Super Craftsman

Chapter 597: New Year gift (below)

With the excitement of the on-site commentator, everyone on the court looked at the big screen of the stadium.

Usually the big screen is used to display scores or play back wonderful goals. At this time, it has been quickly switched to video.

The picture shows the lens of the first box.

His Royal Highness Prince Charles is laughing and greeting the camera, and next to His Royal Highness Prince Charles is a tall young man, a Chinese who has never seen before.

This box is not without the Chinese people. Longfei has been there many times. The commentators know that Longfei is the manager of the engine studio of the boss. It is too normal for the Chinese people to appear.

However, this time it is different.

Although Mr. t did not appear in public in a big way, just half a month ago, on the first Geneva watch award, there were shots and photos of Mr. T.

That was the first time Mr. T appeared in front of the camera as a formal identity. Although it was only a short shot of less than two minutes and some photos with little clarity, it was indeed Mr. T’s true content.

And the presence of Prince Charles next to him is not exactly what the white lilies have been regretting. Haven’t you been to Mr. T’s live watching the game in Bailu Lane?

The new boss who brought the hope and glory of Tottenham Hotspur! Tens of thousands of people on the scene, after the horror, directly issued a loud scream, loud voice, the excitement of the expression on the face of the fans, comparable to the Tottenham team has scored four goals at the scene.

From the beginning of the cheers, gradually turned into a mountain tsunami, the endless cheers have not stopped.

Not only is the stadium shouting, the surrounding bars, the fans’ homes everywhere, all bursts of cheers, the fans are all heartfelt and welcome to see them in the half season. boss"! Just cheering is not counted, those excited Tottenham fans, actually played in the stands spontaneously wave, the cheers accompanied by the ups and downs of the waves turned into a circle, and then became a uniform cheer.

Then, a more surprising scene appeared.

I don't know which group of fans led the audience. The fans stood up and sang the song of the Tottenham team "glory glory tottenham hotspur". All the white lilies in white jerseys rushed in the direction of the first box. Hold your hands up high and welcome their "boss" to the scene.

Mr. Moyes, the coach who is arranging tactics in the locker room of the home team, and the players, suddenly heard the huge cheers from outside and the next uniform team singing, all of them are inexplicable, what is going on?

Usually this should not happen when they want to start playing?

How come now?

Who sneaked out to accept the fans cheering?

There are no fewer players in the locker room! When I was puzzled, a team member ran in from the outside and ran all the way to the crowd and shouted: "Good news! The boss came to the stadium to watch the ball! Just in the box!"

Upon hearing this news, everyone was suddenly lost.

That's it! No wonder the fans will be so crazy, change them, and they have to cheer.

The boss was the first time to watch the game and the players were excited.

They know that the boss doesn't care about the team. Every game they have played, the boss has almost watched the live broadcast. Every time they make a wonderful move, the boss can say it like a few treasures.

The last time the boss came over to check the body, everyone showed it. Everyone, even a player who had been on the bench for a few minutes, remembered how they had done.

How can such a boss not be worthy of everyone's love?

"Today is the New Year."

Mr. Moyes, the head coach, has already laid out the tactics, but it does not prevent him from saying a few words: "I am very grateful to the boss for her attention. Let me coach the historic Tottenham Hotspur team. This is a great trust.

As you know, the boss has never had any knacks for me in the training and competition of the team. I very much hope that I can reward the boss with the best results.

Perhaps today is an opportunity to give the boss a chance to present a New Year gift.

what do y'all think? ”

"no doubt!"

Captain Campbell took the call.

He is Guo Tailai’s strong request for renewal. Campbell is very grateful: “This is a good time and a good opportunity.”

"So, do we still need to change the tactics?"

Da Luo had long wanted to do something to make Guo Tailai happy. At this moment, he heard the head coach and the captain say so, then there is nothing to say, directly ask the head coach.

"The basic tactics remain the same."

Mr. Moyes smiled and said: "But, on the basis of strengthening the defense, allow you to play with proper freedom.

Blackburn’s performances in these rounds are very modest, just look at yours. ”


The crowd shouted and then walked out of the locker room under the leadership of the head coach.

Seeing the players of the visiting team Blackburn, the people of the Spurs team seem to have a bright light in their eyes. The excitement looks like the members of the Blackburn team are confused. What happened today?

Are you planning to hurry up after the game?

The excited team gave the audience a big surprise at the beginning.

Guess the coin, Campbell guessed, the home team did not want to kick the ball.

Just kicked the ball and only fell three feet. When the football reached the foot of Kaka, Kaka calmly found that Blackburn’s goalkeeper was in the top position. He thought of the coach’s instructions and allowed them to play freely on the basis of strengthening the defense. In the brain, a flash of light flashed, and a super long shot kicked out.

Everyone thought that this was Kaka's mistake. Da Luo and Ronaldinho ran forward desperately, chasing the football that kicked from the center line of his own half to the frontcourt.

But when the football flew over the small restricted area line, the talents realized that Kaka was not a mistake, it was a conscious super lob.

Even if Blackburn's goalkeeper ran back and forth, but he couldn't run the speed of the football flight, the goalkeeper watched the football drooping in front of the goal area and fell into the goal with precision.

Ronaldinho and Ronaldinho, who are chasing insanely, have slowly slowed down and started to cheer.


The on-site commentator elongated the tone of the voice and was covered up by the crazy cheers on the scene.

"Nine seconds and five! Only nine seconds and five!"

The narrator continued to scream: "This is the latest record of goals this season! It is also the latest record of the Premier League goals! Kaka broke the record!"

Kaka looked at the goal in the same place, shouting and flipping a hollow tumble, and regardless of the excitement of the teammates, one person madly ran to the direction of the first box, arrived at the sideline of the stadium and stood out to the box. Hand.

"Boss, thank you for saving my football career!"

Kaka’s heart is extremely grateful: “This is a New Year gift for your boss!”

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