Super Copy World

Chapter 129: Before the charge

In a remote barracks in Xixia camp. A figure was lazily eating in bed.

"Queen! People from Yipintang are here," said a maid who came in from outside.

"Don't I say that I can't wait to see me here?" Said the Queen lazily.

"They say there is something very important." The maid said.

"Let them come in! I'll see what the **** is going on." The queen continued to lie in bed eating her own food.

I soon entered the barracks.

说 "Say anything?" The queen didn't sit up. Asked lying down.

"The queen just lost a lot on the tower just now," Duan Yanqing said.

"Are there many masters from the other side?" The Queen asked after listening.

"There are not many masters. They only came in three. One resisted the soldiers. One defeated those we guarded on the tower. The other took Guo Fu while we were fighting." Duan Yanqing said.

"Three people !? How is that possible? Then one of them can defeat my sister Tianshan Tongyi and all of you?" The Queen heard what Duan Yanqing said and couldn't believe what she heard in her ears.

"That's it ..." What Duan Yanqing said when Wang Yu jumped onto the high stage. There is also the story of Tianshan Tongxi finally going after Ding Chunqiu.

"He knows my brother Wu Yazi's whereabouts. And you said that my brother was paralyzed by Ding Chunqiu? And he also knew that I was the queen in Xixia?" Said the queen.

"Yes! It feels like he knows everything!" Duan Yanqing said.

"Don't panic! Let the army continue to attack! Come and tell King Liao that we support Xixia to continue the attack." The Queen said.

"Yes!" A Xixia general went to Liaoying.

At this time in the Liao army camp. Yelu Hongji, the king of Liaoning, is lined up.

"Report!" A soldier ran from outside.

"Say!" Yerudhonki said.

"King! On the tower ..." The soldier said something about the tower.

"So the master of martial arts on our side was defeated by the three masters from the Song people." Yelu Hongji said.

"The King is exactly one person. That person was the one who pitted us yesterday. He claimed to be Wang Yu of Nannan Mountain. The other was surrounded by our regiment. But he didn't want to besiege for a long time without hurting him. Another person saved someone Just run, "said the soldier.

"Report! Xixia has a messenger," said another soldier who came in.

"Let him in!" Yerudhonki said.

"Let the messenger come in."

After a while, General Xixia came in.

说 "Say! What's up with your queen Xixia?" Yelu Hongji was not polite to the subject after the messenger came in.

"Our queen asked Ben to tell the king. We Xixia will continue to support the king to attack the Song army." The general said directly.

"Great! Come and let us know! Assemble the soldiers and prepare to attack the city." Yelu Hongji heard the general's words and immediately let people assemble to attack the city.

Yan Yanmen closed the horse general and watched the horse riding back and forth to the closed three horses. There was a feeling of speechlessness.

In fact, when I started watching the three men and three horses to save people, General Ma still felt a cold sweat for Wang Yu. But seeing three people alone can withstand thousands of troops. The other jumped directly into the tower and showed great power. Although the third person just went to save the person and ran. But I have to say that these three are heroic.

"Open the city gate!" General Ma shouted.

The gate opened with General Ma's order. Wang Yu, Qiao Feng, Li Xuan, and Guo Fu rode into the Yanmen Pass on horseback.

"Go and tell Huang Gangzhu, and say her daughter has been rescued." Qiao Feng hired a beggar to help his disciples and said.

"Yes! Elder Qiao rest assured that the disciples will go immediately." The beggars helped the disciples immediately leave the city and went to the place where Huang Rong and Guo Jing ambush.

姑娘 "Girl Guo! You can go to rest now and wait for your parents to come to you ~ ~ I think you have passed through this. There should be no willful things to do!" Wang Yu said.

"Hum!" At this time, Guo Fu was still angry, but she still knew her little emotion. In the past, I heard Wang Yu say that she had an attack.

"I know." After that, she found a place to rest under the guidance of a beggar's disciple.

At this moment the horn sounded outside the gate.

"Xia Liao coalition forces are about to attack the city! Close the gates quickly. Be prepared to defend the city." At this time a messenger called.

"Brother! Xialiao Army is about to attack the city. It's time to go to General Ma and talk about our plan." Wang Yu said.

"OK! Let's go!" Qiao Feng said.

Then Wang Yu, Qiao Feng and Li Xuan went to the city wall to find General Ma and told General Ma Rong Huang Rong's customized battle plan. And Wang Yu's changes after the changes now.

"No! I will not agree to open the gate when the enemy forces attack the city." General Ma flatly refused to.

"General Ma! I believe you also saw the strength of the three of us. To be honest, the three of us rushed out of the city gate and it is estimated that no one can come in." Wang Yu said.

"No, no, no. I can't take risks. Here is a very important barrier for my Song Dynasty. If it is lost here. I lose my head and do nothing. But behind me is the endless civilian population of Song Dynasty."

"Xian brother! General Ma is right. From the general's standpoint, this is understandable. Let's find another way!" Qiao Feng said.

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