Apakin looked a little embarrassed. "I used to study tank transformation at West Point, but something happened later, so I went to raise pigs..."

Tacus was stunned. In his heart, how could a woman like lion woman apakin raise pigs?

"Ha ha..." Lin Xiao smiled.

The motorcade moved on towards the storm zone.

However, for this sandstorm, the tank simply ignored it and easily penetrated it.

Except that the line of sight will be affected, there is almost no obstacle for the tank to move forward in the wind and sand. Indeed, as apakin said, the power system of the tank has been strengthened, and the speed is very fast and stable.

Over time, dark clouds suddenly moved into the sky, and lightning flashed in the clouds.

Lin Xiao looked out and couldn't help asking, "it seems to rain."

"It rains normally in the desert. The water in the oasis and lakes depends on rain." Apakin smiled.

Lin Xiao looked back and found that the dark clouds in the southwest were more gloomy, dark like the big mouth of a giant beast, swallowing everything he saw.

Lin Xiao felt a little uneasy.

"It's all right, sir. We'll soon cross the storm area to the aeolian sand basin, where the wind will be less, and then turn around to Mrs. apakin's No. 1 stronghold." Said tuckers.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao withdrew his head, leaned back on the chair and began to close his eyes.

The storm in the aeolian sand basin seems to be getting worse, and the roaring sound is constantly raging outside the car, which makes people tremble.

After about half an hour, Lin Xiao suddenly opened his eyes. His heart beat violently and his breathing became urgent.

He subconsciously lowered the window and looked out, suddenly stunned.

I saw a huge tornado in the distance of the southwest, which was attacking at full speed. The terrible picture connecting the sky and the earth made people tremble.

"Is that... A tornado?" Lin Xiao suddenly sat up and said aloud.

"Huh?" Apakin also looked back and saw the black covering the sky and the ground. He was stunned.

"Shouldn't it move from the southwest to the north? How does it appear in the east?" Tex's face turned white with fear.

Apakin picked up the communicator and screamed, "come on! All tanks turn!"

The motorcade deflected its direction very quickly and fled wildly north.

Although the tank has been transformed by apakin and is suitable for driving on the sand surface with sufficient power, people can't bear to look directly at it in terms of acceleration. It is estimated that Lin Xiao runs faster than the tank.

Compared with the whole desert, the five war machine tanks look very small. From a distance, they look like ants fleeing desperately. They may be completely covered up by wind and sand at any time.

"Come on!" Apakin kept ordering, "turn on the backup engine and give me full speed!"


Even if the tank drives at full speed, it still seems that ants are running. That speed is not only heartbreaking, but also heartbreaking.

"Madam, it's not fast. The engine will be scrapped as soon as possible, and you can't escape at that time!" A driver shouted.


The strong wind has come first, rolling the sand and pressing down.

The whole sky seemed to turn black, and I couldn't see my fingers.

The darkness lasted for a moment and suddenly opened up. The wind and sand hit the window glass, and the broken sound desperately stimulated people's ears, which made people panic and inexplicable.

The tank, which was as stable as Mount Tai just now, immediately shook. The bandits sitting inside seemed to sit in the cradle, stumbling and shaking seven meat and eight vegetables.

But now it's just a prelude to tornadoes. The real body is far from coming. Tornadoes are much larger than sandstorms. As long as they are rolled into the vortex center, they will fly straight to the sky and then be torn to pieces.


The clouds spread quickly and pressed hard on everyone's head, and a burst of thunderous thunder came out of the clouds.

The light across the sky was like a roaring angry dragon. The dazzling light fell from the sky and hit heavily in front of the sand where the tanks fled.


Thunder mixed with lightning, and tornadoes raging madly behind. Tanks that can run rampant at ordinary times seem to have become panic mice trying to find underground holes.

"It's over. It seems that the tornado is coming towards us." Someone had panicked and shouted desperately.


A gust of wind blew, and several soldiers sitting on the top of the tank were immediately blown into the sand by the wind and sand, and soon disappeared in the churning sand.

Lin Xiao looked out for a few times and felt that the situation was dangerous. If it was really involved in the center of the tornado, the tanks might not be able to withstand the strong tearing force.

Even if the tank can be intact, the people inside will suffer. What I fear most is that after being rolled into the air, I will fall heavily. Even if the ground is soft sand, the human body can't stand it.

At that time, Lin Xiao did not dare to assert that he could live.

The speed of the tornado is very fast. At the current moving speed, it will arrive in less than ten minutes and tear everything on the scene to pieces.

"It's really over." Even apakin is flustered. She has been in the desert for nearly ten years. She is familiar with this place just like home. She will be indifferent whether it is a sandstorm or a windy sand.

But I never thought that the super tornado, which is difficult to encounter once in ten years, would choose to appear skillfully at this moment. This luck is really bad.

At this time, apakin looked helplessly at Lin Xiao and thought that even an omnipotent adult could do nothing at the moment. In the face of natural disasters, no matter how powerful the manpower can resist.

"Sir, we..."

The big truck swam East and West in the sand. The driver tried his best to stabilize the body. Unfortunately, the huge wind kept changing the direction of the car, leaving him powerless.

Lin Xiao suddenly asked, "is there an iron rope in the car?"

Apakin was stunned and quickly nodded, "yes!"

"Where is it?"

"Just, in the truck bucket."

Apakin prepared the iron rope for the trailer, because sometimes there will be traps when the tanks travel in the desert, so they can be connected with each other by iron rope to avoid being dragged into the quicksand vortex.

Because of his anxiety, apakin didn't think of it.

If all tanks and trucks are connected by iron chains, the weight of hundreds of tons should be able to withstand the huge tornado.

Thinking through the key, apakin shouted at the communicator, "all stop, all tanks parked side by side!"

Buzzing, buzzing!

The tanks had been staggering and could not drive normally. After apakin gave the order, they moved quickly and crowded together in disorder.

Five tanks collided like headless flies, and the truck immediately backed up and hit the past.

Lin Xiao turned and jumped out of the car.

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