Everyone echoed Xiao Zhiqiu's words and agreed.

"I think Zhiqiu is right! If you join the chaos alliance now, you may be able to be a veteran! There will be no shop after this village!"

"I also heard that the king of chaos has some relations with the leader of the evil house. They have formed a strategic alliance, and their power will be even greater in the future!"

"Don't you know? The puppet supreme in the chaos alliance is provided by the evil house!"

Xiao Zhiqiu's words quickly silenced everyone.

"Does the chaos alliance really have a puppet supreme?"

"Of course!" Xiao Zhiqiu said with certainty, "I heard a friend inside the chaos alliance say that the dark king of the dark net personally took the five puppets to visit the chaos king and gave all the five puppets to him, which made the two sides form an alliance!"

"Hiss... Terrible!"

"Five puppets are supreme! That is, a hundred great masters are not opponents!"

"It's terrible!"

"What are you waiting for? Let's go straight to the chaos alliance!"

"Yes! There will be no shop after this village!"


Lin Yuanyang slapped on the table and snapped, "enough! It's too much. Don't you have a little martial spirit?"

"Ouch!" Xiao Zhiqiu smiled and said strangely, "why is President Lin in a hurry? Everyone is just thinking about the overall situation. If you don't agree, it's okay. Let's go by ourselves! After all, the martial arts association still needs President Lin to preside over the overall situation."

"President Lin! I think Zhiqiu is right. At this juncture, it's serious to rely on a big tree, otherwise we will be eliminated sooner or later!"

Lin Yuanyang said in a deep voice, "the chaotic alliance is secretive, doesn't follow the rules, and is cruel and aggressive, which is inconsistent with the spirit of the warrior. If you want to rely on the big tree, Lin Xiao is the most correct choice!"

"Lin Xiao?" Xiao Zhiqiu sneered, "that hairy boy? He's a fart! The youngest of us here is 55 years old? Do we have to submit to a 30-year-old young man? It makes people laugh!"

Lin Yuan was very angry. "The king of chaos is only a teenager. If you say so, aren't you more ashamed?"

"That's different," Xiao Zhiqiu said lightly. "What's the king of chaos? He's a master close to the Supreme Master. Although he's only a teenager, his master must be a top master if he can teach such a powerful apprentice. In fact, it's his master that we want to go to!"

"You, you are really very eloquent!" Lin Yuanyang choked and couldn't speak.

"I'm just seeking truth from facts. As long as we go to the king of chaos, Kyoto will be our world in the future. What is the police? They can't act according to our words?" Xiao Zhiqiu has obviously been brainwashed by the chaos alliance. The purpose of coming to the meeting today is to disturb the morale of the army.

"I won't agree!" Lin Yuanyang said in a deep voice, "if you want to join the chaotic alliance, you can only break away from the Wushu Association and make a statement that you have nothing to do with the Wushu Association!"

"This......" Xiao Zhiqiu's eyes turned.

The reason why they came to the meeting was that they didn't want to leave the association.

The armed forces association has official support measures and will enjoy a lot of convenience. Moreover, the armed forces association is the only organization recognized by the armed forces in the official. They don't want to give up until they have to.

Since Lin Yuanyang raised the matter, Xiao Zhiqiu didn't hide it. He said frankly, "President Lin! In order to take care of everyone's interests, we'll make a decision before we come. If you don't agree to the plan, you'll have to choose another president!"

"Yes! Since President Lin doesn't agree with our proposal, we have to choose another president!"

Lin Yuanyang was stunned. The other party had already planned. This is forcing the palace.

Xiao Zhiqiu looked at Lin Yuanyang proudly and thought that today's situation must have been unexpected?

As long as a new president is elected, whether you agree or disagree with Lin Yuanyang, it will not help the overall situation. At that time, the martial arts association will still rely on the chaotic alliance and enjoy great benefits.

"Choose, I think it's imperative!"

"President Lin, are you all right?"

"As long as more than one-third of the members decide to re-election, they can launch the election process, and President Lin can't stop it at that time!"

Lin Yuanyang was smothered by the miasma in the room. He endured the impulse of explosion. "If you decide to re-elect in order to join the chaotic alliance, I won't agree. I will report to the relevant departments and report you!"

"Sue us?" Xiao Zhiqiu sneered, "to tell you the truth, Mayor Yang, established by the Kyoto Association in charge, has agreed to our re-election. If you don't believe it, call him."

Yang Shi has a high position in Kyoto. He is really in charge of the martial arts association. Xiao Zhiqiu will report to him if he has something to do.

He didn't expect that even Yang City was bought by these guys, and his mood was rapidly depressed.

"President Lin, don't you believe it? If you don't believe it, I'll ask Yang Shi to call you now?" Xiao Zhiqiu smiled. "Yang city is also waiting for the results of the re-election. As long as there is a decision here, he will sign and seal there immediately and issue a notice!"

"Hum!" Lin Yuan was so proud that he was calculated by these people today.

Looking at the smiling faces, Lin Yuanyang only felt a burst of nausea. He clearly understood that this matter was powerless today, and he might have been the president.

"President Lin, you have another chance. Everyone is waiting for you to make a decision."

The room became quiet.

After all, Lin Yuanyang has a certain prestige in the Wulin of Kyoto. His shout will cause great repercussions.

Before the last minute, Xiao Zhiqiu and others didn't want to completely tear their faces with Lin Yuanyang.

All that should be said and the threat is also threatened. Now it depends on Lin Yuanyang's decision.

Lin Yuanyang is very tangled.

The chaos alliance makes chaos in many ways. It must be a big trouble in Kyoto in the future, and it may disturb the whole Wulin.

If Lin Yuanyang goes with others, he will be a sinner for thousands of years.

Lin Yuanyang, who was in a dilemma, considered for ten minutes and finally decided to resign as president of the martial arts association and get out of the vortex.

"In that case, I have nothing to say. I resign as president. Any decision of the martial arts association in the future has nothing to do with me!"

Lin Yuanyang slowly stood up.

Xiao Zhiqiu's eyes were slightly bright and deliberately said in a regretful tone, "President Lin! So, are you ready to stay out?"

"Xiao Zhiqiu, what else do you want?" Lin Yuanyang shouted coldly.

"Ha ha... I'm just sorry. With President Lin's Jianghu prestige, I should have a better future. What a pity..."

"Hum! Don't worry about me!" Lin Yuanyang glared at Xiao Zhiqiu, "you will regret it!"

"Then don't bother you. I hope everyone will have the opportunity to cooperate in the future. The door of chaos alliance should be open to President Lin all the time!"

Lin Yuanyang didn't want to keep pestering these despicable people, so he turned around and left.

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