"Brother Jian! No!"

People yelled all the way. They didn't see Nangong Fuhu lying on the ground. They accidentally tripped and fell into shit.

Nangong Jian and others rushed out quickly. Seeing Nangong Fuhu who wanted to escape, they couldn't help dragging him back.

"What's going on?" Nangong sword seems to be the leader of the younger generation. It usually has a great reputation in Nangong other courtyard.

In addition, he is the first expert of the young generation, so young people naturally follow his lead.

So when something happened, someone informed him at the first time.

"Lin, Lin Xiao came in! He hurt many people. We can't stop it. What should we do?"

Nangong Jian was startled. Although he didn't have any awe for Lin Xiao, it was because he was supported by black and white saints.

But now the black and white two saints are not in front of him. Let him face Lin Xiao. He really doesn't have the courage.

He suddenly looked at Nangong Fuhu. There was a secret plan in Nangong's sword heart. He immediately picked him up and walked out with a big step, "let's go out! Nangong Fuhu is a hostage. See what Lin Xiao can do!"


Hearing the sound, a large number of people from Nangong family gathered into a vast team and rushed towards the gate.

There were more than a dozen people lying at the door, all broken bones, broken tendons and constant wailing.

Lin Xiao stood in the center of the yard like the God of war with Cui Jian, who was half dead in his hand. He looked coldly at the people around him and said darkly, "where's Nangong zongxue? Let him get out!"

"Lin Xiao! Don't be arrogant!"

Nangong sword came, pinched Nangong Fuhu's neck and shouted to Lin Xiao, "if you dare to take another step forward, I'll break his neck!"

Seeing the bloody and dying Nangong subduing the tiger, Lin Xiao suddenly raised an evil fire in his heart and said angrily, "you want to die!"

"You, if you dare to come!" Nangong sword screamed and quickly retreated, blocking Nangong Fuhu in front of him, "I really strangle him!"

Lin Xiao slammed Cui Jian to the ground and kicked him in the chest like a vent.


"Ah!" Cui Jian screamed.

"Let him go!" Lin Xiao roared.

The sound shook everywhere. Ordinary people without practice felt their hearts trembling and their bodies paralyzed uncontrollably.

The roar of Buddhist lion hurts people's five internal organs and six abdomen. Ordinary people can't resist it at all.

Even the golden warrior Nangong sword turned pale in an instant.

Lin Xiao approached Nangong Jian step by step, "say it again! Let him go!"

Nangong sword shouted fiercely and feebly, "if you say let go? What are you? I tell you, Lin Xiao! You can't be arrogant in the future! Nangong family is not up to you anymore! You can't turn over any waves with black and white saints!"

"Black and white two saints?" Lin Xiao sneered, "today I'm here to send them home! Since you clown came out to block me, I have to send you on the road first!"

"Lin, Lin Xiao, ah Jin is in the dungeon. She is very dangerous. Go and save her!" Nangong Fuhu shouted weakly, and his voice became hoarse.

Lin Xiao's heart beats faster. He wants to save Nangong Fuhu, but Nangong's sword is very tight. If he doesn't pay attention, he will be hurt by mistake. He doesn't dare to take risks.

The dungeon is in another direction. Lin Xiao can only give up his plan to rescue Nangong Fuhu for the time being. He glared at Nangong sword, put down a word and ran away, "you will die today!"


Lin Xiao turned into a "meteor" and disappeared in front of people in an instant.

Nangong Jian breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he became nervous and excited. He shouted, "Lin Xiao will die himself. Let's go and watch the excitement! See how he was killed by the black and white saints!"

"Xiaojing, tell Mr. Black that Lin Xiao went to the dungeon and made trouble for Mr. Bai! It's a good opportunity to deal with him!" Nangong Jian doesn't forget to block Lin Xiao, and quickly tells Nangong Jing.

"I'll go right away!" Nangong Jing ran away without saying a word.

Dozens of Nangong family members rushed towards the dungeon. They were looking forward to seeing Lin Xiao killed by Bai Sheng.


Bai Sheng sat on the chair specially prepared by Nangong zongxue and looked at Nangong brocade tied to the stone pillar with a wicked smile on his face.

Nangong zongxue is making tea and slowly helps Bai Sheng put tea into the cup piece by piece.

"Ah Jin, what's the use of your stubbornness? What's wrong with Mr. Bai?"

"Mr. Bai is now the red man of the chaos alliance and the confidant of the chaos king. He may be the master of the whole Kyoto in the future. Even if we Nangong family have to rely on him for survival, marrying her is equivalent to marrying into the emperor's house. What else can we hesitate?"

Nangong Zong learned to make good tea and respectfully put the tea cup in front of Bai Sheng.

"Bah!" Nangong's Brocade clothes were not in order. Due to her fierce struggle, her clothes were damaged several places and the spring light leaked out, but her attitude was very firm and didn't give them any good face.

"Hum!" Bai Sheng was impatient for a long time, and the evil intention in his eyes became more and more prosperous.

"Ah Jin! You see, Mr. Bai can't wait! He's never been so patient with a woman!" Nangong Zong earnestly advised him.

Bai Sheng is really itchy. He has never seen such a beautiful woman. He not only meets all his fantasies about beautiful women, but also makes him look forward to it. Once such beautiful women absorb their Yuan Yin, will they make their strength advance by leaps and bounds.

The black and white saints practice evil skills and specifically find beautiful women to absorb Yuan Yin.

In addition to satisfying their own nature, the greater reason is that beautiful women are born with sufficient Yuan Yin, which will produce unique vitality and greatly increase their skills.

The more beautiful women are, the more vigorous they will be when they practice Kung Fu and the better for their body.

Although he is reluctant to absorb the Yuan Yin of Nangong brocade, strength is the foundation. Bai Sheng can't wait to experience the benefits of Nangong brocade.

"It's none of my business whether he is patient or not?" Nangong brocade glanced at Nangong zongxue and said in a cold voice, "as my elder, you even work with outsiders to calculate your own people. It's really not a thing! Do you still have a face?"

"Nangong brocade! Don't be shameless!" Nangong zongxue was reprimanded by a younger generation and hit the pain point. His hot temper was ignited at that time. "Mr. Bai is so tolerant that he wants to give you a chance. Don't toast or punish him!"

"Hum!" Nangong Jin turns his face to the other side.

Bai Sheng smiled and asked calmly, "Nangong brocade! I heard your man's name is Lin Xiao. He's an expert, isn't he?"

"Lin Xiao is very famous," Bai Sheng continued. "He is really a hero in the south of the town. Unfortunately... Compared with the chaotic alliance, he is not worth mentioning. He is not even a fart. You have no future with him!"

"Ten thousand times better than you!" Nangong Jin sneered, "what are you?"


When Nangong Zong came forward, he slapped Nangong Jin in the face and angrily said, "respect Mr. Bai! He's your future husband! Don't talk big or small!"

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