Lin Xiao smiled strangely. "The trial Council, the subversive, the dark net and the heaven and earth court seem to be connected by some inexplicable relationship. Since the child is locked in the territory of the trial Council, it shows that this matter has a lot to do with the trial Council. It seems that this time we are going to fight the trial Council."

For Xiaosu, Lin Xiao doesn't hesitate to go to war with the trial Council, but he won't do it openly, but is ready to act secretly

At twelve o'clock in the evening, the three Lin Xiao brothers had come to Beijiang and were on the top floor of Haojue building.

Lin Xiao looked at the Empire State building hundreds of meters away with a telescope and said with a smile, "we'll follow the plan later."

Ling Yu is holding a tablet computer in his hand and doesn't know what he's doing.

Langyan leaned on the top, with a silver sniper gun in his hand and said with a smile, "I'm sure you can't even fly out."

"Good!" Lin Xiao tightened his black clothes, grabbed a mask and put it on. Then he took out a modified rope gun and shot at the opposite building.



Hundreds of meters away, the iron cable came in an instant, drew a sharp arc in midair, and firmly nailed it to the hard cement wall of the opposite building.


Lin Xiao fixed the other end on the iron pole on his side, stretched out his hand and dragged it to try the firmness, and said to them, "be careful yourself."

"Don't worry, boss!"


Lin Xiao slid along the iron rope towards the opposite building.

Buzzing, buzzing!

Hundreds of meters away, in the fast sliding, it only takes a very short time.

Lin Xiao came to the 68th floor, untied the safety rope, took out the magnetic adsorption gloves and put them on. The whole person fell on the glass surface and slowly climbed towards the 66th floor.

From a distance, Lin Xiao looked like an ant, crawling slowly on the glass mirror, approaching the position of the sixty sixth floor.

Room 6616 has been located by Lin Xiao. It is only 30 meters away from him. He wants to make a hole in the glass window, then rescue the people and leave from the ventilation channel.

Under normal circumstances, the ventilation channel of the building will go directly to the roof, and a helicopter will pick them up and leave.

"Boss, everything is normal." Langyan reports to Lin Xiao while observing.

Lingyu's more than a dozen UAVs have covered the whole building. They are drawing a plan and looking for alternative evacuation routes.

"Eh? There seems to be something downstairs." Lang Yan looked at the ground with a telescope and said strangely, "there are more than a dozen cars and dozens of people get off. I don't know what they do."

Lin Xiao paused, "who is it?"

"I can't see clearly..." Lang Yan magnified the telescope and said slowly, "it seems to be a group of mercenaries."

"Mercenaries? What are mercenaries doing here? They appear openly?" Lin Xiao asked suspiciously.

"Boss, they have entered the building." Lang Yan said in a deep voice.

Lingyu's drone showed a picture of several suspicious figures on another tall building 300 meters away on the other side of the Empire State building.

"Boss, something's wrong. It seems... There's a sniper." Ling Yu was surprised. Three snipers were already in place 350 meters southwest of the Empire State building. Their defense area should be the Empire State building.

Lin Xiao had reached the glass window of room 6616. He was about to speak when he heard a gunshot.


The glass window under him immediately cracked.

This kind of glass can't see inside from the window, but you can clearly see outside from the inside.

So Lin Xiao didn't know what was going on. He just subconsciously turned sideways and tried to dodge the other party's attack direction.


There was another gunshot, and this time the window was completely broken.

Lin Xiao lost his strength. His body fell down instantly. His feet were empty. He would die if he fell down.

At the critical moment, he quickly curled up, turned over to the other side, and hung his magnetic adsorption gloves tightly on the intact glass.

"Boss!" Lang Yan exclaimed, quickly set up a sniper gun and aimed at the direction of the broken glass.


A gunman who was ready to kill was immediately blasted by Langyan. The body shook and fell down a tall building along the gap.

Due to the broken glass, the situation in the room also appeared.

Lang Yan said anxiously, "boss! There are gunmen in the room, at least four."

The rest of the gunmen were frightened by the sound of Langyan's gun and had hidden in the room.

Lin Xiao calmed his breath and slowly approached the gap.

"Mark the shooter's position for me." Lin Xiao was not in a hurry. He hung one hand on the glass, threw away his gloves and picked up the gun with the other hand.

Ling Yu commanded the UAV to search for heat source, and then showed four red dots on Lin Xiao's tactical glasses.

The room structure has been drawn, and the positions of the four red dots are clear at a glance.


When Lin Xiao saw it clearly, he took action. As soon as he shook his arm, he drove his body to swing up, climbed to the edge with one hand and rolled into the house.


The gunman on the left side of the gap saw the figure and was about to shoot. Unfortunately, his hand speed was far faster than Lin Xiao. As soon as the muzzle was raised, he was shot.


After Lin Xiao killed one person, he threw himself on the other side.

The next second, the place where he fell was covered with bullets.

Poof poof!

The three gunmen rushed out when they heard the sound and shot at everything moving in front of them.

A gunman pounced on Lin Xiao and raised his gun to shoot. Just listening to a pop, his head was blown to pieces by the wave.

"Boss! Don't thank me!" Lang Yan smiled.

Lin Xiao turned like a top, killed two other stunned gunmen, and then confirmed, "is there anyone else in the room?"

"I'll look for it!" Ling Yu commanded the UAV to scan the heat source. After a few seconds, he quickly said, "there is a heat source in the second room on your left hand. It should be a child according to the size."

Lin Xiao nodded and walked in quickly.

Lingyu checked the situation of other UAVs again and said, "boss, you have to act quickly. Those mercenaries have gone upstairs."

"Where did these guys come from?" Lang Yan asked in surprise, "did our action leak? It shouldn't be. Only a few of us know about this action."

"Boss," Ling Yu continued, "the original route can't be evacuated. If you go upstairs along the ventilation channel, you will be sniped by snipers in the back building, and the helicopter can't pick it up. You have to change the route."

Lin Xiao had walked into the room and glanced at it casually. He found that someone on the bed was covered with a thick quilt.

He was about to walk over, Ling Yu suddenly lost his voice and said, "boss, wait a minute."

Lin Xiao suddenly stopped and asked in a deep voice, "what's the matter?"

"The heat source in your room is unstable and strange." Ling Yu put down the tablet, took out a micro keyboard and began to calculate with flying fingers.

The heat source is vaguely displayed on the tablet. It looks like a petite person, but Ling Yu always feels uneasy.

After a few seconds, Ling Yu was suddenly stunned and said loudly, "boss! It's a trap, withdraw quickly!"

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