Lin Xiao's phone suddenly rang.

Nangong Fuhu calls.

"Lin Xiao! No! Ah Jin was captured by Nangong zongxue. They forced ah Jin to marry Mr. Bai. I'm afraid something will happen. Come back quickly!"

"What?" Lin Xiao was surprised. He suddenly woke up and looked at the Runner King, "what the hell are you doing?"

The runner king looked very young and his face was full of evil. He smiled and pretended to be innocent and said, "I just said casually and asked the black and white two saints to go to Nangong's house to help. Other things... I didn't arrange it."

Lin Xiao angrily said, "you sent those two masters of Nangong family?"

"I think you'd better go back quickly in case something really happens. The black and white saints are famous coyotes! They practice martial arts with women. Maybe now Nangong brocade has been poisoned. That's... Not very good!" Runner Wang smiled insidiously.

The runner king ordered two experts to be guests at Nangong's house. As the master, how could he not know?

He knew that the black and white saints loved women, almost crazy.

Send these two people to Nangong's house. There are so many beautiful women there. Nangong brocade has a good reputation. Something will happen sooner or later.

This is the "interest" charged by the Runner King.


Lin Xiao didn't care to work hard with the Runner King and ran back like crazy.

Nangong brocade was bound by several outrageous bodyguards and directly thrown into the dungeon of Nangong other courtyard.

The dungeon was originally the place for Nangong family to punish traitors, but today it is completely empty and only Nangong Jin is detained.

The dark, cold and damp dungeon made Nangong brocade nervous.

Unlike ordinary nano robots, nangongjin's body is still its own, but its body cells have been transformed by nano robots, and its head and memory have not really changed.

Nangong brocade didn't know why she lost her memory, and Duanmu Yi was also vague and couldn't tell why.

In recent days, Nangong Jin has been trying to retrieve her memory, but she wants to break her head. Everything about the past is still torn pieces of paper, fragmented and unsystematic.

"Nangong Zong learns from this bastard!" Nangong Jin straightened up and earned hard. She found that the rope was very tough. She was afraid that she was close to the top gold soldier, and it was difficult to break thousands of kilograms of strength.

It was dark all around, with only a few dim lights in the distance.

From time to time there would be rhythmic footsteps in the dungeon, and then there would be the conversation of guards.

"Let me out!" Nangong Jin shouted tentatively.

The echo was so loud that the whole dungeon could hear it clearly.

Unfortunately, no one responded to Nangong Jin's request for help, but a messy laughter came back.

"Nangong brocade! I don't know when I'm dying!"

"I heard that the black and white saints are experts in dealing with women. Women will be immortal and die in their hands, and eventually die!"

"The pond in our backyard is almost a cemetery. In a few days, at least ten female corpses were thrown in!"

Five or six guards chatted carefully. From time to time, they would look at the entrance for fear of being heard by the two saints of black and white.

"Those women died miserably. I heard they were rotten below!"

"So cruel?"

"What an animal!"

"If Nangong Jin marries Bai Sheng, he must not be tortured to death?"

"It's a pity that a great beauty!"

Nangong Jin couldn't hear the discussion, but he could feel a gloomy feeling coming to his face. He couldn't help shouting again.

After all, she is only a woman, and her mind has not reached the real honor or disgrace.

Even if the nano robot transformed her body and improved her IQ, she was still afraid in this environment.

"Let me out!"

Bang bang!

Nangong Jin moved to the prison door, kicked the iron railing with thick and thin arms, and kept shouting, "where's Nangong zongxue? Come out!"

Black and white two saints have received the news that Nangong Jin would rather die than follow, and is locked up in the dungeon.

White Saint bedroom, living room.

"Mr. Bai! Nangong brocade is just obsessed for a moment. As long as you shut her down for a few days, you will understand. At that time, you will take the initiative to throw yourself into the arms!" Nangong zongxue stood in front of Bai Sheng with a smile and said pleasantly, "please bear with Mr. Bai for a few more days. After marriage, she will be your woman."


Bai Sheng's skin looks pale because of his practice, but at the age of 60, he is as young as a 20-year-old boy. He usually has no expression and gives people a gloomy feeling.

"What a trouble! Isn't Nangong Jin your Nangong family's daughter? As long as the elders say a word, does she dare to resist?"

Nangong zongxue laughed, "it's not that simple! Nangong Jin grew up outside. Although he is a member of Nangong family, he doesn't have much sense of belonging to the family, so it's urgent!"

"What trouble!" Bai Sheng was obviously impatient, but he couldn't be hard at the thought of this kind of thing. He thought for a moment and said in a deep voice, "can I meet Nangong Jin?"

"Of course, of course!" Nangong Zong Xue smiled happily and immediately led the way, "ah Jin of my family, she recognizes the first in terms of beauty. No one dares to recognize the second. Mr. Bai will be satisfied when he sees it!"

"I heard that Nangong's daughter, Nangong brocade, is so beautiful that she has never had a chance to see her face. Today I'll see where it can be beautiful." Bai Sheng swaggered out.

Black and white saints are originally members of evil sects. The foundation of their practice is to rely on women to absorb women's Yuan Yin to improve their strength.

After becoming a great master, their demand is more vigorous, and countless beauties die in their hands.


As soon as they walked out of the door, a woman screamed in the nearby courtyard.

Nangong zongxue's face changed slightly, but he pretended not to hear it and walked forward freely.

Bai Sheng raised his eyebrows and said with an obscene smile, "brother has started working. I can't wait in the daytime. It seems that brother's Kung Fu needs to be further."

"Ah..." after the scream lasted for several seconds, there was no movement.

Nangong zongxue shuddered for no reason. He became more and more frightened of the two masters and said pleasantly, "the two saints have made great progress. I'm glad to congratulate them. In the future, Nangong family will rely on them for protection!"

"Don't worry! We are a family when we marry Nangong Jin. I'm not willing to suck her Yuan Yin. It's the business to stay and enjoy it. Ha ha......" Bai Sheng thought of his pride and laughed loudly, frightening Nangong school.


Nangong zongxue leads Bai Sheng to the dungeon.

The dungeon environment is complex and has two layers.

However, Bai Sheng was very satisfied with the gloomy environment. He stretched himself comfortably and seemed to enjoy this dark and humid place.

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