Super Copy World

Chapter 259: Daily life of friends

Just as Wang Yu ushered in a new day, other friends who came to this world also started a new day.

Yang Guo, Zhang Wuji, Mitutoyo, and Wang Yuyan all started school life in Muye Ninja Village.


Kingdom of Thunder, Qiao Feng began to learn Thunder Shield Ninjutsu.

Qiao Feng was born in Lei Zhiguo. Qiao Feng looked a little speechless at the children.

"I didn't expect that Qiao Feng would start with a baby one day. The most speechless thing is that it can't be exchanged like the legend." Qiao Feng tried to exchange his skills in martial arts and the copy of the legend.

I did not expect the system to tell him that he could not redeem it. Ok! If you ca n’t redeem it, you ca n’t redeem it.

However, he still had to go to a ninja school. He Qiao Feng was really the first time that the crops had entered the Imperial City.

"I am now talking about the heroic deeds of our current Master Lei Ying ..." Teacher Yun Rencun was there and said a lot.

Anyway, during this time, the teacher preached the current Lei Ying from the first generation Lei Ying.

Looking at the fanatical look of the teacher, Qiao Feng felt that this teacher must be a loyal fan of Lei Ying now.

However, after hearing about Lei Ying's fighting style, Qiao Feng felt instantly energetic.

Four Generations of Thunder Shadow: Named A

The speed is quite fast, and the speed is comparable to the golden glitter of the leaves (four generations of Naruto). Even with Chakra, you can avoid the skylight. Not only that, he can also use Lei Chakra to activate the body and further speed up The body responds and strength is strengthened.


Thunderbolt Heavy Storm-Focus Thunderbolt Chakra on the elbow and hit the enemy.

Lei Lei Lei Bo bombs-lift the enemy, slammed the heavyweight on the ground, cooperate with Lei Lei to blast the enemy, the destructive power is quite amazing.

Lei Yue · Thunder abuse level-the skill of hitting Lei Yue in your hand and attacking the enemy with a knife.

Thunderbolt Yilei's Fury Thunder Axe-Hit Thunderbolt on his feet and kick the enemy from top to bottom.

Thunderbird · Niu Niu-Combined with Gillabi's Thunderbolt Hot Knife to kill the ghost.

These moves Qiao Feng felt very **** when he heard it, he suddenly felt that maybe learning some jutsu was also good.


Country of Water, Wuyin Village.

"These people are Yinbi, big Yinbi, old Yinbi!" Bai Xiaosheng said resentfully.

He had just been stopped and cut off, and when the water slowly came together, he recovered again.

"It's also the secret ninja of the ghost lantern family, otherwise I will be cold." Bai Xiaosheng is now a ghost lantern Xiaosheng.

Compared to others, his luck is really not that bad. Arrive at Wuying Village of this period.

Wuyin Village during this period was governed by the fourth generation of Miyage Yakura, and was called by the people in Wuyin Village.

Four generations of Mizuki and Yakura:

Born to be "baby-faced", the second three-tailed person was a columnist.

One of the only five people in Ninja history who can perfectly control the power of the tail beast (the other four are Uchihabana, Thousand Hands, Kirabi, Uzumaki Naruto). Because of their outstanding abilities, they became young at young Water shadow.

During the period of government, he was controlled by the magic of Uchiha's soil for a long time. Therefore, Wuyin Village was isolated from the outside world for a long time. The environment is very terrible.

"Forget it! After the end of this place, go to Zhao Meiming sisters. They are the best in the whole village!" Bai Xiaosheng thought helplessly.

Then the killing continued.

Wuying Village's student ninjas in this period all had to kill each other before they could graduate.

Although Bai Xiaosheng has not yet graduated, he has already embarked on the road of killing.

Zhao Meiming: The fifth generation of water shadow.

Powerful and swift, able to use his own chakra in waterless places to make a powerful leech enough to suppress Uchiha's "lost fire".

He has the Blood Relay Boundary "Solution" and "Boiling", and is the only ninja who has two Blood Relay Limits.


Also in a corner of Snow Country.

"Ice Shield !?"

Little Dragon Girl is listening to an old man giving a ninjutsu class.

"Children, we snow races are all ice shield blood succession boundaries, as long as Chakra is enough to use powerful ice shield ninjutsu."


The little dragon girl nodded and said she knew.

Ice Shield Blood Inheritance Boundary: The ability to manipulate water and wind at the same time and synthesize them into ice.


Country of Wind, Sandy Village.

"Look at that dark-eyed child over there. It's cruel. It is said that our teacher was killed by him."

"Shh! Don't talk, he came over, be careful he killed you."

Grandma Sun watched these people point and point at the dark-eyed boy, and she couldn't stand it.

So before the dark circles didn't kill, Grandma Sun kicked the children. The dark circles were a bit confused, and he didn't expect someone to help himself to teach those people.

"I will be your elder sister in the future! You can call me elder sister or my mother-in-law!" Grandma Sun patted her shoulders with dark circles.

"Mother-in-law? Sister?"

"My name is Mother-in-law Chiyoshi, I am learning ninja!" Grandma Sun said.

"You don't think she's afraid of the dark circles, and she's fine with him!"

"Yeah! That's weird!"

"Huh!" The dark circles turned and left, but there seemed to be a little warmth in the dark circles.

"Is this kid the pride of Wang Yu?" Grandma Sun thought in wonder.


Country of soil, Yan Ren Village.

"You're a wretched old man, how many times have I said it, I don't want to learn the dust shield from you." Long Xiaokui was a little annoyed by the old man.

The old man has been annoying her ever since she detected the three attributes of fire, earth and wind ~ ~ what to say to her to shield her.

What the Dust Shield has never heard.

"Xiaokui! Let me tell you! You don't know how powerful the old man is."

"Hearing the name of your ninjutsu, it's very tasteless!" Long Xiaokui said.

"What !? You actually said that my ninjutsu is bad! Come with me to show you the power of Dust Shield."

Long Xiaokui's hand was caught and immediately flew up.


A few minutes later, Long Xiaokui was stunned by the scene in front of her. I saw a huge pothole in front of her.

"This ... this is the dust shield?" Long Xiaokui asked in shock.

"Yes! How's it going? Okay!" Said little old man Onoki proudly.

Dust? The original stripping technique

Developed by the second-generation eye shadow, the three chakra attributes of wind, fire, and earth are merged into dust, forming a deformable translucent nodule in the hand and launched to the opponent, which can separate the opponent into an atomic state and fly out. Can produce large-scale explosions. The caster can change the shape of the enchantment according to his preference.

Dust Bound Stripping

This is an upgraded version of the Dust Aboriginal Surgery. It not only expands its scope and enhances its power, but also has continuity. Any object that is close to the Boundary Surgery will be turned into an atomic state. It has wiped out twenty-five of Uchiha's spots in one hit. Suzuno who is an avatar of the clogs.

Onoki: The third generation of the shadow of the country of the earth, the village of Iwamura, the first generation of the shadow and the second generation of the shadow of the disciple disciple, very powerful, enjoy the title of "two scales of the Nonogi", proficient in soil ninja, can use Blood Ji, who was above the blood Ji's limit, eliminated "Dust". He is also one of the rare flying ninjas in the five major countries.

"Teacher, I think I should learn from you!" (Zhenxiang)

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