Super Craftsman

Chapter 567: Continued

The next operation is even more ferocious. A group of singing artists and dance artists who are not likely to appear in ordinary performances have appeared. These people are usually not present at the scene of a certain condolence or appearing on the CCTV stage. The business activities simply do not move, so only FAW can have such resources, in order to invite them to perform in such occasions.

After an exciting superstar performance, Mr. Zhang, as a spokesperson for the Red Flag, introduced the situation and invited the two leaders to make a simple speech. The real highlight began.

If the superstars of the previous performances are still Chinese, even if they are famous, then the one who appears again will directly make everyone exclaim.

The world-class superstar, Guo Tailai's good friend, mj, suddenly appeared on the stage.

Guo Tailai actually didn't have any wind, didn't know a little plan, too sudden, too surprised.

The guests were caught off guard by such a big surprise, some younger and even more surprised.

The music is ringing, but it is the tunes and styles that no one has ever heard. It still feels the passion and rhythm of the mj style, but it has some wisdom of Chinese flavor.

It seems that mj has been very happy in China for the past six months, and it is very hard to use, otherwise there will be no music of this taste.

Mj's latest creation of music works with Chinese flavor, double surprise, even some older and older people do not like the kind of style of mj, but the more flavor of the music still let them nod. .

The whole scene was crazy, a new song and an old song "create" last year, detonated the audience, everyone's emotions were provoked to the highest.

Then, the real protagonist appeared, a new red flag of the real car, under the cover of red silk, pushed to the center of the rostrum.

Mr. Zhang introduced the design of this new model, Mr. T, how to carefully study, how to carefully design, how to inherit the traditional style of the red flag, how to exhaustively, one of the best.

Guo Tailai sat down and listened to blushing, and Zhao Wei, next to him, couldn’t help but laugh.

Then naturally, the new car appeared, the traditional red flag typical of the old school, coupled with the well-tuned engine of Guo Tailai studio and the Chinese interior style specially selected by Zhang Zong and others, once again detonated the audience.

All the guests present at the scene witnessed the vertical coin above the hood after the car started, and stood up and cheered.

This big red flag l5, the powertrain is many times better than the original version.

The new car is named the new era of the Red Flag. Although it is similar to the name of the Buick New Century, it is just similar. Who cares?

On the contrary, the name gives people a new beginning in the 21st century, which is won by some high-level people.

Retro look, beautiful lines, exquisite craftsmanship, luxurious interiors, plus the dazzling new features introduced by Mr. Zhang and a series of test items that make people scalp numb and videos during the test. Everyone has no doubt that this is a new luxury model with high security and a natural aristocratic charm and a fine historical tradition.

From the moment when the car appeared in front of everyone, FAW Dahongqi began to accept global reservations in the new era. Interested customers can directly contact the service personnel present to further consult or place an order.

As for the price of the model, um, usually, the customers who order are the ones who do not need to ask the price. If you want to ask the price, basically you need to queue up to a few years later.

During the warm applause of all the guests, this time the new car conference was successfully concluded.

Although everyone did not see the legendary Mr. T, a little regret, but the first to see the new car designed by Mr. T, is worthwhile.

I am already in a hurry to find the customer service on the spot to consult the order.

At the same time as the new car is available, the Internet has also begun to release photos and soft texts of new cars.

The entire release will be recorded by the whole process and broadcast live worldwide.

At this point in time, just to be able to take care of European customers, there is no way in the Americas, unless there are really big red flag enthusiasts will stay up late to watch the conference.

The next live video will be edited by a clever editor and a show will be shown on the TV.

The leaders and guests present at the on-site meeting today will receive a lot of attention and win-win with the emergence of the new model of Dahongqi.

Although there are mj and Philippine sisters in an acquaintance, Guo Tailai still did not jump out and directly contact them.

With the reputation of MJ and Tian Fei, the people who stared at him at the scene didn't know how many, they showed a little intimacy and others could think of Guo Tailai's identity, so Guo Tailai just sent two text messages to the two, about not far from them. Meeting at the VIP Building of Beijing Capital Hotel on Chang'an Avenue.

I haven't seen it for half a year, and Mj's good looks make people feel incredible.

There is no such thing as depression and optimism in the world’s media, and there are no bodyguards around me. When I was in the United States, I was afraid of being kidnapped for a while. It was a different person. general.

It is this state that you can see how cool he stayed in China during this time.

"g, I haven't seen you for a long time!"

Upon meeting, mj gave Guo Tai a huge hug: "I love the culture and food of your Chinese, thank you, g! Thank you for recommending me to China to recuperate. I use your words now, you can call it... 'Take out of the bones.'"

"It seems that you have had a good time."

Guo Tailai also patted Mj's back in reverse, and responded very happily, then took the initiative to introduce him to his sister: "This is my girlfriend, Christina!"

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Christina!"

Mj greeted me very politely.

Guo Tailai explained that he used my girlfriend, and when he introduced Chu Fei, it was my girl, obviously there is a difference.

Mj is sometimes simple, but he is not stupid.

Relatively speaking, Tian Fei is still so enthusiastic when he sees Guo Tailai, but when he greets Zhao Wei, he is not so eager.

Tian Fei is a friend of Chu Fei. She knows the relationship between Guo Tailai and Chu Fei. She also knows the existence of Zhao Wei. When she faces Zhao Wei, she still has no way to completely relieve her feelings and cannot be as natural as mj.

"Michael, Fei Jie, what price did Zhang give you, so that you can sing at the press conference?"

Everyone sat down, Guo Tailai asked curiously: "You are not worth the price now!"

“A very satisfying price, plus a red flag top match, can be chosen by us in the prosperous or new era.”

Tian Fei smiled and replied: "Of course, money is not a small thing, mainly because this car is designed by you."

"me too."

Mj also smiled: "This is your work! g! I will definitely support it."

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