Lin Xiao was also startled. He came too suddenly, which was unexpected.

At this moment, outside the solar system, space fluctuations are becoming more and more intense.

In the space channel, a dozen huge silver space warships seem to be in trouble and struggling desperately in the turbulent flow.


A warship was suddenly torn to pieces, and thousands of soldiers in it suddenly disappeared.

"General Duan! We have encountered turbulence in time and space and can't move forward. What should we do?"

In the command ship, wearing dark gray armor, the tall commander Duan Yi was motionless, and his black hair swayed slightly with the warship.

"Time and space turbulence? How can there be time and space turbulence without reason?" Duan Yi said coldly, "open alpha scan immediately and find out what's wrong!"

The call was suspended for a minute, and the turbulence of time and space became more and more intense, as if there were a big explosion.

"Go back, general! Our space-time node has been invaded. Someone is preventing us from passing through wormhole 8!"

"What?" Duan Yi was slightly stunned, "who?"

"It's the fleet of black evil star!" Urgent calls came from the communication.

Duan Yi's eyebrows locked tightly. The black evil star was the pawn of the heaven and earth court. The black evil star fleet was close, indicating that they were making trouble.

"How long will it take to repair?" Duan Yi took a deep breath, "this action must not fail, otherwise the king will be angry!"

"It's not clear how long it will take to repair. The other party is well prepared!"

"Hum!" Duan Yi went to the communication screen and pressed the button, "connect me with commander Heisha!"


The communication channel was established, and a genial middle-aged man appeared on the screen.

Ye, who was wearing a blue and black uniform, lost his eyes and said, "Duan Yi! I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect to meet in this situation!"

"Sure enough, it's you! Ye lost! How dare you stop my fleet?"

"Ha ha... The star Lord has orders, I can't help it. It's a blessing for the whole universe to find the forgotten parent star this time. I believe there will be more and more aliens coming soon. You'll have a headache at that time."

"Ye lost! What do you want to do? All other races know that the forgotten mother planet is the birthplace of the Lord and the place where he wants to find his blood. How dare you destroy it?"

Ye lost didn't care and said faintly, "sorry, our purpose is the same. The star Lord's order to me is to find the blood of the king's front hall and destroy it."

"You dare!" The beard and hair of Duan Yiqi are all open.

"Oh, of course I dare not, but your life is hard to break. You should understand!" Ye's lost smile gradually disappeared on the screen.

"Shit!" Duan Yi clenched his fist.

When ye lost, he knew it was not easy to do.

The other side is the commander of the black Shaxing fleet and his biggest enemy.

"General! What to do? Breaking through the blockade by force will lose at least half of the spacecraft. The gain is not worth the loss! It's better to wait for the main fleet to come. The quantum cannon of the master is enough to tear the barrier, and then we can go out!"

"Hum! I'm sure I'll be a pioneer. I know my fleet doesn't have quantum cannons, so I designed a node blockade to prevent me from arriving at the first time. It's too mean!" Duan Yi was put together by Ye lost, and was speechless with anger.

A deputy general approached and said in a worried voice, "general, if ye lost arrives at the lost planet ahead of time, it will be bad!"

"What now?" Duan Yi roared, "report to the main ship immediately and let them come at full speed!"


Duan Yi went to the command desk and ordered the whole ship, "shrink the formation and open the protective cover to avoid being calculated by the bastard Ye lost."

In another parallel space channel, Ye's lost black fleet, in a sharp knife formation, broke through the space barrier and began an ultra long-distance transition.

"Two days later! We will reach the lost planet! Let the soldiers prepare to harvest these aborigines!" Ye's lost figure slowly disappeared into the main control room.

"Yes!" A young soldier in a hedgehog shaped armor nodded hard and replied excitedly.

The fleet collectively flashed the blue awn, disappeared with a gentle meal in the endless starry sky and entered the space channel.

Space energy fluctuations stopped.

Lin Xiao, academician Zhang and others were shocked into a cold sweat.

The space door did not open, but there was a sense of chaos. Observed from the energy detector, it seemed to fall into calm, but the data showed that the next big outbreak was brewing.

"Next time, the space door will open." Academician Zhang took a deep breath and said nervously, "the position is basically determined, 460000 kilometers north of Uranus!"

Looking at the instructions on the map, Lin Xiao frowned and asked, "even if the space door is opened at such a long distance, it will take them a lot of time to think of the earth?"

"It's not that simple. They must have more advanced spacecraft. If calculated at the speed of light, it won't take long to reach the earth!" Academician Zhang said in a deep voice, "get ready for the battle! I believe they must have a bad intention!"

The whole military headquarters is shrouded in a dark cloud. Important generals know that the real crisis is coming and must be fully prepared.

Lin Xiao came to the meeting place after Lin Yuanyang's three urging.

A cafe.

"Mr. Lin, look at the street!"

Sitting at the window, Lin Yuanyang pointed to the police patrolling the street and said anxiously, "it's a mess!"

Lin Xiao sat down and said to the attendant girl, "a cup of black coffee without sugar!"


There are not many people in the coffee shop. A few people sit there sporadically, and they are not as free as usual. They seem worried.

It seems that the whole city has fallen into an inexplicable panic.

Recently, there have been many conflicts on the streets, and the safety of ordinary people has been seriously threatened.

Those patrolling police are to ensure the safety of the people.

Unfortunately, in the face of powerful fighters, ordinary police are useless. At best, they use official forces to scare off each other. Once there are real violent elements, it must be a bloody massacre.

If a great master becomes a bad man, let alone a few policemen, there is nothing he can do even if the army comes.

"President Lin, come to me in such a hurry just to show me the street?" Lin Xiao asked jokingly.

"Hey!" Lin Yuanyang returned to the subject, took out his mobile phone and transferred the contents of the afternoon news conference to Lin Xiao. "Xiao Zhiqiu, an asshole, has united many people in the association and is ready to join the chaotic alliance. If they succeed, the Wulin in Kyoto will be over!"

"Is there such a thing?" Lin Xiao asked in surprise, "do you need official approval to change the president? Does Xiao Zhiqiu have this right?"

"Who says not? It's because of the consent of Yang City and the Municipal Health Bureau that he is so arrogant! That's why I came to you." Lin Yuanyang said in a deep voice, "I know you must have a way to stop Yang City and the Health Bureau. Without official approval, Xiao Zhiqiu is a private act. If he breaks away from the armed forces Association, he won't get the title of the police security management committee."

"Otherwise, if Xiao Zhiqiu gets it to the public security management committee, won't the whole Kyoto become the back garden of the chaotic alliance?"

"Unexpectedly, Xiaosu's ability is quite big," Lin Xiao smiled, picked up his mobile phone and said, "Vice Mayor Yang and kangwen of the Municipal Bureau, right? I'll call first to ask about the situation!"

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