"It can be solved, but it needs a lot of rare herbs. I can't find them all during my search. Now I can only listen to fate." Lin Xiao pretended to sigh with emotion, "if you have to change blood with me, it's actually a good thing for me. Maybe I can live an ordinary life with my wife. It's good to think about it."

"I have to say you're naive..." Bai Gu sneered. "Do you think it's so simple to change blood? The probability that you can live is less than 30%

"Is that better than dying at thirty?" Lin Xiao spread his hand.

Bai Gu hesitated. If so, even if he changed his blood to survive, he couldn't carry it for a year. What's the significance?

White bone is about to break through the realm of a great master. If you have Wuji skill and supreme blood, you may be able to win the supreme and become the most powerful man in the world in the future.

Lin Xiao stared at Bai Gu and suddenly asked, "in fact, there is no solution."

"What can I do? Say it quickly?" The white bone snapped.

"Hehe, why should I tell you? I'm dying. Why should I let you live?"

The white bone breath is slightly stagnant, but it is said to be speechless.

"Of course, I might compromise to save my wife. But do you know why I told you about blood poison?"

Bai Gu was confused by Lin Xiao and asked subconsciously, "why?"

In terms of deception, Lin Xiao said second, and no one dared to say first.

Lin Xiao sighed, "Hey, I don't have much time anyway. If I can change my blood and be lucky to survive, it's also a good thing for me..."

The white bone scolded secretly. You and he survived and transferred the blood poison to me, didn't you? I have to think about whether to change it or not.

"However, some things are so helpless. My master told me that changing blood is the only way to remove blood poison. Do you know what I mean?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

"What do you mean?" Bai Gu knows a fart. Now he has entered Lin Xiao's trap and is completely led by his nose.

"It means that as long as you exchange blood in a special way, the blood poison will be removed by itself. That means you get my blood, but you won't be cursed."


"Why did I lie to you?" Lin Xiao rolled his eyes.

"What way, you say quickly!"

Lin Xiao sighed again. "Compared with life, what's the use of supreme inheritance? Since you want to exchange blood with me, it's equivalent to saving my life. In fact, it's OK to tell you the method."

"Then don't you say?" Bones are dying.

"Cough, don't worry," said Lin Xiao Youyou, "but I'm still a little unwilling. I don't know who the person who accepts my inheritance is, where he comes from, where he goes, his name, origin and identity..."

"Stop, stop..." Bai Gu was confused by Lin Xiao and said in a cold voice, "I understand what you mean. You want to inquire about my identity before you die, right?"

"Yes, that's what I mean." Lin Xiao said with a smile, "you should be able to meet the little wish of the dying man?"

Bai Gu stared at Lin Xiao. He always felt something was wrong, but he looked at the remote control in his hand and thought that the card was still in his hand. What are you afraid of?

Even if you tell him your identity and origin, it's no big deal. As long as the blood exchange is successful, the other party is a loser and poses no threat to himself.

"Well, it doesn't hurt to tell you!" Bai Gu said proudly, "I'm just afraid to say it to scare you to death."

"You scared the hell out of me." Lin Xiao twitched at the corners of his mouth.

Bai Gu took off his sunglasses, took out a paper towel and wiped it. He said faintly, "you must be familiar with the dark net?"

Lin Xiao was stunned. "Are you from the dark net?"

Bai Gu didn't answer Lin Xiao's question directly, but said faintly, "some days ago, an 'x' of the dark net started the defense array to deal with a person. Unexpectedly, the twenty-two team of the defense array was completely destroyed. Is that you? “

Lin Xiao frowned. I'm afraid the other party knew a little more.

"Are you... Zero or one?" Lin Xiao asked in a deep voice.

From top to bottom, the dark network hierarchy is dark king, odd seat and even seat, terminal, zero and one, X and liaison.

Since the white bone knows this matter, the authority must not be low, at least zero or one.

"Hahaha..." Bai Gu suddenly burst into laughter. "Zero and one are just programmers. They will only exist on the network and cannot appear in reality."

"What do you mean?" Lin Xiao's brain works normally and seems to understand the meaning of white bone.

Bai Gu slowly stopped laughing. "To tell you the truth, I mean the dark net terminal, ending everything. You can also understand that I am the head of the dark net combat force."

"Terminal?" Lin Xiao suddenly realized that no wonder he was so strong.

According to the killers of the last defense array, only the terminal has the power to start the super array. The super array can kill golden soldiers, which is enough to show that the terminal has great power.

"There are odd seats and even seats on the terminal, but although they are higher in rank than me, they only deal with miscellaneous affairs. And I... Can mobilize the dark net super array, which is a combat force that can kill the golden soldiers. Last time they took action against you is just a defense array, and their strength is very poor."

"So... You are the highest combat effectiveness of the dark net?" Lin Xiao asked thoughtfully.

"Ha ha..." white bone said faintly, "the dark king is the highest combat effectiveness, and there is not only one terminal like me. Do you understand?"

Lin Xiao took a breath. There was more than one expert like Bai Gu. On top of the white bones, there is a more powerful dark king.

The dark king can suppress the top gold warriors. He is either a top gold warrior like Lin Xiao or a real great master.

The dark net organization is really unfathomable.

If it were not for the strict rules of the dark net and not easy to enter the secular activities, perhaps the whole world would be in disorder.

This is the news that white bone can reveal. Lin Xiao believes that the dark net must be much more complex and mysterious than white bone said.

”I've told you everything you want to know. Now there are any unfinished wishes. It's better to say them together. "Bai Gu shook the remote control in his hand.

Lin Xiao nodded slightly, "it seems that you are quite honest and have said everything you should say."

"What honesty?" white bone stared. "I pity you and sympathize with you. That's why I told you these secrets, okay? "

"Well..." Lin Xiao pinched his chin. "What is the level of the super array of the dark net? Are they all gold warriors?"

White bone sneered, "are you asking too much? Super array is not just a soldier. It includes a complete set of action plans and technical support. It is a battle sequence to perform the highest task. However, I'm afraid you're not qualified to let the dark net start the super array according to your level."

"Since you are the terminal and have the right to start the super array, why do you come to investigate me personally? Just send the super array directly?"

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