Super Craftsman

Chapter 605: Domestic madness (below)

"Does you want to return to the billions of investments?" Zhao Xiangbei hated to rush over the telephone line and took Guo Tailai's neck collar and asked him to teach him that the defeated family did not fall so badly.

"Please, uncle." Guo Tailai had to give Zhao Xiangbei a class: "This is a propaganda film! The propaganda film! It is an advertisement! It is an advertisement! Zhao Shushu, what is the intention of your company to make a commercial? ”

"Who have you seen a commercial film for $400 million?" Zhao Xiangbei was furious, and he was getting fatter and losing money.

"I!" Guo Tailai replied eloquently.

"You!" Zhao Xiangbei suddenly did not know what to say, only to snoring and gasping, after a while calm down, worried and asked: "Is this too risky? ”

"Uncle, in fact, it is not so serious." Guo Tailai and other Zhao Xiangbei calm down, and slowly explained: "First of all, you must know that this is James, his film, the probability of failure is very low, at least No one has failed so far."

This is true. James is a bad name for all kinds of overspending, but the only way to make money is to make the studio owners feel at ease. But this does not guarantee full profit. After all, this time the investment is too big.

"Even if it is a failure, it will not say that there is no return." Guo Tailai explained to Zhao Xiangbei: "There will always be a part of the recycling, and half or even half of it will be recovered. This should be sure."

Zhao Xiangbei listened and nodded. Not asking for money, but going back to half, the possibility of doing it with James's fame and level is still great.

"In addition, each participating car company will also pay a part of the sponsorship fee." Guo Tailai continued: "I designed several models, plus the domestic ones, each of the $10 million to 20 million US dollars sponsorship fee, basic The production cost is almost the same."

"At the end of the calculation, the loss is also at most tens of millions to 100 million dollars." Guo Tailai concluded: "But it has been used to advertise so many cars, and it is still a very influential advertisement. And strict In addition, in addition to the box office, the film also has a variety of peripheral DVD sales, but also income, but the cycle is long. Maybe not to lose money in the end, but completed a large-scale advertising worldwide. Activity, why not?"

According to Guo Tailai’s explanation, Zhao Xiangbei really let go of his heart. Since there is no loss, I have also done a worldwide advertising campaign. The biggest problem is that the collection cycle is a bit long. Of course, it is a good thing. However, although Zhao Xiangbei did not question Guo Tailai's words, he decided to find an expert in the film and television circle to ask if he was the case.

"I consulted the superiors to see if the military vehicles can be seen. If you can, we will also sponsor a $20 million." Zhao Xiangbei himself can't decide whether LAPV can be shot. After all, the test has not been completed yet. In fact, even the Knights of the fifteenth century, he is not in the heart, although it is said to be civilian, but sometimes it is extremely strict on this, always have to apply in advance to get the consent: "You better ask Zhang and Mr. Gao, Look at what they mean."

Guo Tailai must of course contact Gao. However, when he called Gao to explain his meaning, Gao’s reaction was completely different from that of Zhao Xiangbei.

"Fat!" Gao is quite unexpected, but he is also very grateful: "I will not say much if you are grateful. You help us design the car, but also help us find ways to promote it internationally. Your heart, Your uncle, I remember it in my heart. Rest assured, I will go to the higher level for consultation. As long as the superior nods, I will pay as much as possible for the sponsorship fee."

When calling Zhang Zongtong, Zhang Zonghe and Guo Tailai have been old friends for many years, and more importantly, the two red flag cars of FAW are directly sold to the outside. Of course, there is no question of whether or not they can be on the mirror. Zhang is always the most refreshing. The big hand wave is the sponsorship amount of 20 million US dollars, and the FAW red flag of the Tang Dynasty is really not in the eyes of this sponsorship fee.

After a round of calls, Guo Tailai realized that they were willing to pay more sponsorship fees, while Lamborghini and Ferrari only paid $10 million. This is not enough, and Lamborghini and Ferrari cannot be taken cheaper. Anyway, at present, everyone's agreement is only a preliminary agreement of verbal willingness, and when the start of the formation of the crew, the amount will be re-agreed.

Guo Tailai simply thought that he only had to say hello to the three car companies. It was good to decide the car that could be seen, so I didn't think it was such a big thing. After the phone call, Guo Tailai returned to Geneva. Then continue to receive customers. This year's Spring Festival is on February 12th, at least until February 7th, Guo Tailai has to spend the busy time.

However, Guo Tailai still underestimated the domestic response, especially the reaction in the film and television circle.

Zhao Xiangbei was afraid that Guo Tailai had no blood, so after Guo Tailai explained it, he specially found a friend in the film and television circle to ask how the film was returned. Zhao Xiangbei’s friend, certainly not a casually small role, is at least the head of a film company. Listening to Zhao Xiangbei's consultation, I thought that Zhao Xiangbei wanted to invest, and immediately spared no effort to introduce Zhao to the north.

However, at this time, the overall domestic box office has not yet risen, the environment has not developed, and the number of theaters has not been enough. In 2001, the total domestic box office was only 8.9 billion yuan. As for the movies around the DVD, there are few pitiful, almost no, there are two, and the total is not more than one billion.

"If you invest hundreds of millions of dollars in Hollywood movies, in addition to the box office, what other channels are there?" Zhao Xiangbei asked very seriously.

"Hollywood has more words, TV rights, DVD, and now it is said that there are online copyrights, there are many channels." Zhao Dong's friend quickly introduced: "Hollywood copyright protection is much stricter than us. However, Zhao Dong, Hollywood Now there are hundreds of millions of films? "Terminator 3"?"

"Oh! A new film that my friend invested in." Zhao Dong casually replied: "I am thinking about sponsoring it."

"Hollywood? A new film for racing?" Zhao Dong’s friend, as the CEO of a film and television company, how could he not know such a big news? Time to surprise and add up: "The big movie of the big director James just released? Zhao Dong, your friend invested?"

"Yes!" Zhao Xiangbei is not the industry after all, only knows that James is the director of cattle, but he is really unclear. There are indeed a lot of box office at $1.8 billion, but Zhao Dong’s cost in one year can be much higher than this number.

"Zhao Dong!" The friend was in a hurry: "Since it is your friend, can you help me and see if you need a domestic actor? The supporting role can be!"

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