Super Cookery System

Chapter 46: Farmed abalone

Chapter 46 Breeding Abalone

Yang Song now only considers whether it is enough to eat one family, or it would be a pitfall.

"Yes, it's not much more expensive to collect styles!"

"That's good!"

Received the affirmation of the system, Yang Song immediately greeted Meng Shihan.

"Miss Meng, let's go to the most luxurious five-star hotel today, let's eat there."

"Five-star hotel? Will it be too expensive?" Meng Shihan was a little worried.

I don't want to either! But Yang Song shook his head coldly, "No problem, taste the food, the average restaurant here has almost eaten it, and I have to change to a higher-end restaurant!"

"Let's do it!"

When the car started, and walking on the road, Yang Song asked, "Miss Meng, do you know which five-star hotel here is better?"

"It should be at the Wanyang Plaza, called the Viudun Hotel. I heard that the abalones over there are more famous!" Meng Shihan thought about it for a while, remembering that he had collected information about that house during the previous investigation.

Yang Song nodded, took out the phone, looked at the phone, and said, "Okay, let's go over there!"

"Okay! Sit tight! I'm going to drive!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yang Song felt a strong push on his back. I have to say that the girl Meng Shihan drove really hard and was unambiguous at all. ,

Ten minutes later, the two came to the hotel. Looking at the magnificent hotel, Meng Shihan was a little bit emotional.

"Yang Song, I really don't know if our future store will be more luxurious than this!"

"Will not!"

Before even dreaming, Yang Song poured cold water on Meng Shihan directly.

"Why? Are you so worthless? Your craftsmanship is so good!"

Meng Shihan doesn't admit it. After all, he is still a person to do big things. Yang Song looked at her like an idiot, and said lightly: "Don't forget, we open a restaurant, not a hotel!"

As soon as he said this, he choked Meng Shihan, and was speechless for a while, as if it was so! We opened a restaurant, so big, maybe Yang Song would be exhausted in the back kitchen.

"Oh, that's all right! I get it!"

While complaining, a waiter next to him came over with a professional smile and asked, "Are you two staying in a hotel or eating?"

"Eat!" Yang Song succinctly explained his two intentions.

The waiter hurriedly took the two of them towards the dining room, "Please come with me, and eat here if you have dinner!"

After Yang Song sat on the chairs, the waiter took out the menu and smiled and said: "Australian wild black abalone arrived in the shop today. There are only three orders per person. Do you want to try it?"

"Order three! Different methods, if they are delicious, we will order again!" Yang Song closed the menu and looked at the waiter faintly.

The waiter nodded, took a note with a pen, turned and left.

Meng Shihan looked around and said with emotion: "Although it is a hotel, there are so many people eating!"

"That's for sure. It's a five-star at any rate. It is estimated that the chefs of this hotel are all three Michelin stars. Of course there are too many people!" Yang Song glanced at other people's dishes. Not bad.

Half an hour later, the wild black abalone came over. There were three different methods.

One is sashimi, a more Japanese way of eating.

One is a stew, with some medicinal materials floating in it, Yang Song can't recognize it temporarily.

The last one is braised. The Cantonese method is just right for thickening, crystal clear and transparent, which makes people have appetite.

Meng Shihan glanced at the abalone and cried out in surprise: "It's so big! Yang Song, do you think this is the legendary double-headed abalone?"

"Double-headed abalone, in other words, two per simajin. This is called double-headed abalone. It is usually dried. But the price of such abalone is very expensive. I remember that a pair of abalones were auctioned in Hong Kong some time ago. The price seems to be 100 Three hundred thousand Hong Kong dollars! This shop will give you double-headed abalone? I'll give it to you, I dare not invite you!"

Yang Songjian's science popularized the concept of double-headed abalone. If the double-headed abalone in front of you was really a double-headed abalone, Yang Song would have run away a long time ago. Can you still eat?

Meng Shihan spit out his small tongue, obediently picked up a piece of sashimi, dipped it with a little soy sauce, and put it in his mouth. The delicious feeling instantly stimulated Meng Shihan’s taste buds. The taste was quite chewy, but it did not make people bite. But the sweetness of the abalone itself made her feel comfortable.

Seeing Meng Shihan starting to eat the sashimi, Yang Song smiled. It seemed that this girl should have learned how I let her eat a whole beef feast. Thinking of this, Yang Song also picked up a piece of sashimi, but did not dip it in soy sauce. The purpose is to prevent other tastes from irritating the taste buds, so that there is no way to taste the taste.

As soon as the abalone slices entered, Yang Song took two bites and spit it out. He frowned, picked up a spoon and dug a spoonful of soup, took a sip, frowned, and vomited out.

Meng Shihan ate two or three slices of abalone and thought it tasted very good, but she knew that it depends on Yang Song's attitude. Sure enough, Yang Song frowned, shook his head slightly, stood up, and said calmly to Meng Shihan.

"Go, I have enough."


"Waiter, check out!"

"Don't eat it? Yang Song, there is still so much! Don't waste it!"

The waiter rushed over and was about to speak but unexpectedly saw three abalones on the table that had hardly been moved, and asked in surprise, "Are you two going to pack?"

"Don't pack it, let's eat it! Thank you, where do you check out?" Yang Song shook his head, took out his mobile phone, and left.

The waiter was stunned and asked quickly: "But you haven't eaten anything yet!"

Yang Song nodded and said, "I know, it's enough. Let's go back!"

"Um, well, 600 yuan an abalone, totaling one thousand and eighteen, please come with me!"

With Yang Song, the waiter took the money, looked at Yang Song and the others who left, opened his mouth, but let it go.

Meng Shihan followed Yang Song, trot to follow, and said in doubt: "I think this abalone is not bad in these two days, why are you still not satisfied?"

"If it's wild, that's fine, but this one is farmed, and it smells like mud and sand. Didn't you eat it?" Yang Song looked at Meng Shihan with some surprise.

The latter looked confused and shook his head, "I didn't eat it! It's very fresh! It tastes great!"

At this time, Yang Song understood a little bit. He always thought that he often ate things provided by the system and nurtured his tongue. Now it seems that it is not. It is the system that is subtly changing his body. The tongue is already quite powerful I tasted it all at once.

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