Super Craftsman

Chapter 767: Beautiful Terminator (below)

Beginning with "The Matrix", the entire Hollywood action film began to popularize the elements of Chinese Kung Fu. If there was no effort in the film, they were embarrassed to say hello to people.

"Matrix 2" and "Oh Angel 2", in addition to Hollywood's plot, production, special effects, we have our Chinese Kung Fu.

The five highlights of "Terminator 3" propaganda, one is the return of the governor, the second is that the terminator becomes a woman, the third is the new weapon and the new car in the film, the fourth is to see the growth of John Connor, the fifth is the Chinese Kung Fu. .

In the dream of the future, Guo Tai came to see the original "Terminator 3", but really want to say the Chinese Kung Fu inside, anyway, Guo Tailai did not see it.

The robot sister and the governor’s big fight, hard-hitting, where is the shadow of kung fu?

Do you practice gold bell iron shirts?

However, this part of Chu Fei’s performance gave Guo Tailai too many surprises.

Perhaps from the beginning, because of the participation of Chu Fei, the Chinese, the action director was also hired from the Xiangjiang side. The glamorous female terminator not only has powerful weapons and deformability, but even more terrible is her petite body. Containing unparalleled speed and the essence of Chinese kung fu fighting skills, the strong governor t850 is not a t-x opponent, and is easily defeated.

The process of fighting is not the kind of hard work of two robots. You hit me with a punch and I kicked you awkwardly. Without any external assistance, the film shows that the governor simply could not touch Chu Fei. The kind of lore.

But this also makes the action play more attractive and more beautiful.

All the difficult kung fu movements were taken by Chu Fei personally, and the degree of the film's excitement was thus raised to a whole level.

The incomparable enjoyment of countless fans is even more pleasing than the action scenes seen in The Matrix.

Of course, the battle is beautiful, and the scene of killing is also very beautiful.

In short, looking at the target of a supermodel-level glamorous female killer on the ruthless slaughter list, the tailored fashion high-heeled shoes, the beautiful and elegant model step by step, chasing each target, the audience is simply There is a sense of expectation that cannot be said.

Even looking forward to this supermodel female killer can chase themselves to the reality.

Another big surprise is the Governor.

As everyone knows, Mr. Governor was 52 years old when he filmed the film.

In everyone's impression, the governor's maintenance is good, and the hard work of training can't maintain the peak of youth.

Therefore, from the very beginning, everyone did not expect Mr. Governor to be the Terminator of youth. Anyway, in the setting of the first two episodes, the body of t-800 and t-850 can become old, and this film becomes one. The Terminator is also normal.

However, when the film was released, everyone saw a big surprise.

The younger face of the governor and the muscle contours of the younger ones reproduce the "i’ll be back!"

The image of the Terminator.

Yes, he is back! Countless fans watched the young governor’s uncle who was perfectly integrated with his memory on the screen.

The film that is being released and the plot that Guo Tailai sees in the future dreams have also changed a lot.

The female Terminator in memory is also transformed into Kate's boyfriend, but this part is gone. The deformation from beginning to end is the face of Chu Fei, but there is a difference in the external image. Through the change of costumes and temperament, Chu Fei There have been changes in female killers, female police officers, female clerk, female flight attendants, female models and female motorcyclists, but every change has brought her perfect figure to the extreme, and the conversion of several professional women A uniform image can make countless male fans dream of the night, and female fans are envious of madness.

The Terminator watch and the Terminator motorcycle also appeared inside, but when the Terminator watch appeared, Guo Tailai discovered that he was actually spoofed.

For the first time, the Governor recognized the Terminator t-x, which is the t-head mark that is very obvious on the Terminator watch.

"The t-header tag is the tag of the terminator."

In the film, Mr. Governor is very serious about the lines: "At the Terminator production plant, that is the mark of the highest precision and most advanced terminator model, and our basic models are not qualified to mark that!"

Looking at the huge t-head on the screen, listening to the serious introduction of Mr. Governor, the audience sitting underneath laughed.

Needless to say, these audiences are all people who know what the t-header means.

Especially at the premiere scene, most stars and reporters know Mr. T's mark, and know that Mr. T is watching movies together among the audience, so the sneer at the premiere scene is extraordinarily large.

Although Chu Fei knew the plot early, but at the moment looked at Guo Tailai's expression, or smiled softly on Guo Tailai's shoulder, especially happy.

The Terminator motorcycle appeared in the second half of the film. After being killed from the Ministry of Defense building, Chu Fei did not catch a helicopter, but took the Terminator motorcycle.

The speed of six hundred kilometers can be much faster than that of a helicopter. At the same time, a part of a remote-controlled armed helicopter launching a missile to attack male and female protagonists is added.

Chu Fei on the ground driving the Terminator motorcycle crazy chasing, the top of the head also controls the armed helicopter attack, the governor must avoid the missile and attack the female terminator on the ground, this drama is still high-speed real shot, climax, wonderful Great increase.

The outcome has not changed, and it is still the day of Judgment. John Connor is the leader of the survivors, and the governor and Chu Fei are both endorsers.

But Guo Tailai looked at it as a whole, but it was more exciting than the one in memory. Female robots and action movies are more attractive.

Although Guo Tailai still can't say how the global box office of this film can make money.

However, even if the film failed at the box office, Chu Fei’s performance in it was absolutely perfect. It vividly shaped the image of a glamorous and ruthless female Terminator killer, and will definitely become the dream lover of countless men all over the world.

"how about it?

how about it? ”

Just beginning to display subtitles, Chu Fei can't wait to ask about Guo Tailai's feelings.


Guo Tailai said nothing, first put a thumbs up: "My family's performance in Feifei is perfect, nothing to say!"


Chu Fei’s beautiful big eyes must be smashed at the moment, and others don’t boast about it, but Guo Tailai’s praise is very important and very useful.

The premiere ended successfully. Guo Tailai only had to stay in Los Angeles for a day and had to return home.

During this day, Chu Fei did not go anywhere, and accompanied Guo Tailai in the mansion, it was lingering.

It was not until the next morning that Guo Tailai was sent to the airport.

From the Modu Airport landing, back to Gusu Bao Ship Hotel, Guo Tailai received the latest box office data.

Three days in the first weekend, "Terminator 3" has more than 64 million North American box offices, more than 20 million more than the original version, and there have been signs of a big explosion.

The glamorous female terminator played by Chu Fei has won the unanimous love of fans all over the world.

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