
the Qin family guest roared, and the

long knife in his hand slashed over without hesitation.

For a moment, the swords and swords flew up! The

charging cavalry was wounded one after another,

and some were even sent flying.

But, unfortunately, the chains between the hundred horses slammed into these doormen.

The doormen retreated after the impact.

"Break the horse's legs!" another

master shouted, and then saw the spear stab.

The doorman was thrust in the cross.

The blood was flowing at this moment, and in a few moments, the master was dead.

At the same time, the royal magnates in the rear waved again.

The earth-shattering thunder in everyone's hands was thrown away one after another!

Those seriously injured and poisoned doormen were opponents, and most of them died in a short time.

"You will definitely not have a good end, if you offend the Qin family, you will all have to die, and the people of your county will die without a corpse. The

Qin family guest said viciously, and then as soon as his words fell, he would directly take away the latter's life with a single bullet.

"Another wave of arrows! The living ones were pulled to Lao Zheng, so that he could be tortured, and the dead ones were directly pulled over, chopped into gravel pieces, buried in the rear, and added nutrients to those fruit forests. "


As the king's words fell, everyone hurried into action.

"Is it solved?"

Just as Zheng Ruhua was waiting for this, Zheng Ruhua also ran over.

"I've solved it here

, how are you there?" "It's just a dozen people in the rivers and lakes, how can they be safe and sound if they have entered my gossip array

?" "Then did you leave a living mouth to interrogate anything?"

Wang Dignate hurriedly said.

was attacked by the Qin family's doormen twice in a row, and everyone felt angry when they put it on it.

"Naturally, I have interrogated, Qin Wuliang of the Qin family was killed by the adults of our family, and these people came here to find trouble!"

"I was killed by the adults, did you ask what the reason was?"

Wang Quangui said again.

"I don't know!"

"Maybe the doorman is not level enough, so he didn't ask anything.

"Eh, let's go back and find a way to go to Xuanzhou to see if we can get in touch with adults." The

king shook his head and said.

"Well, that's all there is to it.

Zheng Ruhua nodded, but didn't say much.


"I didn't expect... I didn't expect Master Li to have such an artifact! Taking the enemy's head from a thousand kilometers away is like probing for a bag, and even a martial arts master is difficult to resist!"

Hearing this, Li Tian smiled softly.

"Dong Gongzi, you don't think you want to get something from me!" "

Of course not, I'm just a little curious, what the hell

is this thing!"

"This is called Barrett Heavy Sniper! As for how it came about, I have already told your shopkeeper, and I don't know, this is just an opportunity of my chance, and you can understand it as a fairy thing."

"If you don't believe it, you can take it and let others dismantle it and study it well, if you can study it, of course I won't say anything!" Dongfeng

Xuan smiled, his face showed a hint of embarrassment, this thing he had indeed let the best blacksmith master in Juxian Pavilion inspect it.

It's a pity that none of them has the ability to disassemble and imitate this thing, and they also say that this thing, although it is also made of iron, they have never seen it before.

You must know that the blacksmith master of their Juxian Pavilion is the most powerful in the Great Chu Dynasty and even several surrounding countries, and the Heavenly Xuantian Iron Sword created from his hand has already exceeded ten fingers.

And even the wooden ox and the horse he has created.

But he was helpless against the Barrett heavy sniper in front of him.

"It's not a problem to have this thing killing anyone!" "

That being said, but you still need something else to use this thing!"

"What do you need

?" "Bullets!"


"Okay, I've already told you what you want to know, there's no need to get to the bottom of it, I want to ask you what kind of situation is going on outside?"

Li Tian shook his head and put down his wine glass.

"What else can be the situation outside? After the little Xuan King was killed by you, the Xuan Du King was furious, and he had already ordered the army to start a large-scale search inside the city!"

"Now, the outside is not an ordinary trouble. "

They even have a bounty list, whoever can kill you can get 100,000, two silver, and in addition, you can become an official of the imperial court, and our Juxian Pavilion has been searched

!" "What about the promise, can you still fulfill the promise you told me before?"

"Of course

!" "I Juxian Pavilion speaks, a spit and a nail!"

It is by virtue of integrity that Juxian Pavilion will stand for hundreds of years.

"In that case, then I'm relieved!" Li

Tian grinned, and then took something out of his pocket.

"I want you to provide me with 3,000 horses

!" "Three thousand!"

Dongfeng Xuan raised his eyebrows, a little puzzled.

"Why do you want so many horses? I'm afraid these horses are comparable to the population of your Lingshui County, even if I can find a way to get you over

, can you afford to raise them?" "You don't need to worry about this, I'll just ask you if you can do it, right?"

"Three thousand war horses are naturally not a problem for my Juxian Pavilion, but you are too far away from my Juxian Pavilion headquarters!"

"If I help you transport it back, outsiders will definitely find out the relationship between

you and my Juxian Pavilion, and once the King of Xuandu traces it down, it will be difficult to do!" "Then you don't have to worry, don't you have branches all over the Juxian Pavilion, let them find a way to come to my Linshui County to do business!"

There is a unique food in my Linshui County, called preserved eggs, which is absolutely rare in the world, and the unique salted duck eggs developed are also a must

!" "When the time comes, you ask them to find a

way to bring the horses to me, and at the same time do business, and stuff the horses to me by the way!" "I want to do more than 20 trips back and forth to transport 3,000 horses in batches, it shouldn't be a big problem!"

Okay, I'll discuss this with my father when I go back

!" "Now I'll find a way to send you out of the city

!" "Okay, do I need to dress up?"

"It's not necessary, under my Juxian Pavilion, there is a tunnel here, which is made by my Juxian Pavilion and made by manual craftsmen!"

You just need to close your eyes, put on a black belt, and someone will take you over!"


Li Tian couldn't help but widen his eyes, he didn't expect Juxian Pavilion to have such a big hand.

From here to Xuandong City, how long the tunnel has to be dug up, and the labor consumed is not a little bit.

"It's worthy of Juxian Pavilion! Since there is an authenticity, then I have to take this Barrett heavy sniper with me.

"This is nature, it is the stuff of Lord Li, we gather in the Xian Pavilion, how dare we be greedy!".

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