Nanhuai ancient city street is very prosperous. It is the top tourist attraction in China, also known as lover's street.

It is said that the chance of having an affair here is as high as 30%.

Three people come to travel, as long as you want, you may encounter your own affair.

Both men and women.

Lin Xiao took a taxi to the street corner of the ancient city. Before he got off the bus, the driver smiled and handed a small business card. He said mysteriously, "friends! Tourists? Go to this bar. My brothers drive it. There are many beautiful girls in it. Maybe you can meet your own gorgeous encounter."

"Really?" Lin Xiao smiled, took the paper and put it in his pocket, "I'll try!"

"Don't worry, you're so handsome. You're sure to meet beautiful women." The driver gave Lin Xiao an obscene wink.

Lin Xiao got out of the car after giving the car money. In front of him was a row of antique old-fashioned attics, which are close to mountains and rivers, and the streets are paved with red breccia.

There are more than a dozen entrances to the ancient city. The place where Lin Xiao got off is at the southwest entrance. At the entrance of the street, there is an unusually huge stone lion with a proud head and cold eyes staring at tourists coming and going.

Many tourists were taking pictures under the lion. Lin Xiao took out a piece of paper and looked at it. He decided to go to the bar called ambiguous first.

I'm afraid it's not so easy to find Wang Wei in such a large ancient city.

Song Jia obviously has reservations. She should know Wang Wei's specific hiding place, but she didn't completely explain it. It's probably because of Wang Yun's death that she resents Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao doesn't want to see a girl. Since he has a general orientation, it shouldn't be too difficult to find it.

In order to avoid startling the snake, Lin Xiao didn't ask his brothers to look for it on a large scale.

Because it's kind of weird.

If it was Wang Wei's revenge, it would be a little too casual. Didn't Lin Xiao find out the flaw on purpose?

Does Wang Wei really think that he can kill Lin Xiao by fooling a little girl who is not familiar with the world and making a bomb?

If Wang Wei really thinks so, he is at best a brainless little gangster. Lin Xiao naturally won't care about him.

If the things inside are not as simple as the surface, Lin Xiao thinks it's better to act alone and secretly.

Walking along the rock road into the block, there is a sound of Hawking from time to time in the characteristic small shops on both sides, as well as the excited shuttle of visitors.

Lin Xiao turned around several times according to the address on the small piece of paper before reaching the place called ambiguous bar.

As it was still early, there were not many guests in the bar, and some hoarse songs came from it, as if they had brought people to the old days.

"Three two!"

Just then, an excited high pitched voice suddenly came out of the bar.

"Hey! I'm just waiting for you three two, Wang fried!"

"Sleeping trough! Are you sick? Let's work together, okay? He's the landlord!"


Lin Xiao was stunned and stepped into the bar. The three people were sitting on a table fighting the landlord. They didn't seem to have a good time. They blushed and their necks were thick, as if they were going to fight.

"Shit! Can you play?"

"Anyway, I'll blow up Wang. What do you want?"

"Are you sick?"

"OK, OK, there are guests..."

The landlord's smiling eyes were bent into crescent moons. He hooked his hand at the other two people, "give the money first, and then receive the guests."

The landlord took the money and came over with a smile. He looked up and down at Lin Xiao and said with a smile, "my friend, it's not officially open yet. Come back at seven in the evening. There will be a lot of girls at that time. Our main business here is... Romantic encounters."

Lin Xiao smiled, swept the whole bar around and asked casually, "I want to inquire about someone."

"Ask about someone?"‘ The landlord smiled as he counted the money. "Who?"

"Do you know Wang Wei?" Lin Xiao looked at the "landlord.".

The landlord's hand for counting money paused slightly and said with a smile, "there are too many people named Wang Wei. I know several Wang Wei. Who are you looking for?"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao's eyes brightened, "then tell me their address and I'll confirm it myself."

"Ha ha..." the landlord happily collected more than 1000 yuan and asked with interest, "what are you looking for Wang Wei for?"

"Private affairs!"

"Oh!"‘ The landlord seemed to nod very suddenly, "but we are not familiar with each other. Why should I tell you?"

Lin Xiao took out a few big bills from his pocket. "It's a small amount of money. You should ask for the fare."

The two boys who lost money also stood up and walked towards Lin Xiao with a smile.

The "landlord" took the money and patted it in the palm of his hand. He seemed to hesitate in his eyes. He glanced at the other two people and said, "I know three Wang Wei, a 60 year old man who is the gatekeeper of the north gate. Is that the person you're looking for?"

"No!" Lin Xiao shook his head.

"Another one is a local police constable in his thirties. His right foot is lame. Is that him?"

Lin Xiao continued to shake his head.

"Cough..." the landlord took the money again. "Since it's not, there's only the last one left. He's a local snake here. You'd better not find him if you don't have anything important."

"Where is he?"

The landlord winked at the other two, and one of them immediately came over with a smile. "You're looking for Wang Wei, aren't you? I'll take you."

"OK." Lin Xiao was surprised. The boy was a little too enthusiastic.

"Just call me Kobayashi." The boy walked up to Lin Xiao and smiled at him, "let's go."

Lin Xiao always felt a little strange. Xiao Lin's smile was too fake and gave people a feeling of pretending, but he didn't say anything. He smiled and followed him.

Xiao Lin looked back at Lin Xiao as he walked, and asked intentionally or unintentionally, "what are you looking for Wang Wei, friend?"

"Private affairs!" Lin Xiao's short answer made Xiao Lin's mouth curl.

"Hehe, he stayed a little off side. It's estimated that he had to walk for more than ten minutes." Kobayashi said.

"Nothing!" Lin Xiao didn't think so.


At the same time, a group of people came outside the ancient city.

Zhou Changsheng took some plain clothes and dressed like a local ruffian. He stood next to the lion and smoked. The others looked around.

"Zhou Ju, is it appropriate for us to do this? Your identity is different now, but you..."

"Stop talking nonsense! Call brother Zhou." Zhou Changsheng stared at the plainclothes. "Let the brothers be smart and take in the net when they see the big fish."

"Hey! Wang Wei must be doomed this time."

"This boy, I've been looking for him for a whole year. This time, I'll see where he's going."

"All right!" Zhou Changsheng took a hard puff of smoke, flashing a strange light in his eyes, and glared at several people angrily, "don't compare blindly and inform the brothers to act according to the plan."

"Get it, brother Zhou!"

Several people dispersed and soon disappeared into the crowd.

Zhou Changsheng took out a hat, put it on, pulled the zipper of the leather jacket to his chin, put his hands in his pockets, took out a cigarette, and walked foolishly towards the street.

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