"Fang Qing, what are you talking about?" Lin Xiao frowned slightly.

"Ask him yourself!" Fang Qingyi looked mysterious and said with a smile, "he is the Lin family. His task this time is to find the descendants of the Lin family. This must have something to do with you, isn't it?"

Lin Xiao looked at Lin Tian and asked in a deep voice, "do you want to find a descendant of the Lin family? What do you mean?"

"Fuck you?" Lin Tian shouted angrily, "what do I want to do, young master Lin? Do I have to report to you?"

Fang Qing smiled, "boy, the man standing in front of you is Lin Xiao. It's probably the person you're looking for!"

"What, what?" Lin Tian was stunned. "No way! What I'm looking for is the eldest son of the Lin family, the authentic descendant of the Lin family and the young master of the Lin family. Is this boy worthy?"

The two great master bodyguards also looked at Lin Xiao with vigilance on their faces. They suddenly found that he looked a little similar to the master, and were stunned.

Lin Xiao's appearance is not so handsome, but also a little cynical. The righteousness in his eyes gives people a feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away. He is not so handsome, but he is very attractive.

This kind of appearance, if dressed up, is often said to be the appearance of an emperor, not angry.

However, Lin Xiao is usually informal and his small movements are very casual, which makes him more secular.

The two bodyguards looked more and more frightened.

Lin Tian was not afraid at all. He said carelessly, "Lin is my Lin family? Tens of millions of Lin family in the world are my Lin family? Bah! Do you think any Lin family can have a relationship with my Lin family?"

Lin Xiao frowned. He found that the boy didn't have enough strings in his head. He couldn't help scolding, "shut up! Tell me your purpose quickly, or I'll throw you into the sea to feed bastard!"

"Sleeping trough! This is my line, okay?" Lin Tian's eyes widened. "Your name is Lin Xiao, isn't it? I warn you, don't fight me at last, or when you return, I'll be the expert of Zhamu family and let you die without a place to bury!"

"Young master!" A bodyguard came quickly and whispered, "this man in front of me seems to..."

"Like what?" Lin Tian scolded impatiently, "are you also bewitched by them? If you meet a boy surnamed Lin, is it difficult to find the next generation master of the Lin family? Are you funny?"

"I don't mean that. I mean, be careful to sail for ten thousand years, in case he really is..."

"What a fart!" Lin Tian sneered without scruples, "just like him, he is probably just the most inferior ordinary person, which is not worth mentioning!"

It has to be said that Lin Tian's brain circuits are really strange. They are all limited to such passivity and are still challenging Lin Xiao's bottom line.

"Lin Xiao! If your Lin family are all descendants like Lin Tian, I'm really sad for you!" Fang Qing said half jokingly and half seriously.

"Hum! Shut up!" Lin Xiao picked up Lin Tian unhappily. "You talk to me. Who are you looking for? What are the characteristics and how can you determine to find the right person?"

"You, you let me go?" Lin Tian shouted, "what do you want to do? Don't say I didn't warn you!"


Lin Xiao slapped Lin Tian in the face and couldn't react for a long time.

"You, you fight..."


Another slap in the face.

"Are you awake now? Can you say it?" Lin Xiao stared at Lin Tian and scared him to death.

"Young master!" A bodyguard said in a hurry, "take out the blood beads and test them. Don't you know?"

Lin Tian covered his face and almost burst out anger in his eyes. He gnashed his teeth and shouted, "OK! You dare to hit me, don't you? You will be unlucky!"

"Blood beads?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned. He didn't talk nonsense with Lin Tian and touched him.

"Sleeping trough! Where do you touch?" Lin Tian suddenly clamped his legs and felt the chrysanthemum tight.

Lin Xiao frowned and said, "how did you hide here?"

Lin Xiao took out the blood bead in his fart pocket and put it in his hand. "What's this?"

The blood bead is full of blood color. There is bright red blood in it. I don't know what it is used for.

A bodyguard looked around. The heavy rain covered his sight. He wiped a handful of rain on his face and said loudly, "go back to the cabin first and try!"

After returning to the cabin, the two great masters seriously said to Lin Xiao, "this matter is very important. Please let Mr. Lin leave the others!"

Lin Xiao thought about it. If the Lin family is really related to the front hall of the king, it's not good to be known by Qi Zhengyi and others, so he said to them, "go out first!"

The three of Qi Zhengyi exchanged eyes and knew that with Lin Xiao's strength, the two great masters couldn't turn out any waves at all, so they nodded silently and walked out.

"I'll go out too?" Fang Qing picked up her beautiful eyebrows.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao nodded slightly.

"Just go out. I was very interested. Don't let me listen!" Fang Qing muttered reluctantly.

In the twinkling of an eye, only Lin Tian and Lin Xiao were left in the room.

Lin Tianyi was confused and muttered, "I don't believe what reaction this blood bead can have!"

"Please drop a drop of blood on the blood bead!"

Lin Xiao did as he said.

The blood dropped on the blood beads, but there was no reaction after a long time.

"I'll say it!" Lin Tian laughed, "ha ha... How could he be the real young master of my Lin family? He's just kidding!"

The two great masters were also confused.

From the appearance, after careful observation and identification, Lin Xiao is indeed somewhat similar to the owner, especially the firm look in his eyes is more convincing.

However, the blood bead test failed, which means that Lin Xiao does not have the purest blood of the Lin family, so he is not the young master of the Lin family.

"What a pity..." the two great masters sighed.

"Hum!" Lin Tian swaggered again and said coldly, "since this boy is not Lin's family, what do you say to him? Catch him directly and let him understand the end of offending me!"

Lin Tian stepped back and motioned two great masters to start.

Since they are not the young master of the Lin family, the expressions of the two great masters naturally become arrogant.

The fight with Qi Zhengyi just now has greatly damaged their face. Lin Xiao is one of them. It's better to catch him as a chip.

Lin Xiao's eyes were a little dull, staring at the blood beads for a moment.

The blood bead had not changed at first, but gradually, Lin Xiao felt an atmosphere that made him very kind and shocking.

"This blood bead..." Lin Xiao took a deep breath and murmured, "where does the blood come from?"

It can be seen that the blood bead is made of special material, the surface is firm but slightly breathable, and the blood in it is sealed from the beginning. Unless the surface of the blood bead is damaged, the blood will not radiate.

This process is very rare and advanced.

Although it was only the product of a drop of blood diluted, Lin Xiao felt the breath of his close relatives.

"There's so much nonsense. Can you ask such a thing?" Lin Tian shouted, "catch him!"


Two great masters, one left and one right, jumped down like an eagle catching a chicken.

Lin Xiao did not move, as if he had no sense of their actions.

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