Super Copy World

Chapter 257: Late night conversation

Late at night! Almost everyone is asleep, and perhaps only a few are special.

For example, the man sitting on a branch with his back against a big tree now is wearing black clothes and a cat mask on his face. At this moment, he is staring closely at the movement of the Bo Feng family.

"Ah!" Naruto rose up to sleep and went to the bathroom.

"Can you not get up every time like this! You can wake me up every time." Wang Yu opened his eyes and said.

"Ah !? Did you wake you up again?" Naruto scratched his head embarrassed.

"Okay! Go! I'll also go later! I have to go to the toilet with you every night. Are you kidney deficient? But why don't you go to sleep alone? Why sleep with me?" Wang Yu said wryly.

"Isn't it just that I have only one of you! Haha!" Naruto smiled awkwardly.

"Cut! I don't know you yet, you must be afraid of the dark!" Wang Yu directly exposed Naruto.

"I'm going to the toilet!" Naruto ran to the toilet without answering Wang Yu.

Naruto soon returned, and then Wang Yu went to the toilet, and then Wang Yu returned.

Everything is the same as usual.

So the observers are not paying attention.


In the hometown of the Uchiha family, Wang Yuyan was asleep, and then she felt a little strange in her sleep, so she opened her eyes.

"Yuyan! You are awake! Speak quietly!"

"Brother! Why did you come to my house? And in your pajamas?" Wang Yuyan murmured as he looked at the person in front of him stupidly.

"Today I thought about it or came to talk to you at night, I'm afraid you don't understand what information I passed!" Wang Yu said.

"Your intelligence has been cracked by Brother Yang!" Wang Yuyan said.

"He now inherits the Nara family's high intelligence quotient gene. In addition, he was already clever enough to crack it."

Just like Wang Yu himself, he inherited the genes of the Wave Wind Gate and made him particularly sensitive to some jutsu.

For example, although there is a part of the inheritance of the flying **** of thunder, it is not ruled out that the physique of the wave wind family is particularly sensitive to space, making Wang Yu learn this space ninjutsu in a short time.

"We must speak quietly, be careful of the ears by the wall!" Wang Yu said.

"Well! What important thing do you want to say when you come to me so late at night?" Wang Yuyan asked puzzled.

"You must remember what I tell you now! Because I haven't been in touch with you for a long time!" Wang Yu said with a look of caution.

Seeing this, Wang Yuyan immediately sat up straight.

"I see! By the way! How did you get into my house?" Wang Yuyan was still wondering how Wang Yu got into his house, and it didn't seem to alarm anyone.

"I'm using the technique of the flying **** of thunder. This is a space ninjutsu. Remember I shot you yesterday?" Wang Yu sat down and prepared to have a long talk with Wang Yuyan.

"Remember! What's wrong?" Wang Yuyan asked.

"When I patted you, I left the operation of the flying **** of thunder on your clothes." Wang Yu said.

"Feilei Shenshu seems to be very powerful! Or space ninjutsu! Can I learn this ninjutsu?" Wang Yuyan asked.

"Can learn is able to learn! But wait until later! Not now!" Wang Yu said.

"Why?" Wang Yuyan asked doubtfully.

"Because my current identity is sensitive! Your current identity is also very sensitive! The biological father of my body is the fourth-generation Naruto of the Konoha Ninja Village." Wang Yu said he paused here.

"Wow! The fourth generation of Naruto!" Wang Yuyan almost exclaimed.

"Huh! The fourth generation of Naruto fell in the battle with Nine Tail. He sealed Nine Tail in me and Naruto's body." Wang Yu said.

"Is that your brother Naruto Naruto?" Wang Yuyan asked.

"Yes! My body is sealed with a yin chakra, and Naruto ’s body is a yang chakra. Our two brothers said that white is human pillar force, a humanoid nuclear weapon of wood leaves. You know nuclear Right! "Wang Yu said about the seal.

"Well! That's the kind of destructive power!" Wang Yuyan nodded and said that she understood what nuclear weapons are.

"And the family you're in now is planning a rebellion! They want to seek a higher position. And your family has a double-sided spy who has reported this to the top of Koba. Now everyone in your family is in Under surveillance. "Wang Yu said.

"Ah !?" Wang Yuyan exclaimed.

In this way Wang Yu saw that the lights in the other rooms were on.

"Oops! Your family was awakened! I'm leaving! You have to deal with it first, and I'll come to you in half an hour. Solution!"

"This is it?" Wang Yuyan thought puzzled after seeing Wang Yu become a ball of smoke.

Wang Yuyan hasn't seen this before. Her family has never used ninjutsu at home.

"Yuyan! Is everything okay?" A voice came from outside.

"It's okay! I just had a nightmare!" Wang Yuyan said.

"Can I come in easily?"

"Itachi! How is your sister?"

"Father, I just arrived at ~ ~ and haven't entered yet."


"Sasuke are you here too?"

If Wang Yu is here, he will be surprised to find that this is actually the weasel's house, and Wang Yuyan and Uchiha Itachi are also brothers and sisters.

"Come in!" Wang Yuyan originally wanted them to go back, but think about the family members are worried about her, so let them in.

Hearing Wang Yuyan's voice, everyone went into Wang Yuyan's room.

"Father! Mother! Brother! Second brother! Why are you all here?" Wang Yuyan was surprised to find that her family were all here.

"We heard your exclamation! So come and see!" Said Uchiha Tomiaki.

"Yeah, Yu Yan, are you okay?" Uchiha Mikoto said.

"No ... nothing! It was just a nightmare!" Wang Yuyan said dimly.

"Well! It's okay! Then you sleep for a while! We will go back to sleep too!" Said Uchiha Tomiaki.

"Huh!" Wang Yuyan pulled up the quilt and lay down.

Just then, Yu Zhibo Itachi, who was about to go out, saw Wang Yuyan's clothes, and her eyes widened.

Then Yu Zhibo Itachi stopped and walked to Wang Yuyan to help Wang Yuyan pull the quilt. His other hand touched Wang Yuyan's clothes.

"Sister go to bed early! Tomorrow brother I will teach you and Sasuke's own shuriken throwing method!" Uchiha Itachi said.

"Huh!" Wang Yuyan didn't notice that her clothes had become clean.

"Brother! You are partial! I want you to cover me!" Sasuke said.

"Okay! Good! I help you cover it!" Uchiha Itachi petted Sasuke's head pettingly.

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