Super Copy World

Chapter 230: Arrow of must

Wang Yu returned to his home in the city after everyone had dispersed. He opened the lord management system panel.

I find that my village is a Level 3 village on the panel. Now the name of the so-called city is that there are too many people and everyone calls it that. In fact, nothing has changed.

When the level is increased to 3, the road is wider and the house is bigger.

"The principal can be here? See Mulan!" Hua Mulan asked outside Wang Yu's house.

"Come in!" Wang Yu said.

Wang Yu saw Hua Mulan enter the room.

"Say! What's the matter?" Wang Yu wondered why Hua Mulan came to him at this time.

"President! Many people have many words in the day without talking about Mulan. They are here to report something." Hua Mulan said.

昱 Wang Yu heard Hua Mulan's solemn appearance, so she straightened her lazy body.

"Let's go!" Wang Yu made a look of ears.

"Master! There have been several system broadcasts in this world in the past four years. There are many villages upgraded to the town level. Mulan originally wanted to upgrade to the town. As a result, the system reminded me that my authority is not enough and I can only upgrade To level 3 villages. To be promoted to the town level requires the hero to do it himself. "Hua Mulan said.

"Well! You've done a good job. In fact, you have done a lot more than I expected." When Wang Yu gave Taoyuan Village to Hua Mulan for management, he just wanted Hua Mulan to help him manage the village without making a mess. .

Wang Yu never thought that Taoyuan Village could one day develop into a large town of 100,000 people.

Wang Yu then wanted to sign Qin Wang Zhengzheng, so he didn't plan to develop Taoyuan Village at all.

"I will start upgrading now." Wang Yu said and started clicking the upgrade button.

"Ding! Congratulations to Taoyuan Village for upgrading to Taoyuan Town. Congratulations to the Adventist Territory for upgrading to a town. Reward 10,000 gold coins. Get 1000 points."

"Upgrade again!"

"Ding! Congratulations to Taoyuan Town for upgrading to a second-level town. Congratulations to the Adventist Territory for upgrading to a second-level town. Reward 20,000 coins. Earn 2000 points."

"Can upgrade! Upgrade again!"

叮 "Ding! Congratulations to Taoyuan Town for upgrading to a third-level town. Congratulations to the adventist territory for upgrading to a third-level town. Reward 50,000 coins. Get 5000 points."

让 "Let me see what it takes to upgrade to a small town." After Yu Yu upgraded his territory to a third-tier town, he began to check the upgrade conditions for upgrading to a first-tier town.

The upgrade conditions required for a third-tier town to upgrade a first-tier city are:

(1) There is an unparalleled military commander in the territory.

22) The territory has a population of 100,000 people and a public opinion of 60.

Thirty-three territories have Infinite Spirits or Infinite Spirits.

"What is this unparalleled spirit beast or a fierce beast soul? But there is no beast soul, but there are piles of beast bones." Wang Yu thought of the unparallel fierce beast that struck and died from the sky.

昱 The pile of bones at that time Wang Yu thought that after all, it might be useful in the future without the two-level animal bones, so he put it away. Wang Yu did not look closely at the pile of animal bones.

However, the upgrade condition now has the condition of no two-level beast soul. There was no such thing as a beast soul among the things that Hantan had taken away.

The only possibility is that the beast soul of Hantan 蛟 may be attached to this pile of bones.

Wang Yu immediately took Hua Mulan to his yard. When Wang Yu walked to the yard, he found that his family seemed to have grown a lot.

"Can this area upgrade bring housing also?" Wang Yu was a little confused.

It used to be just a little feeling. At this time, he was promoted to the third level and found that the change was a lot.

"Master!" When Wang Yu came to the yard. Someone called Wang Yu.

Wang Yu turned out to be Tong Yuan, Wang Yan, Xiang Yu, Zhao Yun, and Fan Zeng. There are also people who don't know.

"President! Your house has become a guard house." Wang Yan said.

"Well! I just upgraded to the third level just now! Now my territory is already a third-level town. It is normal to become a town guard." Wang Yu explained.

"No wonder I was grateful for the roof growing up when I was lying in bed. It turned out that the house has also been upgraded." Tong Yuan said at this time.

"Everyone is here. Xiang Yu! I said before waiting for you to upgrade to Wushuang, I will have a surprise for you. Come! This is for you!" Li took it out and handed it to Xiang Yu. He also threw a book at him.

Xiang Yu took a look at the equipment. Found that all are unparalleled equipment. And the book is actually the legendary Wushuang Ranwu.

"That book you can enlighten with the predecessor Tong. This predecessor's book is really unparalleled dance." Wang Yu said.

"Really ... relentless flurry !?" Tong Yuan was a little lost.

He should know that compared with Wang Ye's martial arts, his force is higher than Wang Ye's. However, in the last match, they were tied because of the unparalleled flamboyant dance. And if Wang Yu stopped them, maybe he would lose.

Because Tong Yuan was already at the end of the crossbow at that time, Wang Yuan still had more power, so Tong Yuan actually lost at that time.

I now hear Wang Yu say that the book that was thrown to Xiang Yu like garbage is really unparalleled. Tong Yuan was suddenly lost.

"Zhen Wushuang Ranwu !?" It is not Wang Ye nor Xiang Yu who said this sentence, but a middle-aged person.

I saw that his body was also shapely, and seemed to be similar to that of Tong Yuan and Wang Yuan. Wearing a longbow, there was a young girl next to her.

"Dare to ask who this strong man is?" Wang Yu asked.

"Oh! Lord Mayor forgive me! Below is the word Huang Zhong Han Sheng. This is the little girl Huang Wudie ~ ~ introduced.

"Huang Hansheng? Your Excellency may wear Yang in hundreds of steps in a long bow? Two birds with one stone?" Wang Yu asked.

Actually Wang Yu already knows who this is. Also know this person's ability. But that was just the legendary Huang Zhong. How about Huang Zhong himself?

"Those are just small Dolls. I can shoot and kill enemy generals in all armies. As long as the opponent shows up, one of my arrows will hit." Huang Zhong despised the skills Wang Yu said. Then I talked about my ability.

"The arrow that must be hit? Dare to ask your Excellency, but Disciple Li Guang?" Tong Yuan asked at this moment.

"Who is your Excellency? How do you know the teacher?" Huang Zhong asked.

"My Nai Tong Yuan is also no wonder! Your Excellency is so confident. The arrow that must be taken in the army is like taking the head of a sacrifice! I want to go to Jin Dynasty with General Li Guang when I was young. Several people killed the general of the Sima dynasty. That made those generals only dare to wear soldiers' clothes. "Tong Yuan said with emotion.

"It turned out to be the gun **** Tong Yuan. My ability is only one or two of the master. Only your age seems ..." Huang Zhong looked at Tong Yuan with some hesitation.

"Hahaha ... This is just a strange encounter with Tong." Tong Yuan laughed after hearing Huang Zhong's words.

"Let me introduce you! This is the former general of the Qin Dynasty, Wang Ye. What? How does it feel that his age does not match?" Tong Yuan introduced Wang Ye.

"Wang Wang?"

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