Feng Shen said with a smile, "I don't know, because I'm just the person in charge of scheduling within the organization, and the specific executors have always been 36 subversives. Yesterday afternoon, Lang Fanyun suddenly ran to the Empire State building to find me, and I found something wrong..."

"Later, when I inquired with the new leader of the subversive, I learned that they had always wanted to get a very talented seedling from Lin Xiao. But they didn't dare to be blatant, so they had to detour. A child as a hostage was detained in room 6616. So at that time, Lang Fanyun suddenly ran to the Empire State building. I thought there was a problem in it." The wind god sneered, "so I took my plan and really led Lin Xiao out."

"Feng always has a quick mind. No wonder he can be valued by that adult." Jiang Quan slowly lifted his cloak and showed a smiling face.

"Special envoy Jiang is not the same? He can replace Zhang beizhou. He is already a big man under five people and over ten thousand people in the trial Council. Ha ha......" the wind god boasted.

Jiang Quan also smiled. "In the future, we will get closer and have many opportunities for cooperation."

"That's that..." the wind God smiled.


Fengshen's watch buzzed.

It was an emergency signal that there was something wrong with the action plan. Someone was giving him a warning.

"What the hell?" Fengshen Teng stood up at once and quickly went to the window to look at the side.

The black hole on the 66th floor on the side is very obvious, and the situation on the 65th floor is not optimistic. The glass window is full of holes and bullet holes.

Bullet holes appeared in the glass window, but the glass itself did not break, which proved that it was penetrated by the very fast sniper armor piercing bullet.


Langyan's gun rang again.

Langyan and Lin Xiao are killing subversives quickly.

The chime of Fengshen watch means that the subversive is asking him for help.

"Special envoy Jiang, where's your team?" The wind God turned to look at Jiang Quan, "my people can't stand it. I didn't expect Lin Xiao to be so strong."

Jiang Quan was stunned. He walked slowly to the window and asked suspiciously, "the bomb didn't kill him. Your people didn't kill him?"

"Let your men go. If he runs away, our plan will be wasted." Feng Shen is in a hurry.

Jiang Quan nodded and said to the watch communicator, "act now, can't let..."


Suddenly, Jiang Quan heard a scream.

"What happened?" Jiang Quan asked anxiously after being stunned for a long time.

No one answered him.

Jiang Quan called again several times, and the opposite side was as silent as death.

At this moment, Ling Yu commanded the UAV, marked all the ground mercenaries, and then smiled, "let you taste the power of cluster bee attack."


Ling Yu presses the remote control.

Buzzing, buzzing!

Each UAV has locked a person. When Ling Yu gives orders, these UAVs seem crazy and impact without emotion.

In just a few seconds, the whole street was quiet.

There are no other living people in room 6516 where Lin Xiao is located except Bruce Lee.

Bruce Lee was so frightened that he hid in his bedroom and didn't dare to come out.

"Is it Altman?" Bruce Lee murmured.

Lin Xiao collected the nameplate of the dead body and calculated the numbers.

"Thirty four, thirty-five..." Lin Xiao frowned, "there's still one left."

The subversive 36 Tiangang has killed 35 people and the last one.

"Boss! Those mercenaries are all done. I have to say that the high-tech gadget of the American military is easy to use. No one can escape a round of intensive point-to-point bombing." Ling Yu said excitedly.

Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "take your children and withdraw first. It's time for the authorities to intervene in a while."

"I see!" Ling Yu opens the tablet console and communicates with the helicopter.

A minute later, a helicopter parked on the roof of a building quickly flew over.

Lin Xiao took Bruce Lee in his arms, took him to the helicopter ladder and said to him, "follow those uncles back and you can see your father, you know?"

Bruce Lee nodded obediently, "I know uncle Altman."

"Uncle Altman?" Lin Xiao's face turned black.

"Yes! You are Uncle Altman. You killed all the monsters." Bruce Lee's eyes were full of worship. He waved his fist at Lin Xiao and said, "I want to be Altman and fight monsters, too."

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry. He gestured to the driver and told him that he could leave.

The helicopter took Bruce Lee away, and Lin Xiao returned to the building.

One of the 36 subversives is still missing, indicating that there is still a missed fish.

This missed fish may be the most important existence among the subversives, which is more important than the so-called No. 1 Yingyang.

Lin Xiao can't finally determine which force the subversive belongs to.

And this missed fish may be the key to the final result.

In the past, it was thought that the subversive belonged to the heaven and earth court. Now the subversive is entangled with the trial Council, which makes Lin Xiao a little confused.

However, no matter which force the subversive belongs to, it is impossible to easily expose his hatred against Lin Xiao.

"And the last one..." Lin Xiao held a lot of nameplates in his hand, then stuffed them all into his bag and strode to the elevator at the same time.

Since the Empire State building is the territory of the trial Council, there should be important figures belonging to the trial council here. He is ready to go directly to the door and ask.

Lin Xiao knew that on the 99th floor there was a secret chamber for the trial of the parliament, which was the base for the deliberations of the five giants.

Old man Yao once said that no one outside the secret room can enter at all. Only the annual underground dark world conference will allow representatives from all over the world to enter.

This year, due to various reasons, the underground dark world conference was cancelled, and the secret room has been closed.

The whole ninety-nine floor is a secret room. There is only one entrance if you want to enter.

After Lin Xiao went upstairs, he immediately triggered the alarm, and the whole floor was alarmed.


Six guards in black came face to face.

"I'll ask you who are the masters of the trial Council to inform me and say I'm Lin Xiao."

No one had ever dared to break into the highest secret level of the trial Council. The six health workers in black were stunned at that time.

Most of the people who can enter the Empire State building are their own, and only a few VIP guests who accept the invitation belong to outsiders.

However, neither one of us nor a distinguished guest can break in like Lin Xiao.

The six realized that an intruder had broken in.


The six men raised their guns without hesitation.


Just then, a cold drink appeared behind Lin Xiao.

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