng Shihan is also a big beauty, and she won't suffer a lot with her!

But he didn’t seem to know at all, how long the girl’s wait was. After waiting for half an hour, Yang Song saw that Meng Shihan was dressed neatly. He also saw Meng Shihan put on makeup, which gave him a stunning feeling of youth. There is a charm in the body, a rugged figure, curvy, and beautiful lines that make him a little bit happy. He reluctantly shook his head and said: "Isn't it just going out for breakfast? What do you do with makeup?"

"Girls can't go out without makeup! Okay! Don't compare, let's go! I'm starving!" Meng Shihan is a beautiful woman with plain makeup, but as a modern woman, it is necessary to go out with a light makeup.

No way, Yang Song had to follow Meng Shihan out.

Walking outside, Meng Shihan actually had a small car. It was pink. Yang Song didn't even know it. After getting in the car, he realized that he seemed to be missing a mount. During this time, he seemed to have to get a car. The car is out, but I haven't taken the driver's license test yet, so I have to take the time to get it.

"Where shall we go to eat?" Yang Song asked curiously when Meng Shihan started the car.

While watching the road carefully, Meng Shihan replied: "You are not an ordinary person, so the average breakfast shop is definitely not good. There is a bean curd shop that I have from snacks to big, I will take you there! Sweet tofu brains are delicious!"

"You cult, you want to eat salty bean curd!"

"Sweet! Is salty food for humans?"

"It's salty, don't say it!"


"You swear!"


Ten minutes later, the small car stopped in front of a small shop that looked tattered. Meng Shihan walked in and shouted at the old lady: "Auntie, two bowls of bean curd, one sweet and one salty!"


Meng Shihan looked at Yang Song and asked, "Anything else? Auntie's fried dough sticks and spring rolls are delicious!"

"All!" Yang Song nodded, indicating that they want it!

"Have you finished eating?" Meng Shihan was a little confused, but still ordered these things.

Some of the delicious ones are really not hidden in the magnificent shops, but in the corners and alleys. They look very shabby, but they taste delicious.

The breakfast I ordered was delivered quickly. The white soy milk is sprinkled with a layer of special salty sauce made by the proprietress, which looks very attractive, and there are a few green onions! The fried dough sticks were golden and golden, and the spring rolls were placed on the plate, making a creaking sound, which was very crispy.

Meng Shihan couldn't wait for a long time, grabbed a piece of spring roll and took a bite. There was a crunchy sound in his mouth, and an expression of enjoyment appeared on his face.

Yang Song dug a small spoonful of tofu brains, gently put it in his mouth, and began to taste it carefully. The taste was very good, but he could only be his former self, and he now tasted it in one bite. defect.

The curdling time of the bean curd is a little short, and the gypsum has a strong taste. It is estimated to shorten the time, so the shiitake mushrooms are placed in the salty sauce to cover up the taste.

I took another bite of the fried dough sticks. They were soft and crispy, which was in line with the fried dough sticks that the older generation liked to eat. However, the flour inside had a rusty smell. It was very subtle. As soon as I ate it, I knew that it was crushed with a machine, not graphite. Moreover, the smell of inferior oil was so pungent, Yang Song frowned and put it aside.

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