Super Craftsman

Chapter 607: Get it (below)

Let Guo Tailai to do an existing motorcycle type may need to authorize something, too much trouble, not as good as Guo Tailai to ponder a new model.

Wanxin Power has also developed very well. There is no problem in adding a motorcycle type. It is just a matter of propaganda by Keonu.

With the commitment of Guo Tailai, Keanu did not hesitate to promise to play the supporting role of this racing film. However, his supporting role is the heaviest, and the setting is responsible for all the technical support of the team. It is an indispensable role.

At this point, the three most important roles are done.

The remaining few, invited by James’s fame, are definitely no problem.

Even if there is a problem, it can be replaced at any time. There is nothing in Hollywood, and there are no shortages of beautiful women of all kinds.

As for Pete, Guo Tailai was suddenly a bad taste at the time. Later, he also said to James that the role was arranged casually, not necessarily Pitt.

After all, Pete himself is working on his b-plan production company, and he plans to invest in a big project, and may not be willing to play a supporting role.

The customers who make appointments are not very frequent. Guo Tailai is not likely to make the daily schedules very busy, except for some old customers who let them know that the second treatment starts to consume and the cost will be greatly reduced. Other new customers It is basically three days to make an appointment.

The time left in the middle, one day to serve the old customers, one day is Guo Tailai used to busy the debts.

No way, Ferrari one: 1 new model to be developed, promised Keanu's new motorcycle model to be developed, promised Sun General's aa-12 also to take out the sample gun, since there is aa-12 shotgun, then special Can you not bring out the matching single-headed bomb?

The high-explosive bombs just happened to be taken out, I believe the troops would like it very much.

Moreover, the company will definitely have a year-end party before the year, and Guo Tailai has to go back anyway.

In addition to the normal year-end bonuses this year, several companies will be given a high-level share incentive plan.

In short, wanting to have a year of cessation, Guo Tailai had to pick up his **** hard years ago.

The days passed very quickly. At the beginning of February, Guo Tailai had to say hello to his busy parents and Chu Fei in Milan. One person took the team with him and rushed back to Beijing.

Just got off the plane, before I left the airport, I was caught by Zhao Xiangbei and went all the way to the Oriental Group.

"Uncle, what is it?"

Guo Tailai looked puzzled and asked on the road: "I just got off the plane, haven't the jet lag?"

"I want to face you face to face with your big plan."

Zhao Xiangbei did not squat, and replied directly: "To determine whether our military vehicles should be on the mirror."

“Isn't that a car to use?”

Guo Tailai is too speechless: "Is it necessary to be so grand?"

"What do you think?"

Zhao Xiangbei couldn't help but be so slow about Guo Tailai's so slow political sensitivity: "That is a military vehicle. Are all the performance parameters always exposed?"

Is the performance of our main military vehicle suitable for inappropriate?

You spent a long time propagating for a long time, the above one military car is not allowed to sell, you are not white? ”

When Guo Tailai described to James the story of dragging the big safe, in fact, it was a little shaken to use the two Dodge charge srt8 to drag the big safe in the original film.

The srt8 is equipped with Chrysler's classic 6.1-liter v8 hemi engine. The maximum output of this engine is 425 horsepower and 569 Nm of maximum torque. It looks a bit fake, so big and so heavy. Still want speed?


Where is the passion?

But if it is replaced by Guo Tailai's redesigned warrior, 557 horsepower, the maximum torque of 922 Nm, two cars come together, it looks no problem.

Don't say anything else, isn't it necessary to pull a heavy object to have a powerful torque output?

Close to a thousand kilometers of powerful torque, a single car looks like it is not a problem.

Think about it, the two warrior military vehicles ran rampant on the streets of foreign countries, and a lapv followed closely. The super bulletproof function was indifferent even if the machine guns were fired, which would give the audience in front of the screen a stimulating impression.

If driving such a mighty car is still two cool wild beauty, is it a strong sense of contrast that is more exciting to the audience?

Americans like to promote the power of the US military in various Hollywood films. This is a soft promotion that impresses the world with this impression.

Since Americans can, why can't we?

Of course, Guo Tailai thinks that it is relatively simple, military vehicles are more sensitive, and they are not allowed to sell on the civilians! Remove all kinds of communication and military components, but the power is not bad, the same can be promoted! If it is impossible for even the civilian warriors to be on, it is estimated that the Knights of the fifteenth century will be enough. In the end, I am afraid that I will only be able to attack the shield.

That one is designed separately and has nothing to do with any military vehicle.

In the conference room of the Eastern Group, several high-rise stars flashed calmly listening to Guo Tailai's ideas, not only the military, but also the high-level Dongfeng.

However, it is clear that Gao has no right to speak on this kind of thing. In addition to being able to express support for the war shield, the warrior can't be the master.

Zhao Xiangbei is also the same, although lapv and Knight XV are their products, but can not be exported in a short time, nor they can decide.

“I was thinking about promoting my own car.”

Guo Tailai also said clearly enough: "I thought that since I had to pay for publicity, I would simply bring the domestic ones."

Nowadays, the brand of a big red flag is now gone. If you can bring Dongfeng and the Oriental Group, it is also a matter of taking the lead.

After all, within the last one or two years, after I completed the cooperation with Ferrari, I will do one or two more cars I have played. I will not toss anything in the auto industry.

At that time, the movie was also released, and the last publicity. ”

When I heard Guo Tailai’s last sentence, everyone in the room understood why Guo Tailai wanted to start a racing movie at this time. For Guo Tailai why not want to toss in the auto industry, everyone actually understands.

The master is lonely, playing to the top, naturally there is no pursuit.

At the same time, the top management also understood another meaning. After the village, there is no such store.

I can't catch up this time, it won't be next time! The next discussion Guo Tailai did not participate, just rested in the lounge next door, the time difference did not reverse, although not in the way, but Guo Tailai still slept in the lounge of the Oriental Group for several hours.

When I woke up, only Zhao Xiangbei and Gao were waiting for him.

"Fat, the above agrees!"

As soon as Guo Tailai woke up, Zhao Xiangbei smiled and rushed Guotai for a good news.

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