Super Cookery System

Chapter 85: Don't open a shop

Yang Song suddenly figured it out and opened the door with a confident smile on his face. Now that he figured it out, he didn't need to practice for the last time. He opened the door and came out.

At this time, both Chen Ming and Meng Shihan were worried. Seeing Yang Song walking out with a relaxed smile on his face, Yang Song must have figured it out!

"How's it going? Have you figured it out?" Chen Ming asked after catching up.

Meng Shihan also came over, looked at Yang Song's smiling face, immediately relaxed in his heart, and said to Chen Ming: "Well, since Yang Song can laugh, it means he has no problem."

Although the two of them have known each other not long ago, Meng Shihan also understands a little bit. As long as Yang Song smiles, it means there is no problem.

Thinking of this, Meng Shihan asked: "Do you want to practice the last one? Can we still eat?"

"Forget it, it's not necessary, I'm sure!" Yang Song smiled slightly, as if he had gotten through the two channels of Ren and Du, and walked to the kitchen: "I'll make some good food for you! Longxu noodle in clear soup!"

"it is good!"

Here Yang Song finished the clear soup for the two of them. After they finished eating the dragon-beard noodles, he also ate the skewers. Then he stood up and patted his butt.

"Go, I'm going to open a shop!"

Along the way, both Meng Shihan and Chen Ming were persuading Yang Song to take a good rest and stop opening a shop. It was not bad this time anyway.

Chen Ming never expected that he still had a day to persuade Yang Song not to open a shop. Yang Songbai gave them both eyes, "You are full, and there are still people who are not full! I have to make money! The family is still waiting for money. The house!"

After the dining car was set up, I sent a message to the prestige group as usual, and the group exploded again, as if every time Yang Song spoke, it would always cause a topic.

"Fuck! The boss doesn't need to take a rest and prepare, what kind of store is open now!"

"That's right! We don't miss this day!"

"Hurry back and rest!"

A group of people were chattering. Yang Song didn't watch it at all. Instead, he sat quietly in the dining car and waited for the customers to come. Now it's more than four o'clock, and three hours later it will be just over seven o'clock. It won't be a problem to rush there!

Chen Ming and Meng Shihan were sitting next to each other, and they moved two small chairs. Their faces were full of bitterness and hatred. This guy is about to start the game because of this, and he can still open a shop and do business slowly.

Ten minutes later, a large group of people all ran over, and when they saw Yang Song, they started shouting.

"Boss, we all said, you don't need to open a shop today!"

"Be prepared! You can't lose!"

"When can't the money be made? Why is it today?"

"Quickly go back and rest, you can't open a shop! Obedient!"

Yang Song shook his head, looked at them calmly, and asked, "What to eat? Old rules!"

As soon as the old rules came out, everyone had no choice but to line up honestly.

"Boss, we are not joking, you really can't..." The first person started to persuade Yang Song painstakingly, but unfortunately he was interrupted by Yang Song before he finished talking!

"What to eat?" Yang Song looked at him and asked lightly.

It was a young man with glasses, stunned, and murmured for a while: "Grilled beef skewers with chicken wings and dragon beard noodles!"

"No problem!" Yang Song nodded lightly, "Next!"

"Boss! We didn't joking with you, really, you want to listen to us..." This is a girl, Yang Song remembers her, and is also a girl who often comes to eat. But still interrupted her.

"Don't talk about it, what to eat? No need to line up if you don't eat!"

The girl had no choice. Originally wanted to turn around and leave handsomely. The boss didn’t understand the style at all, but he smelled the aroma of the skewers, swallowed, and said without ambition: "I want to fry rice noodles and roast leeks. Roasted gluten!"

"It's ready soon, please sit down!"

Everyone who followed was like this, they were all interrupted by Yang Song, and the attractive aroma of the food was released later, making it even more irresistible.

There was no way, so I had to queue up to eat honestly. Alas, if someone else was okay, but Yang Song would not be able to do it. Once I smelled the aroma, there was no way.

In fact, all the people who knew Yang Song came over. Seeing Yang Song like this, they had no choice but to go to the competition venue first. Boss Liu stayed behind. I don’t know where I got a chair and sat Meng Shihan and Chen Ming. By his side, he still knew Chen Ming.

"Brother Liu! Don't you go there and wait first?" Chen Ming saw Boss Liu coming over and asked curiously: "There is more than an hour left here!"

Boss Liu sighed and said, "I was worried that I would be hungry today, so I ate beforehand. Who knows that the boss will open a store today, and I can't eat enough. Knowing that I can smell the aroma first, it's enough!"

Hearing this, Meng Shihan couldn't help but laughed. He saw Boss Liu looking at him and quickly apologized: "Sorry, I didn't mean it, I just don't know that Yang Song's food really has such a charm."

But Boss Liu didn't care at that time. He was kind, he smiled, and said, "Yes! My old Liu has eaten all over the world in this life. Only this kid's food makes me want to stop. It's really strange!"

"It's not just you, but we are all the same? Even the most delicious state banquet, my dad took me to eat, none of them are as delicious as this kid, it's really weird!" Chen Ming sighed, and it seemed that he Yang Song has been stuck in this life.

Today is different. After everyone finished eating, they did not leave. Instead, they gathered around, for fear that this kid was wasting time, unknowingly, the entire dining car has been surrounded by water.

"Huh? What's going on over there? Isn't it the black shop you said? Boss, is it being accused today, so so many people are watching the show?"

A beautiful diner was sitting in front of a barbecue stall eating something, and saw what was happening there from a distance.

And the owner of this barbecue stall changed his expression, and said stammeringly: "Maybe! Beauty, do you want something to eat?"

"Let's do it first! I'll pay, I'll take a look!" The beauty quickly paid the money, and then ran towards the other side with her mobile phone.

"Eh eh eh! Don't go there!"

The boss hurriedly stopped, but unfortunately it was a step too late. The beauty ran over. When she came to eat before, he deliberately discredited Yang Song and said that the store was a black one. Now it is not only him but all the bosses next to him are like this, otherwise Where is the opportunity to do business? As long as it is someone who has eaten there, it is as if they have quit barbecue. If he is not there, he would rather wait for him not to eat barbecue.

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