Super Cookery System

Chapter 492: Physical examination

Chapter 492 Physical Examination

Yang Song never expected that his ability to eat is so great! Where did you get up so positive before? Yang Song was a little bit dumbfounded! He stood up and simply put on his clothes. After going out, Teacher He also walked out with a tired face and looked at Yang Song helplessly. The latter said, "Xiao Yang, I didn't expect them to be so early. ! According to what they mean, you will have a physical examination now and come back early!"

"All right! I'm going to wash it! Wait ten minutes!" Yang Song saw the green light in everyone's eyes! If you linger a little longer, Yang Song is really worried that they will eat themselves!

Guge is now hungry and staring! Sit on a chair to save energy! Everyone looks like this, weak! Yang Song cleaned himself with the fastest speed! Then ran to the living room, everyone was ready!

Seeing that Yang Song was ready, everyone ran to the road and the car was ready! The three cars are already waiting there, because this matter does not need to be filmed, just need everyone to go, and there are some people who maintain order on the scene waiting in other cars. The film crew will not follow!

Yang Song got into a car, because he had to come back to cook first, so he had to build a car here alone! The physical examination is not a big deal either, the main thing is to check all the physical conditions and blood tests! Not too much trouble! Yang Song used to go to physical examinations often! The price is not expensive, mainly because I often need to run around, and I can’t go back to the hospital for a check because my body has problems at this time!

While studying and working part-time, Yang Song couldn't let his body fall down. The situation at home was already very difficult, and he couldn't add any more burdens in this regard! After arriving at the hospital, because it was too early and there were not many people, everyone went in easily! To be honest, Yang Song hasn't seen fans surrounding the scene!

After arriving in the hospital, Mr. He went to hand over the medical examination. Everyone was waiting in the chairs. Yang Song asked curiously: "Aren't you stars? Why didn't anyone come here?"

"We didn't tell everyone that we are going for a physical examination today, otherwise we think that according to Xu Shu's identity, can we come in so easily?" Wang Haiwen sat weakly in the chair and explained to Yang Song!

If Xu Shu's identity hadn't been disguised, he might not even be able to enter the hospital today! Xu Shu told Yang Song that when he got off the plane, he left the airport and the car drove for a full half an hour before leaving! No way, the fans are really too enthusiastic! As a public figure, even if you eat something, you have to care about the opinions of others, let alone use violence to block fans, and will not do so. To put it bluntly, celebrities rely on the number of fans to survive. If there were no fans, maybe it would be the same concept as the actor a hundred years ago!

One hundred years ago, there was a work of actor, but who knows that a hundred years later, a star has become a big star. This may be the change of the times. Maybe a few hundred years later, the star will become like this again. What about occupation? Who knows?

But one thing Yang Song knows is that chefs are very popular no matter what time they are, and they are always hungry professions! At least do your own identity!

Soon, Mr. He brought a doctor over and beckoned to everyone. Yang Song stood up, everyone also stood up and came into the room, but there were only two nurses in the room, two nurses watching Last year was not a big year, but seeing everyone was so excited, Yang Song thought in his heart: "This is a star! People pay attention to everything they do!"

But who can think about it, one of the nurses ran up to Yang Song and asked a little excitedly: "You are Yang Song! Are the flowering dumplings real? Last time I watched the video, I thought it was fake!"

"It's true! His flowering dumplings not only look shocking, but also taste super good! I have fallen in love with this food, it is my favorite food!" Xu Shu also smiled and stepped forward at this time! Help Yang Song explain!

Yang Song was very surprised. She was the first to strike up a conversation with me instead of talking to a group of stars behind her? Yang Song was a little surprised. He was just on a food show. How come so many people know him now? Last time I went back during the Chinese New Year, I went out for dinner with my uncle's family.

"Xu...Xu Shu!!!" The little nurse didn't notice Xu Shu at first, but only saw Yang Song. After seeing it now, her whole person is not good, her little cheeks are all blushing!

Teacher He stepped forward at this time and said with a smile: "Well, little girl, let's give them a medical examination first! At that time, whether it is a group photo or an autograph, it will be fine!"

"Good, good! Let's start the physical examination now!" The little nurse nodded excitedly, and shouted to another nurse who was already dizzy with excitement, and the latter recovered!

First of all, the first item is to draw blood. Yang Song took the lead to sit on the chair, took off his coat, rolled up his sleeves, and a strong and muscled arm appeared in front of everyone!

Xu Shu took a deep breath. In fact, when Yang Song's shirtless appeared last time, he didn't wear glasses and he couldn't see clearly, but now after seeing it, he realized how powerful Yang Song's figure is! The typical dressing is thin and fleshy!

The little nurse who touched Yang Song's arm blushed, as if a little embarrassed! In fact, boys get excited when they see a girl’s body, and vice versa, the same is true for girls. As long as they are a good-bodied boy, they will get excited when they see it. Are they all young ladies?

I don't know if it was because of Yang Song's strong muscles, or something else, or because of seeing so many stars, and even Xu Shu, the little nurse's hands trembled, and the first stitch went down and it was directly inserted crooked! Yang Song frowned slightly, but this pain was still irrelevant. It was just a little accident. There is no big problem with the wrong prick, but there are still some problems with the **** so crooked! Although Yang Song is not a studying nurse, his habit of having physical examinations every year has long let him know where to get the needle!

"Girl, calm down a bit! It doesn't matter if I have thick skin. The talents behind are the key points. Be careful!" Yang Song kindly comforted the little nurse!

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