
First, two Shaolin eminent monks vomited blood and withdrew.

Bang bang!

Once you lose, the whole formation will break.

Ding Qiu was so powerful that he scattered the whole array in just one minute.

Ding Qiu doesn't want to kill too many people, otherwise these Shaolin eminent monks will be killed and injured miserably.

I feel my face is very ugly.

"Ding Qiu! Don't deceive people too much. Do you really think Shaolin is easy to provoke?"

Ding Qiu stood with his hands down and said calmly, "call out your consciousness, or I'll kill you Shaolin today!"

"Bastard!" Juezhen slammed the long stick into the ground and angrily said, "it's too much to deceive!"


"Good! Good!"

"Benefactor, why be aggressive!"

In the twinkling of an eye, three eminent monks flew out and landed steadily beside juezhen.

"The first dragon subduing courtyard!"

"Fuhu courtyard is the first!"

"Luohan hall is the first!"

Ding Qiu called out the names of the three eminent monks one by one.

These eminent monks are not simple.

Each of the first eminent monks is a top golden warrior. With only one step away from the door, they may become a great master.

The four stood in a row, looking at Ding Qiu aggressively, without losing momentum at all.

"It's said that the four Shaolin masters are the first to form a magic sword array. They can carry the great master. I, Ding, just learned one or two today!"


Ding Qiu held the big ring knife in front of her chest, and the corners of her mouth aroused a cruel smile.

The blade made a slight trembling sound like running water, emitting a cold murderous spirit.

"End the array!" I really had a big drink.

Choking, choking!

The four eminent monks offered PuDao at the same time. Suddenly, they separated their bodies, crossed their backs, and stood in a strange formation.

"Ha ha ha..." Ding Qiu was so heroic that he reached out and raised the knife high.

The swords of both sides were drawn, and the bloody battle almost broke out.


Just then, a deep and cold Buddha's name came from the depths of the main hall.

Then, with a steady step, consciousness shook the cassock and monk's robe and walked out calmly.

Lin Xiao sealed the big acupoints around him, and the blood flow in the meridians was blocked, but his consciousness still seemed like a man without anything. He couldn't see that he was just a useless man now.

"Enlightenment!?" Ding Qiu frowned, "I heard that you were seriously injured by Lin Xiao when you came back from Zhennan. How..."

"Hehe, benefactor Ding came to punish Shaolin in the name of revenge for his apprentice. He wanted to kill Shaolin when he was seriously injured, didn't he?"

"Hum!" Ding Qiu's face changed slightly and said with a sneer, "is it true that you killed my disciple? I come to the door for revenge. Why not? Even if the whole Wulin comes to question me, I can say it in the past."

"Having said that, benefactor Ding is doomed to return without success today." Consciousness smiles.

Ding Qiu was a little suspicious.

Ding Qiu stared at consciousness as if to test his depth.

The four first seats are in full readiness and are likely to take action at any time.

At this time, Ding Qiu hesitated.

He really wants to take this opportunity to go down the mountain and wipe out Shaolin, the biggest competitor.

Originally, I heard that consciousness was cheated by Lin Xiao in the south of the town. It was just his chance to do it.

But now, that's not the case at all.

There is no sign of injury when you are calm and alert?

Ding Qiu speculated that consciousness must have been injured, otherwise Lin Xiao could not have been safe, but the extent of the injury is unknown.

Judging from the current situation, consciousness must have the power of a war.

Together with the four first masters, they are also comparable to great masters.

Ding Qiu was not sure of the winning when he faced two men at same time.

Even if Ding Qiu is conceited, if he really fights, he may not be able to get a bargain.

"Hum! I'll avenge my disciple sooner or later." Ding Qiu has a heart to retreat.

Consciousness said calmly, "if benefactor Ding wants to go to Zhennan, please listen to Lao Na. Don't go. Lin Xiao has a lot of conspiracies. I was almost hurt by his conspiracy."

"I'm not you! I'm not as stupid as you." Ding Qiu was still skeptical about the plot against him, but now he admits it himself, which makes him a little sure.

Lin Xiao is just a top gold soldier, but he can defeat his consciousness.

Even if he used the sneak attack technique of xiasanlan, it was enough to show that Lin Xiao was not simple.

Ding Qiu plans to wipe out Shaolin. On the other hand, he also wants to take the opportunity to inquire about intelligence.

"Ha ha..." consciousness didn't know what to think. He didn't disclose anything about the supreme puppet. Instead, he reminded Ding Qiu again and again, "don't underestimate Lin Xiao, otherwise donor Ding will suffer a great loss."

"Come on, you." Ding Qiusheng was arrogant. The more he realized it, the more he despised it. He publicized his hair and danced wantonly behind his head. He sneered, "you're afraid of him, but I'll kill him! And I'm also bound to get super medicine bath and puppet supreme."

Consciousness smiled, "Amitabha!"

"See you later!" Ding Qiu was also decisive. As soon as he saw that things could not be done, he withdrew immediately and disappeared in the twinkling of an eye.

Consciousness has been staring at the direction of Ding Qiu's disappearance.

The four heads looked suspicious and all stared at consciousness in surprise.

It's not easy for consciousness to hold on steadily until now, but since Ding Qiu has left, why does he still stand where he is?

"Hahaha..." Ding Qiu suddenly killed him again and looked at him coldly. "Master jueh's self-restraint Kung Fu is really good. It seems that he was hurt."

"Benefactor Ding, you can try." The conscious face was expressionless and unfathomable.



Ding Qiu retreated again.

After five minutes, he suddenly turned white and opened his mouth to spit out a mouthful of blood.



The four first seats exclaimed at the same time.

Consciousness almost fell to the ground. After being helped up by juezhen, he shook his head weakly, "it doesn't hurt! Help me back!"

It is very difficult for the present consciousness to force to maintain action and maintain certain actions.

"Why should the abbot come out? Even if the four of us fight old Ding monster, he may not be able to get benefits."

"That's right. The abbot has affected the injury. It will take more time to recover completely."

Consciousness shook his head slowly. "The best result of your confrontation with him is to hurt both sides. By then, all the four first eminent monks in Shaolin will be damaged. What will happen to other sects?"

Shaolin did not participate in the whole sect company, and has been regarded as an alternative by the other eight sects.

If Ding Qiu kills Shaolin, other sects will be ready to move.

Even if you don't act in a fair way, you will make a trip and stab a black knife in the dark.

"But..." Chueh Zhen said with a bitter smile, "although the abbot scared Ding Qiu away, he also led the evil water to the East, which made him relax his vigilance against Lin Xiao, but your body..."

"It doesn't matter! Ding Qiu is too conceited. The more I excite him, the more unconvinced he is. He will definitely go directly to Lin Xiao instead of asking about everything. When the supreme puppet comes out..." the corner of consciousness's mouth slowly tilted up and aroused a faint smile.

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