Nangong Jian stared into Nangong Dadong's eyes and continued, "You say Nangong brocade is scheming for power and beating his uncle in public. He has no respect for his superiors. Lin Xiao is arrogant and arrogant. He makes Nangong family become the palm of Nangong brocade. This is to subvert Nangong family and kill all the children of Nangong family! If this kind of thing is condoned, Nangong family will fall apart like thousands of families and never return to its former glory!"

"Really? Brother Jian! Are you kidding? Nangong Jin dares to do this?"

"Hum! Why don't you dare? Haven't you heard that Nangong Jin slapped my second uncle in the face as soon as he came back?" Nangong Jian said coldly, "this is a signal for us. She didn't pay attention to Nangong's elders at all!"

"And I heard..." Nangong Jian lowered his voice and sneered, "Nangong brocade is not the blood of Nangong family at all, but the wild seed picked up from the outside! If she takes power, Nangong family will fall into the hands of outsiders. Do you want to see this result?"

"Impossible!" Nangong Dadong was shocked and changed color. This news was too shocking.


"Hum!" Nangong Jian slapped on the table, "Nangong Dadong! Think about your situation! I'm giving you a chance to cheer up. Don't be shameless!"

Nangong Dadong clenched his fist and turned blue!

"If you don't go, I can let Nangong Jing and Nangong he go. In this way, you will have no place in Nangong's house after Nangong Dadong!"

"What's more, it's a great achievement! Don't you want to show it in front of the old man?"

"As long as you make this matter more serious, the old man will punish Nangong Jin. At that time, he will deprive her of the thirteen member Parliament and recover her contribution points. Your father may be able to return to the thirteen member parliament directly. You can also have a greater voice in Nangong family. Don't you think clearly about which is more important?"

Nangong Dadong was persuaded.

Nangong Dadong has always been critical of Lin Xiao because of Xiaowu.

If Lin Xiao hadn't left Xiaowu in Zhennan, she couldn't live and fly with Xiaosu.

Originally, the three were very good friends, but at this time, there was a gap, and even contact became extravagant hope.

The sour feeling and anger in his stomach were caught by Nangong sword.

"I'll give you two minutes to think about it! If you don't go, I'll go to find Nangong Jing! You know, Nangong Jing hates Nangong Jin very much and spare no effort to deal with her!"

Nangong Jianqi calmed down and sat on the chair, crossing his legs and waiting patiently.

Two minutes almost flashed by.

Nangong Jian stared at Nangong Dadong and waited for his response.

Nangong Dadong took a deep breath. He figured it out. He just went to complain to his grandfather. If he did this, his father could return to the parliament again. It doesn't matter if he took a curse.

"OK! I'll go!"

Since Nangong Dadong has decided, he will not turn back, but he has never thought of the real consequences of this matter.

The old man has been ill recently and has been lying in bed.

His illness is not a serious illness. It's just that he is over a hundred years old, his physical function degenerates and the laws of nature.

If you follow the normal conditioning and cultivation, there is no problem living for another two or three years.

The premise is that there is no particularly strong emotional fluctuation.

A few months after returning to Nangong's house, the old man was always in a state of joy because of his reunion with the old woman.

Nangong Dadong came to see him, not to let him have any psychological preparation.

"Old man! Something serious has happened!" As soon as Nangong Dadong entered the door, he knelt down and cried, "Nangong's house is going to be over!"

A word startled the old man, and his lazy body straightened up from the bed like a spring.

"What's the matter? What's the big deal?"

Nangong Dadong went out and wanted to play a full set of plays. He cried, "Nangong Jin and her husband Lin Xiao came back. As soon as they came back, they made a big fuss about Nangong family, crippled their second uncle Nangong school, and made a big fuss about the 13 member parliament in front of grandpa. They keep saying that Nangong Jin should become one of the five ancestors. If anyone doesn't agree, he will die without a burial place!"

The old man was stunned for a long time and didn't respond. In his impression, Lin Xiao was always humble and polite. It was impossible to do such a thing.

"Old man! Now Nangong family is in a mess! Nangong brocade has done a lot of damage in the company with the support of Lin Xiao. Uncle, they don't dare to intervene. What should we do now?"

"Is there such a thing?" The old man stood up trembling, his beard high, "too much!"

"Lin, Lin Xiao also said..." Nangong Dadong held his breath and turned red. "He said that you and grandma have lived long enough. It's better to return to the West as soon as possible and give Nangong's family to him!"


The old man didn't come up at one breath and sat down straight on the ground, his face purple.

"Old man?" Nangong Dadong slowly looked up and found that the old man was trembling and his fingers were stiff, as if he had suffered a heart attack.

"Medicine, medicine..." the old man stammered, pointing to the quick acting heart saving Pill on the table not far away.

Nangong Dadong subconsciously wanted to get the medicine, but he stopped halfway, and a fierce color flashed in his eyes.

"Medicine!?" The old man was stunned in his eyes and shouted more hurriedly, "come on, give it to me!"

Nangong Dadong retreated instead of going in and said with his teeth, "old master! I'm sorry! If you're angry! The Nangong family will completely oppose Nangong Jin, so as to drive her away and let my father ascend..."

"You..." the old man suddenly turned his eyes, didn't come up in one breath, and fell back stiffly.

Nangong Dadong's heart beat like a drum. He was so scared that he was sweating. He remained in place for ten minutes without slowing down.

Ten minutes later, the old man was completely silent. Nangong Dadong walked over carefully to make sure he was out of breath. He resolutely raised his voice and shouted, "the old man is so angry!"

Nangong's family was shocked up and down.

An hour later, hundreds of people gathered in Nangong other courtyard.

The old man knelt down in front of the door.

Nangong Dadong "cried faintly" at the door.

Knowing that the old man was killed by Lin Xiao and Nangong Jinhuo, Nangong's family were filled with righteous indignation.

"Nangong Jin! You are so cruel! That's your grandfather. You're so angry with him!"

"Lin Xiao! You conspired with Nangong Jin to develop Nangong family's property. You're so angry that you're ashamed to be Nangong's son-in-law. Get out of Nangong's house right away!"

Nangong subdues the dragon with confidence. With the support of so many Nangong family members, he is not afraid of Lin Xiao's difficulties. If he really plays hard, it will cause the Nangong family to rebound up and down.

The purpose of Nangong subduing the dragon is not to oppose Lin Xiao. He is to gather the strength of everyone and drive Lin Xiao and Nangong Jin out of Nangong's house.

If he didn't believe it, Lin Xiao would dare to kill everyone even if he was powerful?

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