Super Cookery System

Chapter 56: Home cooking

Chapter 56 Home Cooking

Although Yang's mother still has some sadness on her face, now her son is back, she is still in a good mood. Seeing Yang Song brought two young people, she quickly asked: "Komatsu, who are these two?"

Yang Song only remembered at this time, as if he hadn't introduced these two people, and quickly pointed at them.

"Parents, these two are my friends, the man is called Chen Ming, and the woman is called Meng Shihan! I drove me home, and it happened to be resting during this time, so I came to have a look and said I wanted to eat farm food!"

Father Yang laughed, took out the dry tobacco, carefully rolled one and handed it to Chen Ming, "Come, come, since it's Komatsu's friend, let's take a cigarette!"

When Chen Ming saw Father Yang rolled himself a dry cigarette, he immediately became interested, he smiled, took it, and quickly thanked him! Thanks Uncle Yang!

"That's not right!" Yang Song saw this scene and asked curiously: "Don't you kid not smoke? Why do you want to pick it up?"

"Uncle Yang specially rolled it for me, I must take it! Besides, I have smoked even the best cigars. This is the first time I smoke this dry cigarette. Just try it!" Chen Ming With a curious expression on his face, he held the cigarette in his mouth.

"Come and come! Xiao Ming, I'll light it for you!" Father Yang is an enthusiastic person. After taking out a lighter, he needs to light it on Chen Ming. The latter happily leaned in to light the cigarette.

Chen Ming took a deep breath, but never expected that the smell of the cigarette was too strong, and Chen Ming coughed and tears came out.

When everyone saw this scene, they all laughed, and Father Yang said cheerfully: "My child, this smoke is not stronger than other smokes, so slow!"

"I see! Uncle, I am really not suitable for smoking, but uncle, here I brought you good cigarettes! Keep it! It's bad for your health if you don't smoke these dry cigarettes!" Chen Ming wiped a tear and lost He finished the cigarette, smiled apologetically at Father Yang, and then drew a big bag of cigarettes from the gift.

After learning that Father Yang would smoke, Chen Ming took some good cigarettes from home, all of which were thousands of dollars. After taking a few, his father smoked at home, but he only likes to smoke more than ten dollars. Cigarettes are not easy to throw away from others, so I have to keep them all. Now the warehouse is full of cigarettes and good wine, so I simply take out flowers to offer Buddha.

"Oh! How did it make it! This is all good smoke! It adds up to several thousand yuan!" Father Yang waved his hand quickly, saying that he couldn't use it. Although he hadn't smoked it before, he had seen it. It's expensive!

Chen Ming waved his hand indifferently, and smiled: "It's okay, my father doesn't smoke. If you don't smoke these cigarettes, you will get damp! You just keep it!"

Yang Song also walked over and smiled: "Dad, wasn't it popular to fight landlords back then? Let's fight landlords today. This guy has money in his family, not bad!"

Meng Shihan also smiled and walked up and said, "Don't talk about beating landlords, Yang Song, are you a small landlord now?"

Mother Yang was confused and didn't know what the girl meant by landlord, but she also knew what to do, stood up and smiled: "Look at our memory, children, come in quickly! Outside! Hot, come in for some tea! Auntie will give you some specialties to taste!"

"Okay!" Meng Shihan nodded again and again. He really didn't drink much water today and was really thirsty.

When Chen Ming heard the word special product, his eyes lit up, and he liked it and followed Yang Song's parents happily.

Ten minutes later, Chen Ming took a sip of the local tea, followed by a bite of the radish and garlic made by Yang's mother.

"Auntie! I know now, where did Yang Song's cooking skills come from? The radish you stuffed is really delicious! If this kind of radish is stir-fried, it would be more delicious!" Chen Ming was stuffed with radish in his mouth. , Still desperately complimenting Mother Yang's own radish!

Father Yang took a puff of the good smoke that Chen Ming had brought, and let out a burst of smoke comfortably, "This is just to eat. At night, I will ask your aunt to scramble eggs with radishes. It tastes better. !"

"Then the feeling is good!" Chen Ming heard that there was something delicious, how could he be unhappy?

Meng Shihan also nodded. Over the years, he feels better. Hearing scrambled eggs with pickled radish like this, it must be delicious!

Mother Yang stood up and said with a smile: "You little ones will just chat and rest here. I will kill the old hen, and I will cook the old hen soup for you at night! Replenish your body!"


Chen Ming nodded, bowed his head and took another sip of hot tea, and breathed a sigh of relief.

After the two elders left, Meng Shihan asked curiously: "I didn't even see your chickens when I came in!"

"That old hen was left at home to lay eggs. The soil eggs you ate at night were laid by it!" Yang Song didn't care when he arrived and took a bite of pickled radishes!

"What? Just stay here to lay eggs? Forget it! Don't eat anymore, I'll talk to my aunt!" Chen Ming quickly stood up and ran out.

Yang Song hurriedly stopped him and shouted: "Okay, okay! Isn't it just an old hen? What if you still want to eat it before? I definitely won't let it. Now it's different. We have money now. An old hen? We will buy a group from now on and let you eat it every day when we grow up!"

When Chen Ming heard this, he thought about it carefully, and it seemed to be the same, nodded and said: "Yes, your kid has made so much money, it is no less than this old hen!"

Under the sun, five people are sitting at the door of the house, and there is a large table of delicious food on the table! Scrambled eggs with pickled radish, chicken soup, braised pork, fish head tofu and two plates of vegetables grown at home! At first glance, they are all farm food, and Chen Ming's saliva will flow down!

"Uncle, I came in a hurry and didn’t bring any good wine. So I took a few bottles of Moutai from my dad’s wine cabinet. I heard him say it’s a good wine, but I don’t understand. Let's have two drinks with you!"

Although Chen Ming wanted to eat, he saw Uncle Yang and quickly took out a 20-year-old Moutai. He didn't know what variety it was, but it should be a good wine. Uncle Yang's eyes were straight.

Father Yang took the wine bottle and looked at it carefully, and he put it on the table like a baby, waved his hand and said: "Forget it, kid, let's drink some home-brewed rice bar, this kind of wine is too expensive. Keep it!"

"Alright!" Chen Ming didn't care much. Although he often went out to socialize with his father and drank a lot, he really didn't like to drink.

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