The soldier simply calculated the time and said seriously and surely, "one day at most, the temperature will exceed the tolerance range of ordinary people. Now the city people have begun to panic and are sneaking out. The brothers can't control it!"

Tibetan Dao and Zhan Qingyi looked at each other and knew that the situation had reached the most urgent moment.

In order to survive, the city people can't care so much. They will certainly run out in groups. There is still a chance to live, leaving only a dead end.

However, the dark king and the people of the evil house are blocked on the ground, almost one died, and the probability of life is infinitely slim. If everyone chooses to escape, the foundation of the heaven and earth court will be destroyed.

"It must be the bastard of the dark king!"

"It was the biggest mistake to let him control the computer room!"

"All right! What's the use of complaining now? Find a way quickly!" Zhan Qingyi took a deep breath, "immediately inform the guard team to stop the defense in the city, all come outside the city and swear to die to make a way out!"


In a city about 300 kilometers away from Qiankun City, the traffic is very busy, and there is no sign of panic at all.

Tall temples can be seen everywhere in the city, and lamas walk slowly in a neat line in the street, calm and indifferent.

In this city, there seems to be no anxiety and anxiety, and the people look as usual.

From time to time, passers-by will bow politely and reverently to the lamas passing by.

Unlike the chaos in heaven and Earth City, everything here seems so harmonious.

Because this is the territory of the Zamu family.

The most powerful force in the western regions, a mysterious family that is difficult to check and balance even by the official.

If wealth is said, Zamu family can sweep three families in Kyoto.

In terms of force, they have tens of thousands of their own mercenaries.

Even the Wulin in the western regions are afraid of Zamu family.

Even the evil house did not dare to confront the Zamu family easily.

Nowadays, although the evil house is supported by the black evil army, these outsiders seem to despise the local forces and treat all the people on the earth as playthings. There is a sign of watching the excitement from above. Therefore, the support to the evil house is very limited. At best, I sent some low-dimensional heat weapons, which are not much better than ordinary guns.

In the past, there were not only great masters, but even supreme puppets within the Zamu family.

Even worse now.

The vitality of heaven and earth exploded thousands of times, martial artists broke through one after another, and great masters abound.

With such a family guard, no wonder the city is peaceful.

Even in real danger, you can turn the tide.

In the huge palace of the Zamu family, many people gathered today. They all looked cold and dignified.

Those present at the moment are the pillars of the Zamu family. Regardless of their strength, their influence is very far-reaching.

On the throne, an old man rubbed his eyebrows gently, and his voice spread slowly, "the identity of the young Lord must not be exposed, otherwise there will be a disaster of death. You go out in batches. You should find the young Lord and bring him back safely anyway!"

"Clan leader! The black evil army has blocked the earth. Even if we find the young Lord, where can we escape? With our current combat strength, we can't compete with the black evil army!"

"I have investigated that the black evil army has brought hundreds of thousands of elite and tens of thousands of experts who have reached the combat power of the great master. Their commander Ye lost, it is said that he has reached the strength of the supreme second section. The supreme puppet is not his opponent. We have no chance!"

"At best, these supreme puppets on earth can be compared with the Supreme Master for a period of time, and can only fight physical strength, know nothing about the use of internal breathing, and can't take any advantage of fighting with the real supreme!"

"If ye loses one person, he can sweep the earth!"

"Create opportunities without opportunities! We must ensure the safety of Shaozhu!"

"Since the black evil army has come, the power of our king's front hall must be not far away. It may have been delayed by something, but as long as we stick to it, we can wait for reinforcements!"

"It's hard!"

"Look at those spaceships in the sky. They patrol and search every day. If you are not careful, you may find the trace of the little master!"

"Now there are rumors that the identity of the little Lord seems to have been leaked. In case of being caught, the consequences will be unimaginable!"

"That's why I called you," the patriarch interrupted in a deep voice after receiving all the comments. "Immediately divide into several teams to meet the little Lord, find him and bring him back!"

There are hundreds of people in the hall, almost all of whom have long internal breathing. They are all great masters. Although there are many recent breakthroughs, it is absolutely an irresistible force to release such a force.

In addition, next to the patriarch, there are several puppets, with a huge body of nearly three meters showing oppressive power.

"Lin Tian!" The patriarch waved to Lin Tian who looked around.

"Yes!" Lin Tian was frightened and answered quickly.

I thought I was just going through the motions. His strength is even hard for the golden warrior. It is estimated that he will be left behind in the clan.

But the patriarch seemed to have other arrangements for him, which made the boy a little frightened.

It's a mess outside. Lin Tianna dares to go out. His eyes wandered for a long time and said with a dry smile, "clan leader! What do you want? I've been practicing martial arts at ease recently. Over time, I must..."

"Lin Tian, you take two puppets to find the young Lord. I heard he trusts you. Maybe you can find his trace!"

"Ah? I......" Lin Tianmu was stunned. Did he really let me out?

"Why, don't you want to?"

Lin Tian almost blurted out, "I don't want to, 10000 don't want to", but his eyes lit up suddenly.

This time, he was sent not a great master, but a supreme puppet.

With the supreme puppet guard, he's still afraid of farts. Can't he walk sideways?

Thinking of this, Lin Tian was excited again. He immediately changed his expression and said solemnly, "I would like to follow the arrangement of the head of the clan. This time, I will invite the young Lord back to ensure that we will not be disappointed!"

The crowd burst out laughing and looked at his expression with anger and laughter.

If Lin Tian didn't come back and boast about his relationship with Lin Xiao, the patriarch wouldn't risk sending him out at this critical juncture.

Now in this world, let Lin Tian go out, and I don't know what disaster he will bring back to the Zamu family.

But the situation is urgent, and the patriarch has no good way.

"The young master has been hidden! It's not so easy to find him. I suggest starting from the south of Zhennan and don't let go of any clues!" The patriarch slowly got up, "this action is related to the rise and fall of the front hall of the king. Please do your best in the great housework!"


All responded with a roar.

"In addition..." the patriarch hesitated and said, "heaven and earth city asked us for help. They are besieged by the evil house and are in danger. Do you want to save them?"

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