Constable Wang Wei was stunned and quickly said, "I'm looking for that Wang Wei. Don't give me a careless eye. I know you have something to do with that Wang Wei. I saw it the last time you entered the street..."

Lin Xiao blinked. Which Wang Wei?

The old monk narrowed his eyes slightly, slowly raised his head, looked straight at police officer Wang Wei, and youyou said, "officer Wang must have been mistaken. Lao Na has been presiding over the repair work in the temple and has not gone down the mountain at all."

"Less nonsense!" Police constable Wang Wei broke out. He seemed to know a lot of inside information. He stepped forward and put a gun on the old monk's head and shouted, "don't put mercy on me here. If you don't find out Wang Wei, believe it or not, I'll shoot you?"

"Amitabha!" The old monk put his hands together and said quietly, "officer Wang, don't be angry. I really don't understand what you're talking about."

"You..." officer Wang Wei smiled angrily.

Lin Xiao saw some problems. He patted policeman Wang Wei on the shoulder and motioned him to put the gun down.

The shocking scene just now has made police officer Wang Wei deeply afraid of Lin Xiao. He didn't dare to disobey Lin Xiao, so he had to step back reluctantly, "friend, are you going to trouble Wang Wei? The old bald donkey must know his whereabouts. I saw them walking together last time."

Lin Xiao motioned him to take it easy, then looked at the old monk warily, "master! Monks don't lie. If you know Wang Wei's whereabouts, please let me know."

The old monk has been very calm. He glanced at them and said faintly, "please go back, benefactor. Please don't make a noise in the holy land of Buddhism!"

"Old bald donkey, why didn't you say this was the holy land of Buddhism when you hurt people with Wang Wei? Now you're pretending to be here? I tell you, you must hand over Wang Wei today." Police constable Wang Wei is desperate anyway. Since he decided to stand up today, he must take care of the whole thing to the end. That Wang Wei is the leader of those boys. If he is caught, he can curb the recent frequent malignant cases.

Anyway, just now, Wang Wei felt that he had died once. At the moment, his courage increased greatly. He thought of his girlfriend's experience. His almost flaming eyes glared at the old monk and planned to shoot.

"Amitabha! Goodness, goodness!" The old monk's eyes drooped slightly, his seemingly calm face suddenly appeared to kill, and his palm immediately stretched forward and patted Wang Wei's chest.

Wang Wei couldn't react at all. He just felt that a flower in front of him, the fierce palm front would be patted on his chest, and he would suffer a heavy blow

Lin Xiao had been on guard for a long time. Later, he kicked the old monk in the chest.


The old monk took back his palm and hit Lin Xiaofei's legs. He gave him a gentle meal, and then floated out like an upside down leaf.

Pedal pedal!

Even if the old monk expected, he didn't expect that police officer Wang Wei was followed by an expert. He just felt the hot pain in the palm of his right palm, and the whole right arm almost lost its function.

"I didn't expect to be a master. No wonder Wang Wei dares to be so unscrupulous." Lin Xiao came out slowly and stared at the old monk. At this time, he would not be polite, "hand over Wang Wei!"

The old monk's pupils narrowed and shouted in a deep voice, "who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am. I advise you to hand over Wang Wei so that I won't abuse my family." Lin Xiao sneered.

"Hum!" The old monk was obviously unconvinced, and his palms stretched out.

The old monk's bones crackled and burst, like fried golden beans. Then his body was like a flying bird, pressing down on Lin Xiao with his monk's robe.


With the help of the monk's robe, the old monk's palms changed like a knife and kept cutting to Lin Xiao's key parts.

Lin Xiao did not retreat when he saw the move, quickly blocked the opponent's attack route, took a very fast step forward, and hit his shoulder forward.


The old monk flew out again.

At this moment, the old monk's face really changed and stared at Lin Xiao strangely.

Lin Xiao frowned slightly. "Are you from Shaolin?"

"Amitabha!" The old monk put his hands together and suddenly shouted, "there is a strong enemy coming, set up the array!"


A dozen young monks in yellow robes rushed out of the temple and surrounded Lin Xiao in a moment.

Lin Xiao counted a total of 18 monks, all young and strong, all holding long sticks, tiger eyes dignified, and their actions were full of fierce breath.

"Shaolin eighteen Arhats staff array?" Lin Xiao was even more surprised that he could meet Shaolin benzong in this place. What does that mean?

"Take them!" The old monk roared.


The eighteen Arhats staff array in Shaolin is a powerful way to trap the enemy. Eighteen monks with excellent martial arts cooperate with each other and attack Lin Xiao like a storm.

"You, don't come here!" Police constable Wang Wei was surprised. He knew that these monks were not easy to provoke, and he couldn't care so much. He raised his gun and shot them.

Bang bang!

Unfortunately, the monks reacted quickly, police officer Wang Wei's shooting method was not very good, and no bullet could hit the target.

In a short moment, the monks had rushed forward and several long sticks swept in front of them.

Seeing that a stick was about to sweep onto the head of police officer Wang Wei, if it was swept, his head would be broken like a watermelon.


Lin Xiao's big hand suddenly appeared and shook at the end of the stick. At the same time, the big monk only felt that a huge force spread to his arm in a wavy state, and couldn't help but release his hand.


Lin Xiao raised his right leg and kicked it straight forward, so the big monk kicked it out.

"You hide!" Lin Xiao grabbed policeman Wang Wei and threw him out of the stick array.

The monks ignored police constable Wang Wei. They were extremely cautious and all their attention was on Lin Xiao.

Hoo Hoo!

The stick kept sweeping, locking all Lin Xiao's dodging directions.


Lin Xiao shook his wrist and pulled out the magnetic knife. He cut off two sticks with two clicks. When the two monks were stunned, the back of the knife hit horizontally.


Two big monks were smashed to the ground at the same time.

Bang bang!

Lin Xiao turned around and bent his legs. He quickly kicked the two monks into the sky and fiercely kicked them out. The two monks behind him were hit hard in an instant and flew out in mid air.

La la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la

Then Lin Xiao gripped the magnetic knife and spun 180 degrees around his waist. A dozen sticks that were about to fall on him were cut off and separated one after another.


In a very short time, Lin Xiao broke the eighteen arhat staff array and beat many great monks in disorder.

The old monk was stunned. He had never seen anyone break the Shaolin eighteen arhat staff array so quickly. He was stunned in situ for a moment, as if petrified.

"He, is he a great master?"

Halfway up the mountain, Zhou Changsheng held a telescope to observe the situation and couldn't help saying, "my darling, Lin Xiao is really fierce. A few knives broke so many monks' staff arrays."

"Brother Zhou, Wang Wei hasn't appeared yet. The boy doesn't know where to hide."

Many plainclothes gathered behind Zhou Changsheng, and more police officers have begun to encircle nanhuai temple and block the whole mountain.

"Wait and see what happens. It's nice to see them fight first." Zhou Changsheng smiled.

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