Super Craftsman

Chapter 751: Change it (below)

The paper was submitted on the same day.

Last time was "Nature", this time Professor Yang intends to vote for "Science". If Guo Tailai has another heavyweight paper, he can consider investing in "Cell".

The top three magazines, how can you brush it all over again! Otherwise not perfect.

Richard, editor of Science magazine, soon saw the paper "Discovering the new organs of the human body, the interstitial organization of the human channel network". In addition to this paper, there is another article about it. The topic of detection technology is "Confocal Laser Microscopic Endoscopic Detection Technology".

These two papers are definitely complementary, because the discovery of new organs is the use of this new detection technology.

In order to introduce the detection technology in the paper, it can only be explained by another paper.

This situation is very common and is often called a paper citation.

The papers that can come to him must have been initially screened by technical editors.

Richard is very reassured by his technical editors, and no value will not be pushed to himself.

After reading this paper, Richard is a big joy.

It was also the discovery of new organs in the human body. Last year, Nature published a paper on the discovery of new organs, which led to the revision of the human anatomy textbooks all over the world.

Is this the turn of Science magazine this year?

Looking at the signature of the paper again, the tailai guo of the Shuimu University School of Medicine, Richard Yi, the name is familiar, and the name of the unit of the Shuimu University School of Medicine is also very familiar! No, Richard suddenly reacted. I checked the paper of last year's "nature" on the Internet. The signature is also tailai guo. The unit is also the Shuimu University School of Medicine. Is this not the same unit?

In other words, this year, the cattle who discovered the new organs of the human body discovered another one this year.

Richard immediately got excited, pondered a bit, and quickly selected two medical reviewers to forward the mail.

Then, regardless of the rules, call two people directly, and ask the two to review as soon as possible.

He can't wait to know if it is necessary to change the textbook "Human Anatomy" when he started school this year.

Even for this bad taste, he will follow the reviewers and let them consider the manuscripts as quickly as possible.

If Guo Tailai knows Richard's bad taste, he will definitely be a confidant.

How fun is this kind of thing?

Lele, with all the music, music?

Of course, it is fun and happier with everyone! At the thought of the editors of the textbook editors, they had to re-edit the textbooks, thinking that the new medical students should face new textbooks, and think of the medical school sophomores and seniors who just finished the new textbook last year. I have to re-study, and I have to think about those doctors who have graduated from clinical clinics for many years to re-learn. Everyone has an unspeakable pleasure! How fun?

Of course, it is definitely more than just Guo Tailai and editor Richard. The two reviewers have reviewed the emails after they received the emails. They are all a spirit.

The paper is actually very simple. It is a new kind of observation technology. It has discovered a whole new phenomenon, and all kinds of clear images and videos are available. This is no longer a question.

And there are also papers on that kind of technology, and even the real thing has been created. It can be put into mass production only after the paper is approved, and there is nothing to doubt.

However, the result of this latter is really fun! The two quickly submitted the results of the review and agreed to publish them.

Then, one of the reviewers immediately called his good friend, the good friend, who happened to be the editor of the editorial department of a university press.

"Jack, your textbook on Human Anatomy last year was an urgent revision of the edition?"

The reviewer smiled and asked his friends.


When I heard old friends, Jack was also suffering: "A paper was published in Nature in August last year, and a new organ was discovered across the cortical blood vessels. We quickly revised and reprinted a version. Just caught up with the school!"

"How was it at the time?"

The reviewer continued to smile and asked.


Jack did not hide his situation at the time: "But I am very admired in my heart. How many years have we studied human anatomy, how many years have not been discovered, and the guy who discovered the transcortical blood vessels, tailai guo right?

very impressive! ”


The reviewer echoed and said: "It is indeed a great guy.

By the way, he has submitted a paper to Science magazine this year, which I just reviewed. ”


Jack immediately came to the interest: "What is the direction of this time?"

“Is it very time-consuming to revise textbooks last year?”

The reviewer did not answer directly, but instead asked one.

"of course!"

Jack didn't know why his old friend asked this question, but he still couldn't bear to look back and said: "To race against time!"

"I am afraid you have to change this year."

The reviewer endured a smile and said in a serious way: "So, be prepared in advance!"

"What has to be changed?"

Jack is not clear, just asked, suddenly realized the meaning of old friends, shocked: "No?

What do you mean... I have to change this year?

New discoveries? ”


The reviewer said with a smile: "Be prepared, change it!"


Jack was directly at a loss, and then recalled the tragic experience of the hard work before the start of school last year, could not help but screamed: "Ah, ah!"

Unlike Jack’s screams, it’s the laughter of the reviewer’s rhythm, which is a big laugh on the phone.

Guo Tailai does not know that there are so many evil and interesting patients in China and abroad, but I know that I will only be happy and fun! No?

At the same time that Science magazine was preparing to publish a paper at the end of this month, Colonel Liu finally brought the above decision.

The Central Guard Bureau has no objection to strengthening the bulletproof function of the t-head red flag, allowing FAW to use the new bulletproof composite material to make the red flag t-head.

However, the choice of models did not use the Dahongqi l7 model brought back by Colonel Liu, but chose the matured l50 of the product line.

This is very understandable. After understanding the new central police station, it is still a model that only completes the shape and frame design. If it is selected, it is like the first l90. It also needs a lot of people to attack R&D. Tight task is heavy.

Now there is no major festival that is particularly anxious, so there is no need to do so. You can use the new mature design of the l50, neither need to hurry, nor worry about the immature technology, the best of both worlds.

What else did you say?

Guo Tailai waved his hand: "Start work!"

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