The voices of men and women attracted most people's attention.

Seeing this man, Zhou Changsheng was startled and hurried over, "Yang, Yang Department? Why are you here..."

"Why do you think I'm here?" Yang buzuo of the public security department was cold. "Of course, it was you who attended Mr. Lin's wedding. You ate dry food? So many people protected and let the enemy in. I think your seat of the South Bureau of the town is coming to an end?"

Zhou Changsheng blushed and couldn't say a word.

Originally, I wanted to make a great contribution this time, but I didn't expect to be put forward by Lin Xiao. Now, I was scolded by Yang Department in public. I lost my face at home.

Don't mention promotion. It's hard to say whether you can sit in your seat safely or not.


"What am I?" Yang Bu said in a tone of hate iron and don't become Gang, "you and Mr. Lin are the elites from the same team. Look at others, looking at you? What can I say about you?"

Zhou Changsheng was very embarrassed. He just felt that countless eyes around him pierced his body like arrows, making him uncomfortable all over.

"All right! Take people away quickly and don't disturb Mr. Lin's wedding." Yang Bu said impatiently and waved his hand like a fly.

"Yes!" Zhou Changsheng winked at his men with a dark face, told them not to be stunned, and quickly stopped the team and left.

Zhou Changsheng came with a purpose, but finally left in dismay. He didn't expect it at all.

"Zhou Ju, go slowly." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

Zhou Changsheng walked faster. He was running. He didn't want to stay and be humiliated by Lin Xiao.

Zhou Changsheng didn't expect Yang Bu to attend Lin Xiao's wedding. If he had known so, he would have acted carefully.

"Yang Bu! You're surprised. Please take a seat quickly, and the party can begin soon!" Lin Xiao asked Yang Bu to take his seat as if there were no one.

"Is there nothing wrong outside?" Yang Bu asked quietly.

"Don't worry! They are all petty thieves!"

"Well! Say hello if you have something to do. I'll ask Zhou Changsheng to deal with it for you." Yang Bu smiled.

Lin Xiao smiled. "Zhou Ju is a good man. He likes to drill into the horns. Maybe he hates me because of the dragon and tiger team in the past. Hey!"

"That boy is a watchful eye. Don't worry. If he dares to trouble you again, I'll deal with him." Yang Bu patted his chest and promised Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "that's the best."

"By the way," Yang Bu suddenly stood up when he was about to sit down and said mysteriously, "the one above asked me to send you a message. I might need your help."

Lin xiaodui's smile slowly condensed on his face. Did he want to come so fast? I just asked for your help, and this favor is about to be repaid?

"Uh... What do you say?"

Yang Bu said, "it seems that there is a difficult task. I want to invite you and your team."

"I'm not a member of the dragon and tiger team..." Lin Xiao wanted to refuse, because he knew that none of the tasks assigned by him was simple.

Yang Bu waved his hand anxiously, "no impact, no impact. The one said that this matter just needs non staff personnel to carry out."

Lin Xiao is speechless. It's obvious that he won't refuse.

Who let me owe someone a favor? Promise anyway.

"Well, what about the task content?"

"That said, you just got married. Let you rest for a few days. He will send someone to contact you in half a month." Yang Bu patted Lin Xiao on the shoulder, "this is an opportunity. If you do it well, maybe your dragon and tiger team can be reorganized..."

Lin Xiao's eyes brightened and then dimmed. Now he has no feeling for the dragon and tiger team. It's far less refreshing than a free life.

"Say it!" Lin Xiao smiled.


Yang Bu sat back and chatted with several senior officials who came to the wedding banquet.

Lin Xiao takes Nangong Jin back and the wedding continues.

Under the operation of Lin Xiao's powerful team, the battle in the middle was only a small episode, which did not affect the wedding banquet.

The whole wedding process lasted until the second half of the night.

Even Lin Xiao was drunk in the wine fight.

Drunk Lin Xiao was very excited. After seeing off his friends and guests, he couldn't wait to return to his new house with Nangong Jin.

The specially designed wedding room has some illusory and ethereal feeling, the charming fragrance fills the room, and the warm tone will arouse people's inexplicable lust.

Lin Xiao, who didn't know how long he had been holding back, lay down in Nangong Jin's ear and said softly, "today is finally a real husband and wife. Should we work hard to have children?"

Nangong Jin also drank a lot. Her little face was red and hid in Lin Xiao's arms. She didn't dare to look up.

Even though she had already made preparations, she was still a little shy on this day. Her two long legs were tightly clamped together and huddled around Lin Xiao.

Put the Nangong brocade of soft cotton brocade in the middle of the bed and look through the moonlight. The two jade legs under the wedding dress are looming, and the glittering light is shining like a star.

"Wife..." Lin Xiao couldn't wait to pull off his red suit and knelt on the bed wearing only one half leg pants.

Nangong Jin looked at him shyly and suddenly asked with a smile, "I want to say what will happen to you when I come to my great aunt today?"

"What?" Lin Xiao stared, "impossible? How possible?"

"Giggle..." Nangong Jin couldn't stop laughing.

"OK! Dare to play with me! I must be served with a big punishment." Lin Xiao sprang up with open teeth and claws.

"Ah!" Nangong Jin exclaimed, his breathing became rapid, his small face became red, his legs began to twist unconsciously, his body felt hot, and his consciousness became blurred.

Outside the door.

A lot of people are eavesdropping.

Xiaosu stood in the front row and said very seriously, "it's rare that Shifu will finally come here today."

"Xiaosu! Let me tell you, your master is actually a virgin..." Lang Yan said with a lewd smile, "do you say he is ashamed? He is almost thirty years old and still a virgin. I doubt whether he has that kind of dysfunction!"

"Cut!" Xiaosu said with great disdain, "that's my master's determination and principle. Unlike you, stallion!"

"Eh? Smelly, smelly boy, who do you think is a stallion? Do you want to beat it?" Lang Yan whispered.

The crowd couldn't help laughing.

"Lang Yan! Xiaosu knows all about your stallion? Stay away from Xiaosu and don't teach bad children." Lao Zhang knocked on the Langyan pot.

"I warn you, Lao Zhang, if you knock me again, I'll be polite." Lang Yan said unhappily.


Lao Zhang knocked him again, "what's the matter?"

"You!" Lang Yan, angry and smiling, turned and walked downstairs, "well, I can't afford to provoke me. I can't hide? You eavesdrop. I'll go and let the boss find you eavesdropping. Wait for bad luck!"

There were strange groans in the room and the violent shaking of the bed board.

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