Super Craftsman

Chapter 753: Special customer (below)

Jobs is doing technology. The technical staff has a characteristic, that is, after discovering the error, it will look forward to immediate improvement.

If there is no Guo Tailai, Jobs may not find his own tumor until October, and then take conservative treatment, until it can not hold.

But now that Guo Tai is here, then naturally it will not be so troublesome, and the physical illness can be corrected.

The only problem is that the cost is not much higher than the conservative treatment or the ordinary surgery, but this is not a problem for Jobs.

Pixar Animation Studio made Jobs's net worth billions of dollars, which was still a few years ago.

The tens of millions of nursing expenses in the district, a piece of cake.

Taking off the glasses, the whole body is filled with a vibrant atmosphere, and the energetic Steve Jobs is not satisfied when he leaves the beauty salon.

When I first got the results of the hospital inspection, Jobs almost collapsed like a normal person because of bad news, but he quickly relieved.

There are g, and the big problem seems to be no trouble.

Now that Jobs has regained his enthusiasm and confidence, he will be devoted to his work with more enthusiasm.

Like a reborn experience, he is more convinced that he is born to push Apple to the top.

"Yes, that's right!"

When Jobs and Guo Tailai exchanged, Guo Tailai admitted without hesitation: "You are born to revitalize the apple, I am very much looking forward to it!"

Among the customer list, there is another celebrity, Guo Tailai is very satisfied.

However, the next customer, Guo Tinglai has some headaches.

This is a new client recommended by UBS, a young rich man from Monaco in the rich paradise.

Urgently recommended, the rich man saved his life in a residential fire three days ago, but his body burned a lot and he urgently needed Guo Tailai to treat him.

The other party knew Guo Tailai's rules, and did not because he was very rich and arrogant to let Guo Tailai go to Monaco for a visit. After learning that Guo Tailai was in Switzerland, he arranged the best nursing team to send him to Switzerland.

Guo Tailai is still very welcome to customers who are very regular and do not intend to use other means.

However, when the customer was sent to the nursing room of the beauty salon, Guo Tailai could not help but sigh at the first sight of the customer.

“The customer’s current situation is very susceptible to infection.”

Guo Tailai quickly said: "You all go outside."

Whether it is Xiaoyu or several nursing staff of the customer, they were all driven out by Guo Tailai.

In the nursing room, only Guo Tailai and the whole body burned customers were left. When the people had not left, Guo Tailai had already taken a long needle and inserted it into the customer's body: "I will stop the pain for you first."

The customer who was just stunned, as if suddenly there was no feeling of the same body, completely quiet.

If the test instrument connected to him is still displaying parameters such as blood pressure and heartbeat, the nursing doctor almost suspects that the customer is suddenly out of breath.

When everyone left the room and the door closed, Guo Tailai shook his head and reached out and took the patches of the test instruments from the customer.

When I got here, I didn't have to worry about anything.

Just half an hour, the customer's physical signs are obviously much better.

"You are doing so, the price is too big?"

Before because the customer's condition was not very good, Guo Tailai had not spoken, but at this moment, Guo Tailai sighed at the customer who had burned the whole body.

"But you can't deny it, it works, right?"

The customer who was close to the coma and could not speak before lying on the treatment bed responded with a smile.

It may be because of the burning of the hot air, the throat and the trachea have burns, and the voice of the customer is very hoarse and unpleasant.

In fact, this is still Guo Tailai to support his vitality, otherwise, he can not speak now.

"I admit this."

Guo Tailai also had to admit that for a person who wants to make a face-lift, after a large-scale burn of the whole body and then re-treatment, no one will know what he looked like before: "But, how did you fool everyone before? of?"

The patient with severe burns in front of her eyes is now aware of the news that she should be in the Iraqi territory and her father to resist the invasion of the US military, Saddam’s second son, Cousse.

"Did you have seen "Mission Impossible"?"

Although Cousin's current situation is a bit horrible, his face still can still smile, but the smile in this situation looks very horrible: "The soup can be put on a vivid mask.

That kind of thing, as long as it has money, can still be bought. ”

"Have you betrayed your father?"

Guo Tailai continued to operate quietly, and asked casually: "You left him alone in Iraq, but he escaped?"

"I do not have!"

Cousse’s voice went down. After a moment of silence, he asked Guo Tailai: “The Americans launched another raid, you know?”

"Although I really want to say no."

Guo Tailai sighed, and after all, he smiled bitterly: "But in fact, I really know."

"My father, my real father, has already died in that raid."

Cousse sighed and said: "I also left Iraq after that day."

Is the real Saddam already dead?

Guo Tailai was completely speechless.

In the dream of the future, this man was executed after being captured and was abused. Now he is already dead?

In this case, Guo Tailai can understand why Cousse will choose to leave Iraq.

The current situation in Iraq is no longer able to save the situation when Cousse stays in the country. It is an inevitable ending for their father and son to be overthrown.

When Cousse took the opportunity to escape from Iraq, it was also a decision.

Jumping out of that circle and living again in another identity may be a good choice.

Of course, he has to choose revenge, and the damage caused by the outside or outside the United States will be even more terrible.

"g, Americans have been looking for you, right?"

Cousin was lying on the treatment bed, feeling the more and more relaxed body, and asked casually.


Guo Tailai did not deny: "At that time, high-profile entry into Iraq seems to be only me and Prince Sheikh. How could they not find me?"

"So, the fact that Uday is dead is also what you told the Americans?"

There was almost no feeling in the voice of Cousse, and cold cold rushed Guo Tailai to ask.


Guo Tailai smiled and bowed down to Cousse and asked: "You will not expect me to keep the secrets of four substitutes for everyone in that case?"

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