Glanced at Lin Xiao to Wu, "why, do you want to see my joke?"

Lin Xiao scratched his head and deliberately joked, "you are the Deputy Secretary General of Interpol. How many thieves can you get?"

"Hum! I've been suspended. It's not certain whether I can recover." Xiang Wu had finished smoking a cigarette and looked at Lin Xiao vaguely through the smoke. "So, are you really not going to help me?"

"How? Am I such a ruthless person?" Lin Xiao smiled.

Xiang Wu glanced at him again, and suddenly the conversation turned, "those guys seem to have backstage support, otherwise they don't dare to face Guo Tian. Won't you be afraid?"

"Me?" Lin Xiao said with a smile, "are you afraid?"

"What are you talking about? Come with me and kill those boys." Put out the cigarette butts to the dance.

Lin Xiao lost his smile and Xiang Wu came to help the soldiers. He wanted to let himself come forward to deal with it.

It's no problem to help her, but Xiang Wu's words reminded Lin Xiao.

Dare to stand on their own in Zhennan, and dare to fight against Guo Tian, which clearly means that someone is behind.

But then again, who has the courage to make trouble in the south of town at this time?

"OK! I'll go with you!" Lin Xiao stood up lazily.

In the past, Xiang Wuye occupied half of the underground world in Zhennan.

In the South and north of the town, most areas belong to the Wuye hood.

Not to mention the industries under his name, there are hotels, restaurants and entertainment.

After Xiangwu fell, Dai Jing operated for a period of time. Until she jumped off a building and committed suicide, the whole Xiangwu group declared its decline.

Xiang Wu is devoted to the work of Interpol and has no time to take care of Family Affairs recently.

It was not until yesterday when he came back that he mobilized his staff to help Lin Xiao.

Xiangjia has many industries taken over by Xiangwu's past brothers.

There was a man named sixth master Qian, who was the most powerful among the five brothers. He also initiated this independent action and completely abandoned his relationship with Guo Tian.

Qian Liu is a brother who worships Wu Bazi. Xiang Wu often played in his pawn shop when she was a child. She is also one of her elders.

But today, Qian Liu is not very polite to Xiang dance.

As soon as Xiang Wu left his pawn shop, Qian Liu summoned a group of brothers, as if they were plotting to talk.

Mr. Qian was wearing a black robe, with a string of sandalwood Buddha beads around his neck, holding a large cigarette bag in his hand, and sat in a chair sucking.

"Sixth master, here are the house property certificate and land certificate collected. Count them, a total of 66 sets." A thin middle-aged man stood in front of Qian Liu with a smile, "the number is quite auspicious."

"Well done!" Qian Liu stretched out his hand and spread all kinds of blue and green certificates on the table. He touched them all and said with a smile, "what about other procedures? Have the contracts and agreements been completed?"

"I need the eldest lady to sign." His men said with a smile.

Referring to Xiang dance, Qian Liu's expression was a little chilly, "hum! This girl, you can't make a toast and take a penalty."

"I heard that the eldest lady was expelled from the headquarters of Interpol. Now she has no backing. She can't get prestige. She will sign sooner or later." The man thought he was smart.

Qian Liu stared at him, "you know shit! Her backer is not Interpol."

"Ah? Who is that?" His men were stunned.

"Lin Xiao!"

"Lin, Lin Ye!?"


The man was kicked to the ground by Qian 61 and sneered, "Lord Lin? You call it very hot."

"No, no, no, sixth master, listen to me. I just call it casually. After all, all brothers in the road call it that." The boy was scared to pee and climbed to his knees.

"Get out!" Qian Liu shouted impatiently.

"Yes..." the boy didn't dare to stay long. He got up, wiped his sweat and ran away like a fugitive.

In the hall, several men in black looked at each other, and the corners of their mouths made funny arcs one after another.

Qian Liu took up his tea cup and sipped. He said quietly, "what are we afraid of, Lin Xiao, because we are backed by the trial Council? There is a big man supporting us. I think Lin Xiao dares to dance for us!"

"Sixth master!" A thug in Black said with a smile, "the eldest lady is not sensible. If she knows that we have worked for the trial Council now, she will certainly compromise."

"I'm afraid the girl is stubborn. Many things can't be carried out without her signature." Qian Liu took a sip of his pipe and asked, "by the way, when will the special envoy arrive?"

"The special envoy sent someone to say that he would be half an hour late, that's all."

Qian Liu looked at his watch and immediately grew up with his big sleeve. "Go! Go with me to the door to meet the special envoy."




Qian Liu walked out of the gate with dozens of men in black.

Even if the special envoy is late, Qian Liu should show enough sincerity to meet him.

It's OK to wait half an hour. The key is to make a good impression on the special envoy.

The trial Council is the underground leader of the whole Delta. Almost all underground forces need to pay tribute to the trial Council.

Hundreds of thousands of underground forces, large and small, pay an astronomical amount of money to the trial Council every year.

In the past, even Xiang Wu was not eligible to enter the jurisdiction sequence of the trial Parliament.

Now, with the support of the trial Council, Qian Liu controls the power of Xiang family. On the status of the Jianghu, he has been on an equal footing with Guo Tianping.

What's more, Jiang Quan, the new special envoy of the trial parliament, has to come to Zhennan personally to contact matters, which is enough money and six faces.

Qian Liu naturally wants to sweep the couch to meet each other and do a lot of face work.

"Stand up straight for me. I can't let the special envoy see jokes. I'll say you're a mob. How shameless am I?" Qian Liu glanced at his men. One by one, he didn't stand or sit. He was angry immediately.

The gang quickly straightened up, carefully lined up in a neat queue, looked up and looked straight ahead.

"It's kind of like that." Qian Liu nodded with satisfaction, stroked his goat moustache, and stood in the middle of the road.

"Coming, coming!"

Just then, Qian Liu's big man trotted all the way. Behind him, he followed a lengthened Lincoln car and slowly drove into the Qian's pawn yard.

Qian Liu had bright eyes and trotted all the way to meet him.

The driver got out of the car, went to the back door and carefully opened the door.

Jiang Quan walked out calmly with a dragon head gold stick and shiny black leather shoes.

"Special envoy Jiang!" Qian 61 bowed to the ground.

Jiang Quan's eyes were cold and answered faintly, "Hmm! Has Mr. Qian been waiting for me?"

"Ouch! How can you call me master? Just call me xiaoqianzi..."

"Little Qian Zi..." Jiang Quan smiled. "Let's go. Are you ready for everything?"

Qian Liu is more than ten years older than Jiang Quan. This sentence made his men feel ashamed.

"Er... I still need one signature!" Qian Liu said quickly.

"What's the matter? Whose signature is missing?" Jiang Quan frowned slightly.

"Please go inside. I'll tell you in detail later!" Qian Liu smiled with her.

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