Lin Xiao swaggered in without any disguise, even with a smile on his face.

"Mr. X, I've heard a lot about you." Lin Xiao grabbed the nearby swivel chair and sat down.

Wang Xianyi's dark eyes sank.


The dark net defense array responded quickly and surrounded Lin Xiao.

"They are the people of the dark net? They don't look very good." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

Wang Xianyi didn't speak. He knew it was useless to say anything now.

Since Lin Xiao is sitting opposite now, it means that he already knows everything. No matter how many languages are pale.

"Hum!" The shadow oppressed Lin Xiao and said, "what are you, daring to fight against the dark net defense array?"

"Dark net defense array?" Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows. "It seems that you belong to the armed forces of the dark net..."

Observing the five people's costumes, Lin Xiao said with a smile, "from what you wear, those things on your body are all the latest scientific and technological equipment. Is that a laser gun on your waist?"

Laser weapons have a long history, but they have not been used in a wide range. The dark net armed with these things fully shows that the technical strength is strong enough to compare with the country.

"You have some insight." The shadow winked at his men, and the other four took out a blue laser gun at the muzzle.

Lin Xiao glanced and nodded frequently, "now the science and technology is really developed. The laser gun has changed from non movable to mobile. I just don't know how powerful it is."

"Enough to kill you!" The shadow waved gently.

The four soldiers attacked decisively and raised their hands at the same time.


Lin Xiao left the chair in an instant.


Four blue lights flashed, and Lin Xiao's chair suddenly turned into pieces.

"The power is really good. Unfortunately, this power still can't break through the armor of the Titan army. Your scientific research strength is different from that of the Titan king." Lin Xiao had flashed behind a dark net soldier, pinched his neck and said with a smile.



Without hesitation, Lin Xiao broke his neck and flashed to another person.

Several people panicked. They didn't expect that the enemy was so fast. The energy clothes and weapons they relied on had no effect on others' hands.

Bang bang!

The other three were soon knocked down.

Even with the blessing of energy service, these four people are at best silver soldiers, which is not worth mentioning in front of Lin Xiao.

Only the shadow of the leader was left. He was obviously frightened by Lin Xiao's strength, and his hand hesitated for a moment.

Perhaps his strength could be stronger, but his strength was limited. Lin Xiao didn't even need to be serious to force him closer.

The four eyes were close to each other. The shadow was surprised. As soon as he raised his hand, Lin Xiao caught his wrist.


The shadow's wrist was broken.

"Ah..." as soon as the dark shadow screamed, he was hit in the mouth by the butt of Lin Xiao's gun, and most of his teeth were knocked away in an instant.


The shadow fell to the ground, curled up, looked at Lin Xiao strangely, and shouted hoarsely, "you, who are you?"

Lin Xiao didn't bother to talk to him. He sat directly on his desk, looked at Wang Xianyi with an expressionless face, and said with a smile, "you're very calm."

"What if you don't calm down? Kneel down and beg for mercy?"

"Also..." Lin Xiao tut said, "after all, it's the seat of Zhennan Bureau, with great power. Have you thought about today's ending?"

"Thought about it!"

"Then why do you have to walk to the black?"

Wang Xianyi smiled, "people in the Jianghu can't help themselves."

"What a person in the Jianghu, I can't help it..." Lin Xiao smiled. "I respect you as a man. I won't move your family."

"Thank you!"

Lin Xiao hesitated, "what kind of organization is the dark net?"

"You know I won't say it." Wang Xianyi slowly stood up and sorted out his new police uniform again.

Wang Xianyi, 50, put on a decent police uniform and looked a little dignified. He was handsome and capable.

He likes this dress very much. He usually hangs it in the wardrobe. He will take it out and wear it only on the most important occasions.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao nodded thoughtfully and asked with a smile, "it seems that I have offended the dark net today... Will they trouble me?"

Wang Xianyi shook his head slowly and stared at Lin Xiao seriously. "The dark net is not as simple as you think. In fact, the dark net may not care about you, okay?"

"Hey! That's the best way to save yourself trouble. It's a pity if such a big organization suddenly disappears." Lin Xiao smiled disapprovingly.

The dark figure lying on the ground gave a fierce blow from the corner of his eye and said with a grim smile, "do you know what you are talking about and doing? The dark net wants to kill you, which is as simple as running over an ant."

"Do you have a voice?" Lin Xiao stared at him dangerously and suddenly kicked him in the chest.


The dark shadow's chest was crushed at that time, and he died instantly.

Wang Xianyi's body trembled slightly. He knew that Lin Xiao was doing it for him.

"I want to be decent." Wang Xianyi said in a deep voice.

"Of course! After all, it's a bureau seat." Lin Xiao got up and picked up the laser weapons from the ground, then stripped off their energy armor and carried them on his shoulder like garbage.

Wang Xianyi sat back in his chair, and the last glimmer of hope was dashed.

However, at least his family will not be affected, which is probably Wang Xianyi's last comfort.

Lin Xiao carried his things away, and the police officers outside didn't know when they had withdrawn. The big police station was empty and there was no one.

When Lin Xiao walked out of the police station, there was a gunshot in the office on the fourth floor.


The sound was harsh. It was dawn and the sound was getting farther and farther away.

However, no one paid attention to where the gunshot came from.

Lin Xiao returned to Nanlong villa and gave Lao Zhang those strange armor and weapons. He asked him to take time to get Dongfang Yanghui back the next day.

Since the last time he robbed the armor of the Titan king, Dongfang Yanghui's technical team has developed the armor belonging to the medicine dragon temple. Now they have robbed the energy armor and laser weapons of the dark net. It is estimated that new weapons and equipment will come out soon.

From the appearance of dark net soldiers, the scientific and technological strength of dark net is even stronger than Titan king. The technical concept is very advanced, but it is not so practical.

Having solved Wang Xianyi, Lin Xiao was not as comfortable as he thought.

The layout of the dark net is a little big. Even Wang Xianyi is a part of it. Who knows what big people will be involved in it.

Lin Xiao just doesn't know why the dark net will stare at himself. He doesn't think he has offended the dark net bar?

Seeing that it was about to dawn, Lin Xiao took a bath and was ready to have a rest. When he heard Xiaosu's voice outside, Xiaosu got up to run and began the morning exercise of the day.

Thinking of Xiaosu, Lin Xiao's heart surged again.

In a daze, the mobile phone rang. Lin Xiao grabbed it and clicked on the message. Yu Meili sent a wechat.

"At ten o'clock in the morning, the Li family went to Zhennan. We made an appointment to meet at the imperial KTV office."

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