Super Cookery System

Chapter 68: live

"Dear babies! Today, we came to the famous food street in Los Angeles, but it seems that there are mostly night snack stalls. There are not many shops open now. Let's go and see what is delicious!"

A cute and beautiful girl with a headset pinned to her ears and a handheld stick in her hand. It looks like she should be broadcasting live, watching her mobile phone while walking, her mouth is still joking, all kinds of cute, and also in the bullet screen. They all praised the anchor for cuteness and cuteness.

Zhanyi de Wing: Xiaoxin is too cute, how can such a place be worthy of you? Go eat something good!

Xiaoxin's number one fan: You can shut up! Where does Xiaoxin have so much money to eat delicious food! You don't give gifts!

Xin Xinxin: That's right, the food in the past two days is so good, it cost a lot of money, just eat the food here!

Zhanyi de Wing: No money? Let me give it to you!

This Zhuangyi De Wing should be a local tyrant. Just finished saying this sentence, I directly brushed a sports car, a sports car is a two thousand ocean, according to the anchor’s share, it can be divided into 1,400 yuan, three or seven, which is not bad. A proportion of it.

"Thank you brother Zheyi for his sports car! Let's have a good time today!" Xiaoxin sold a cute, pouted, and pretended to kiss. This made all the wolf friends in the live broadcast group excited.

Yang Song just finished sorting out the booth and saw the girl who was live broadcast, with a smile on his face. He listened to others about the live broadcast every day. This time I saw it really and it was quite fresh!

This anchor is called Wenxin, and the live name is Xiaoxin. She is cute and innocent cheeks. She is obviously in her twenties and looks like a teenager, especially the huge pair on her chest. It looks like a typical childlike face. Big **** attracted a lot of fans in a short time.

Warm is mainly for outdoor live broadcasting, that is, going around, eating, and selling cute by the way! Let everyone see!

Zhanyi de Wing: Xiaoxin, wait a minute, you are strolling through the dining car. Is the price on it written wrong?

Warmly stunned, looked back, saw Yang Song's dining car, exclaimed: "What a beautiful dining car! This is the first time I have seen it!"

Zhanyi de Wing: If I am not mistaken, it seems to say that beef skewers are three hundred yuan!

I choose Hanzo: Boss, don't you kidding me, three hundred yuan for a bunch of beef skewers? The idiot will go back and eat! At most thirty!

Toerso: That's what I said, but I seem to have seen it just now. It costs 100 yuan to roast gluten?

With a warm and sweet smile, he walked back and said, "No matter how much it is, let's go and see!"

When Wenxin arrived in front of Yang Song's dining car, Yang Song calmly glanced at her, pointed to the bulletin board and said, "Anything to eat? The menu rules are all on it, please look carefully."

"Grilled gluten is 100 yuan! Beef skewers are 300 yuan, roasted leeks are 88 yuan, and grilled chicken wings are 188 yuan? Fried rice noodles cost 158? Boss, are you robbing? "Warm has been stunned. At this price, even a five-star hotel dare not mark it like this!

Yang Song smiled softly, "Where can the robbery sell barbecue quickly!"

"Indeed, your price is indeed faster than robbery!" He nodded warmly, and then used his usual skills, "Boss, it's the first time I came here, I don't know if it tastes good, maybe it's cheaper!"

Generally, if you use such a trick, most of the bosses will be attracted by beauty, with more or less discounts, and even free food!

But a pity! The person you met is Yang Song! I saw him say coldly: "The price is here, no price, eat it?"

The previously unsuccessful moves seemed to be of no use at all at this time. Is Yang Song a wooden person? Not only was it warm and dumbfounded, all the people in the barrage were blown up!

"Hahaha! This boss is handsome! I like it!"

"He wouldn't be gay? He was not moved by Xiaoxin!"

"Xiaoxin, order a bunch! Let him know that you have money!"

Seeing this barrage, Warm seemed to be **** off, and the little **** sat directly on the chair outside and shouted: "Give me all the barbecue above! And fried rice noodles!"

"Okay! Wait a minute!" Yang Song nodded, but soon he pointed to the bulletin board again and explained again: "People who don't pay or waste food will be blacklisted for life and will never be accepted!"

Warm and angry generally ignore Yang Song, and leave a sentence: "Isn't it just a bowl of fried rice noodles and four skewers? My big stomach Wang Xiaoxin has not been afraid!"

Now that everyone said that, Yang Song didn't care anymore, and soon put the fried rice noodles and skewers in the mouth of the meal!

"Please pick up your own food!" Yang Song dropped these words and started playing with his mobile phone.

I was disturbed by this girl, the people in the prestige group had not notified yet, after sending a message, the group said!

"It's coming soon!"

Smelling the inviting aroma, she couldn't help swallowing a few mouthfuls of saliva for a long time. For the live broadcast effect, she resisted the saliva and showed all the food to her fans!

"I'll go, these are almost a thousand yuan? It's not worth it!"

"Stir-fried rice noodles look very appetizing, I seem to smell the aroma!"

"This beef skewers seems unusual! It looks better than the island country 5A beef I ate last time!"

"Yes, this snow pattern road is much more beautiful than Wagyu!"

"Xiaoxin, don't talk about it, try it for us!"

"This beef is salivating! Even more attractive than Xiaoxin!"

"The person above is a pervert! The identification is complete!"

It seems that this is the first time I have seen beef like this, and the whole person has a delicious expression.

"Everyone! You're welcome, Xiaoxin! I'll try this fried rice noodle first!"

The warmth in the morning was attracted by the fried rice noodles. I don't know why, there is a light bamboo fragrance inside.

With a sip, Xiaoxin had forgotten that she was still broadcasting, and her face immediately showed a happy expression.

"Fuck! This is really a happy expression! Is this boss called Liu Angxing?"

"Stop making trouble, you really think of it as an anime!"

"But look at Xiaoxin's expression, the instant noodles in my hand suddenly no longer fragrant!"

"I have lost the cookies in my hand!"

After eating a few mouthfuls, it was warm to remember that I seemed to be still live streaming, with a trace of embarrassment on his face, and he quickly apologized.

"Sorry! Little cute, this fried rice noodle is so delicious, Xiaoxin suddenly forgets about it!"

Zheyi de Wing: Xiaoxin, hurry up and talk about how about this fried rice noodle, I am a little curious!

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