Super Craftsman

Chapter 801: Rampage


Not far from the voice of the head of the white head: "Don't get it cheap!"

Breaking through the area of ​​one of his own defensive forces, smashing through the wall and rushing into the base, the whole body has not lost one, and the first sentence is actually feeling that the quality of the wiper is not good?

The most wanted thing for the head of the white team at the moment is to beat Guo Tai to a meal.

Haven't seen such awesome! "White uncle!"

Guo Tailai turned his head and smiled and shouted back. He pointed to the front windshield and a wiper that had been tilted up and said: "You see, the wiper is really not good!"

"That is, we are restricted to use only light weapons, otherwise your car will be reimbursed for an anti-tank missile!"

The white group is long, but in the face of so many warriors, he is not good to make a posture that can not afford to lose, can only be awkward.

"Please! Uncle Bai!"

What can Guo Tailai say?

Anti-tank missiles?

Why don't you say the Dongfeng series with mushroom warheads?

This is at best a lightning protection patrol car, as for?

Guo Tailai also did not resentfully retorted: "This is a car, not a tank! The soldiers are driving out to patrol, it is enough to come back safely!"

"That's true!"

The head of the white team fully agreed with this point. He turned around the car and looked at the bullets of the big and small bullets on the car body. He looked at the four tires that were all smashed and nodded.

This car is absolutely in line with the aesthetics of the steel straight man, tall and mighty, hard and straight lines, strong and durable, is simply the first choice for the macho! If there is no fat man, the white leader must have liked it at a glance.

"Can you block rpg?"

The head of the white team turned around and asked.

"It’s not a row of people to fight around, it should be."

Guo Tailai quickly replied.

Seeing the head of the white team blinking like an unbelief, Guo Tailai smiled directly: "Or, my sister and I will sit up again, just stay here, do you try rpg?"

The head of the white group looked bright and looked at Guo Tailai’s well-faced face. He turned his head and looked at the car full of smoke and crater. He did not hesitate to make a loud voice: "Xiao Zhang, immediately took two rpg and brought it, right, By the way, bring a small live pig to come and test it in the car."

Although Guo Tailai was very confident in his performance, he even dared to take Zhao to take risks together, but the head of the white team could not do this.

Light weapons can be tested. After all, Guo Tailai’s improved version of the Warrior and Hummer has sufficient bulletproof capability, but rpg is still safe.

During the talk, General Liu, several of their bases, had already arrived by car. They got off and came to say hello to Guo Tailai. After accepting Zhao’s salute and returning to the ceremony, they surrounded the scarred new car. Judging, I sat on the bus and sat down, feeling the big space inside.

Both rpg and live pigs came over, the pigs were stuffed into the car, and then everyone retreated far enough. The white head personally operated the rocket to the side of the car.

In the surprise of everyone, the rear door of the car opened, and the pig that was shocked by the explosion was swaying in it, and the seats on both sides were intact, and there was no damage.

If a person sits on it, there must be no problem.

The front front windshield also smashed a rpg, but the super-strength bulletproof glass with a thickness of 10 cm and the transparent metal sandwich layer solidly blocked the metal jet generated by rgp.

"It's not too strong! It's going to come back again, up to two rounds, I'm afraid I can't stop it."

The head of the white team looked at the test results, and he was very satisfied with his heart, but he still refused to accept the loss.

A row of soldiers of his subordinates who were waiting for the base of the base could not stop a car with a machine gun, or a car that had been blown three times by the bottom of the car. It was too faceless.

“It’s hard to hit the front.”

Guo Tailai knew that the head of the white team was unhappy. Hehe laughed two times: "This car is equipped with heavy machine guns, and the firepower is sufficient. It is not enough to install a six-tube Gatlin, and wash the ground with bullets.

It can also be directly equipped with an automatic shooting platform to install a helmet aiming system for the pilot. The controlled shooter can destroy the enemy without the outcrop, and there is not much guy who dares to squat at the opposite side. ”

In a word, the head of the white head must be thrown out. Others just laughed and watched them bicker, but did not participate.

"It's light, you give me a six-tube Gatlin out and see!"

The head of the white team directly licked his mouth, and the heavy machine gun was still ok, but the six-tube Gatlin?

Do you think we are Americans?

Say it is loaded?

Who doesn't know that this stuff is fierce?

The problem is that it has to be there too! Gatlin, commonly known as Miniang, is also called the Vulcan Cannon. The Governor of Terminator 2 used this weapon when he stood upstairs and swept the police car.

The fire of the Vulcan cannon is extremely high and can reach 6,000 rounds per minute. As Guo Tailai said, it is completely possible to use bullets to wash the ground.

However, the shortcomings of this stuff are also very obvious, the first need the motor, the second because of the six barrels, so the weight is heavy, there is no mechanical power of the Terminator, the individual soldiers still do not have to think about playing this.

Because the rate of fire is too fast, the bullets are too small to be finished immediately. If the bombs are too much, the weight is too large, so even the ordinary Hummer is very rare. The most common use is helicopter or hovercraft.

This is often seen in the American Black Hawk.

The state of the military equipment in the country before, the inappropriate description of the sentence, is only in the stage of food and clothing.

After a class was given to the army from the Gulf War, the military realized the importance of high-tech warfare, but many of the equipment was not a one-off event. What's more, the country is still focusing on economic construction, vigorously developing the economy, and investing in military industry. Relatively less.

In the case of insufficient military expenses, many eye-catching equipment can only be watched, or a little bit of funding is slowly studied, objectively restricted, and there is no way.

The six-tube Vulcan cannon, which has no good domestic platform for carrying the platform, is naturally not put on the agenda.

So, until now, there are no such weapons in the country.

Although the principle of this thing is very simple, it is a six-barrel rotation design driven by a motor, but the structure is more complicated, the assembly process and manufacturing precision requirements are also high, and the reliability requirements of the mutual cooperation of various components are also very high. So far there are no similar weapons in China.

The head of the white team only retorted, but Guo Tailai came to the rescue.

"Get it right!"

Guo Tailai is now almost tit-for-tat: "Isn't the motor plus the barrel?"

When I am ready to order materials, I will give you a minute to see! ”

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