Lin Xiao felt the churning Qi and blood and the beating of green tendons exposed one by one on his body surface. He knew that it was blood poison making trouble again.

According to Lin Xiao's understanding, blood poison is actually a very strong energy. It can accelerate metabolism and stimulate cell capacity. But its energy is too strong, so once it breaks out, it is difficult for anyone to bear it.

Therefore, we need to use a method to neutralize this blood poison energy, let it disappear slowly, and then let the body function return to normal.

However, when it returns to normal, that majestic power will disappear.

Therefore, once the blood poison disappears, Lin Xiao is not sure whether his natural strong constitution will still exist.

If we can have a stronger body and use this blood poison, how strong will the human body be?

It is said that the descendant of the king's front hall is the only existence that may become supreme, which may have a great relationship with this blood poison.

After solving the white bone, Lin Xiao thought about it and decided to cover up his body.

It should be a private act for white bones to find their own trouble, so it should have little to do with the dark net.

In that case, Lin Xiao didn't have to push himself to the top of the storm again to avoid being stared at by the dark net.

After dealing with the bones, Lin Xiao hurried home.

Nangong Jin fell asleep.

Probably frightened for two days, Nangong Jin looked very tired. Even if he fell asleep, his eyebrows were still tightly frowned.

The wound on the forehead has been treated. It's just a skin injury. It's no big deal.

Lin Xiao touched her cold little hand and felt a pang of heartache.

"Wife, don't worry. The white bone is dead. You can rest at ease."

Lin Xiao covered Nangong brocade with a quilt, and then quietly stepped out.

Langyan and Lingyu are waiting outside the door. Hearing the sound, they come quickly.

"Boss, is your sister-in-law okay?"

"Well, I fell asleep." Lin Xiao whispered, "how's Lao Zhang?"

"I'm resting. It's estimated that I have to rest for a few days." Ling Yu said in a deep voice.

"Boss, what's the origin of that white bone?"

Lin Xiao said, "white bones come from the dark net, and the rank is not low! Pay more attention to the trend of the dark net in the future. This organization appears and disappears, and maybe their people hide around."

Lang Yan spat, "Damn it! These grandchildren are so bold that their sister-in-law dares to move."

"Boss, when I was in Luocha prison, I heard people say something about the dark net." Ling Yu mused.

"What did you hear?"

Ling Yu thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, "they say that the trading system of this dark network is all over the world. It must take a supercomputer to master such a large network. But..."

"But what? Whet haw," Lang Yan patted Ling Yu's arm. "Why haven't you heard of it before?"

"But some experts have calculated that if you want to drive such a huge network, you can't do it with just a few servers."

"If a few can't, then dozens, or hundreds, what's the big deal?" Lang Yan smiled.

Ling Yu shook his head, "I just do technology. The operation of some complex programs is not determined by the number of computer hosts or servers. What those people said is very reasonable. They said that I'm afraid someone has developed artificial intelligence behind the dark network..."

"Artificial intelligence?" Langyan was confused. "What is it? Like Baidu robot?"

"Much higher than that." Ling Yu said in a deep voice, "the real artificial intelligence relies on extremely advanced computer chips to complete the thinking behavior like the human brain. But it also has the complete logical behavior and powerful judgment and reasoning ability that the human brain does not have..."

Langyan stared at Ling Yu and said, "speak human words!"

"My thoughts are disrupted by you..." Ling Yu sorted out his thoughts. "I mean, the dark net probably has artificial intelligence. Otherwise, where do those laser weapons and energy armor come from? These things complement each other."

Lin Xiao nodded thoughtfully, "indeed, the scientific and technological strength of the dark network must not be underestimated, at least one level stronger than the Titan."

"Titan's scientific team is already the top in the world. Although Yanghui's scientific research team has been catching up in recent years, it is still half a chip away. Now, the technology of this dark network is the most terrible." Ling Yu's tone is very serious.

"No matter how much he cares, if the dark net dares to provoke us again, I'll bring people and horses to level all their websites." Lang Yan said foolishly.

Ling Yu stared at him, "you don't even know where the dark network server room base camp is. How flat?"

"Hey, that's what I said. What are you serious about?" Lang Yan laughed.

Lin Xiao frowned and said, "today, a terminal of the dark net died. I guess even if how to cover it up, the dark net will still find out. I'm afraid this beam has ended. Be careful recently to avoid any further action by the dark net."

They nodded silently. This time, the terminal made them more alert and need to be more careful.

"One more thing," said Ling Yu, "the night before yesterday, Byron's liaison authority was withdrawn."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao eyebrows a pick, "Bailong was found?"

"It should be. After Wang Xianyi's death, there was no 'x' in Zhennan. It is estimated that the transactions in the whole area will be affected. The dark net must have some doubts, so it led to the white bone and cancelled the authority of Bailong. Now we think it will be difficult to peep into the dark net."

Lin Xiao sneered, "they will definitely send 'x' again. X 'is the leader of a region. I think... They are businessmen. Baigu's action should be a private behavior. So it is speculated that the dark network may not trouble us."

"I think it's inevitable for the dark net to send 'x' if it wants to continue its business, but if they really oppose us, the harm outweighs the advantage, so I speculate that the dark net may be honest for some time." Ling Yu speculated.

Lang Yan Leng said, "can they swallow this breath when they die a 'terminal'?"

"What do you want? Fight with us? They're not stupid. They won't do it without perfect assurance." Lin Xiao said with a smile, "the dark net has been secretly provoking us to fight with several other heavenly kings. Isn't it because we don't have enough strength and want to fish in troubled waters?"

"Boss, we can't be careless. Their laser weapons and energy equipment have begun to take shape, and their continued development is also a threat." Lingyu pondered, "I hope Yanghui will fight for some gas and crack their equipment as soon as possible."

"How can a science and technology break through so easily? The Titan's armor technology has been stuck for ten years, but he still hasn't made any progress. It's just like practicing martial arts. Everyone wants to be supreme, but what?" Lin Xiao smiled and looked very indifferent.

They nodded in agreement.

Lin Xiao waved his hand, "go and be busy."

"I'll see Lao Zhang." Lang Yan ran away.

Ling Yu handed Lin Xiao a gadget.

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