Super Cookery System

Chapter 72: Practice dishes

Yang Song saw this computer full of science and technology at a glance, and felt it on it. Whether it is speed or other things, it is very smooth and makes Yang Song very comfortable!

"Okay! Just this one! Use it comfortably!" Yang Song nodded, indicating that this one is the only one!

Hearing Yang Song's reasons, Li Mi was a little surprised. Is it comfortable to use? More than 20,000 computers are just comfortable to use? Forget it, the rich people don't bother to think about it!

"Okay! Now that Mr. Yang has chosen, I will get you a new computer now. The purchase price of this one is 19 thousand, so I won't make any money. You give 20,000 yuan and I will make one thousand yuan. That's it! How?"

Only make a thousand yuan? Chen Ming’s friend shouldn’t fool himself. One thousand yuan, such a big facade, and labor costs are so messy. They really don’t make much money, and he is not bad enough for this one thousand yuan. Yang Song nodded. He took out his mobile phone and asked, "Can you transfer money directly over the Internet?"

"No problem, just scan this QR code!" Li Mi said, pointing to a QR code on the counter.

After paying the money, Li Mi also took out a brand new notebook from it, took it apart in front of Yang Song, installed a genuine system, installed some basic software, and then gave it to Yang Song.

"Okay, the computer is over, let's buy a mobile phone!" Chen Ming stood up and drank water. Fortunately, the tea was good.

Yang Song glanced at his counterfeit machine whose screen had been broken, and nodded, "Well, let's go buy a mobile phone! It's about ten o'clock and I'm going home after buying it, and it's time to eat!"

"Eating? That feeling is good!"

As soon as he heard that there was food to eat, Chen Ming was immediately excited! I took Yang Song to the mobile phone store with great interest to buy a mobile phone!

Come to the mobile phone city, all kinds of brands are dazzled! There are messy mobile phones, expensive and cheap! Everything!

"What cell phone do you use?" Yang Song suddenly wondered what cell phone Chen Ming used!

Chen Ming was taken aback, took out his mobile phone, and asked: "Do I use the mobile phone? I used my dad's custom-made one. It is said that the one with the highest network security. I remember the last time the price should be 20. Eighty-one! Do you want it? I'll tell my dad if you want it!"

When he heard this price, Yang Song smacked to himself, my God, is this the cell phone used by billionaires? Two hundred and eighty thousand, a small city can pay a down payment for a house!

"Forget it, I'm worried about something wrong with your mobile phone, so let's buy an ordinary one!" Yang Song shook his head and gave up the idea of ​​looking for advice on Chen Ming's side.

But at this time Chen Ming pointed to a brand and said: "This is a brand I like to use before. It's called a fruit phone. It's pretty good. The latest one is 8,888! It meets your requirements!"

"Then let's go take a look!" Yang Song nodded and walked in with Chen Ming!

"Hello two! Welcome to the fruit store! Do you want to see a mobile phone or a tablet? We also have MP3 sports models. Would you like to see it?"

A young and beautiful girl came over with a smile. Yang Song smiled and said, "Let's buy a mobile phone. What is the latest mobile phone?"

"Please follow me!" The little girl brought two people to the mobile phone area with a smile, pointed to a trial machine and introduced: "This is the latest fruit 11, and its functions are specifically..."

"How much is the price?" Yang Song was too lazy to listen so much, it was getting late, and asked the price directly.

"The price...oh! The price is now nine thousand yuan!" The little girl was choked, but soon returned to normal, and the price was revealed.

Yang Song nodded, took out his old mobile phone, and asked, "Where to pay? I'll get one!"

"Here, please come with me!" The little girl saw Yang Song as soon as she was about to pay, and quickly brought Yang Song to the cashier.

After paying the money, the little girl took a new mobile phone, activated it for Yang Song, installed the phone card, and asked Yang Song what software he wanted, and let him take it away after it was installed.

Yang Song and Chen Ming sat in the car and drove towards home. Yang Song played with the mobile phone. The new mobile phone was good. It was smooth and satisfied in all aspects. He asked casually: "When do you take the driver's license test? Can you handle it with me?"

"It can be any time, but it is estimated that it will take next month. This month, you can take the time to practice driving, because the driver's license exam is only once a month, and this month has just passed!" Chen Ming looked at the road. He gave Yang Song a quick introduction.

"I know!"

After he got home, Yang Song went straight into the kitchen and didn't answer the matter. The latter was a little strange. He hadn't ordered the food, so why did he just cook?

Forget it, Yang Song's craftsmanship doesn't need to worry anyway. Chen Ming sat on the sofa and gnawed at the apple. I'm hungry, let's eat some fruit first!

Hearing the sound of a vegetable shovel hitting the pot from the kitchen, Chen Ming sniffed the aroma of the food, and was a little puzzled. How could this taste seem ordinary! Isn't it like Yang Song's usual taste? It may be a new product, let me taste it! Thinking of Chen Ming here, the whole person started to get excited.

Half an hour later, Chen Ming heard Yang Song shout: "Chen Ming, come here to wash your hands and eat!"

"Come on! Come on!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Ming washed his hands as quickly as possible and sat on the chair to eat! Looking at four dishes and one soup, Chen Ming's saliva is about to run down! So many good dishes! Today Yang Song is really generous!

"Eat quickly! Hurry up when you finish eating!" Yang Song filled a bowl of rice and sat on a chair to start eating!

Chen Ming was taken aback, picked up the bowl, and asked, "What about my meal?"

"In the kitchen, why? Do you want me to serve you?" Yang Song dropped these words unsatisfactorily and continued to eat.

No way, Chen Ming felt that he was always at a disadvantage when facing Yang Song, so he had to stand up obediently and head towards the kitchen to serve a bowl of rice. Sit down, pick up a piece of twice-cooked pork and eat it!

After this bite, Chen Ming's brows wrinkled. This taste does not mean that it is not delicious, but it should not be in line with Yang Song's craftsmanship, that is, the normal restaurant level. It is only slightly higher, delicious, but not delicious. .

"Yang Song..." Chen Ming was silent for a while, but still felt like asking, "The taste of this dish..."

Yang Song didn't think too much when he arrived, and asked directly: "What's wrong? Is it salty or weak?"

"No, it's salty and bland. That's the taste. How can I say it?" Chen Ming suddenly didn't know what to say, saying it was not delicious? The taste is actually pretty good, say delicious? I'm really sorry Yang Song should have the craftsmanship.

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