
A robot with blue light jumped out of the dark and fought with the puppet supreme.

Lin Xiao had expected that God HA was not so simple. There must be a puppet guard around him. At the moment, he was not flustered. He gently broke the rope with his hands, and his body fluttered and flashed in front of God ha.

"Bug, dare you touch me? Die!" Ha Shen was furious. Unexpectedly, he was ambushed by several small shrimps. All his anger was scattered on Lin Xiao. His big hand like a PU fan pressed down horizontally and brought a strong wind to his face.


Lin Xiao readily splits the opponent's attack and moves Huang Long to sea, right in the chest of HA Shen.


Ha Shen wore a protective inner armor, but he didn't insist for half a second under Lin Xiao's fierce fist. He hit the wall like a broken kite.

The thick wall was hit with a human shaped depression at that time.

Everyone was stunned.

"My Lord!" Johnson felt his heart shrink suddenly and burst into a cold sweat.


Fang Qing also started. The short sword danced like a spirit snake, and the enemy died in the huff and puff.

In order to rescue God ha, Johnson jumped at Lin Xiao and shouted, "people like mole ants dare to fight Lord ha. It's unforgivable..."

Before the lingering sound of the word "pardon" disappeared, Johnson was pinched by Lin Xiao's neck like a chicken and lifted off the ground easily.

From extreme motion to extreme stillness, Johnson lasted only one second. Even his brain nerves didn't respond to this change.

"Er..." Johnson, who kicks carelessly, can't believe that a garbage that looks like only the second section of the master, how can he easily defeat master ha Shen of the sixth section of the master, and even easily capture him, the master of the fifth section of the master.

"Who is mole ant? You?" Lin Xiao looked at him with a smile, suddenly raised his left hand and hit his Dantian heavily.


Johnson's body was listless in an instant, and the whole person seemed to have let out his breath. At the same time, his body also changed. First, his face turned purple and brown, and his limbs twitched disobediently.

"You..." Johnson's twisted voice was still unbelievable.


Lin Xiao suddenly raised his palm and cut off the spirit, right in front of the God ha who had just stood up.

"Want to stand up? Do I agree?"

Ha God fell down again with fear in his eyes.

It was a supreme means to release internal power. It even appeared on a young man who was not worth mentioning in his eyes.

Lin Xiao threw away Johnson, who was already a waste man, slowly lifted his mask, walked to ha God step by step, and asked condescending, "do you know me?"

Lin Xiao's portrait has long been recorded in his mind by HA Shen. At the moment, when he saw the true face, his pupil shrank into the tip of a needle due to shock and shock.

"Are you Lin Xiao?"

The goal I have been looking for, even in front of me, is still in such a strong and arrogant attitude.

"Seal the door!" Lin Xiao gave a silent order.

Chen Feng had long been stunned, but facing Lin Xiao's cold eyes, he didn't dare to disobey and rushed to the door.

But instead of closing the door, he wanted to escape.

At this moment, Chen Feng understood.

What bullshit adult, this boy is Lin Xiao.

As for how Lin Xiao suddenly became the master of the strong cloud, Chen Feng was puzzled.

But now is not the time to consider this matter. Running for life is the first priority.

Seeing that he was about to escape to the door, the door handle was almost touched, but before he showed his joy, he suddenly felt that his body was tight and his legs were tied by something. After losing his balance, he fell to the ground.


The fall made the eyes shine with gold stars.

Another bundle of fairy rope.

Chen Feng's face was green. This was the second time he was entangled by this ghost, and a strong sense of powerlessness came to his heart.

"Hum!" Ah Fei came over quickly, put the muzzle of the gun against his head and said gloomily, "move and die!"

Xiu and the puppet supreme of HA God fought inseparably and were in a tie.

Of course, it is not so easy to distinguish between the two puppet supreme masters when fighting, and their energy is almost inexhaustible. As long as there is sunshine, they can get a steady stream of energy, even if they fight for three days and nights.

Lin Xiao asked ah Fei to control Chen Feng and liberate the immortal rope. The next moment it was used on the puppet supreme.


Tie Xiansuo is indeed a rare treasure of the black evil army. It is almost unfavourable.

Even if the puppet supreme is tied by a fairy rope, he can't get rid of it.

"Sure enough, it's a good baby!" Fang Qing's eyes are bright.

The situation soon stabilized and ha Shen's side was defeated.

The black evil army soldiers outside didn't know what was happening inside. Even if you hear some strange noises and don't have the command of God ha, no one dares to come in and ask questions.

Lin Xiao wanted to take the opportunity to turn the puppet supreme under ha Shen, but he found that the password was completely wrong.

The method of controlling puppet supremacy on earth is somewhat different from that of extraterrestrial civilization. Lin Xiao can't find a way for the time being.

As for asking ha God, it is estimated that it is also unrealistic. This password is extremely complex. Unless you are willing to disclose it word by word, an accident is likely to happen if there is a slight difference.

Lin Xiao also had a worry. If God ha gave a false password and just temporarily made the puppet supreme obedient, he suddenly became angry after a while, they didn't know how they died.

The abandoned God ha sat on the ground with his eyes full of hatred.

He is a high black evil star man. He was caught by a group of indigenous people on earth and suffered such humiliation. He can't stand it.

"You mole ants! The black evil army will crush all of you and make your life worse than death!"

Ha, God roars.

Fang Qing looked at him expressionless. In fact, she was suppressing her sadness. A few months ago, she watched her relatives killed, but there was nothing she could do. In recent months, she dreamed of revenge.

Today, the opportunity for revenge finally came.

"Ha God, it's too easy to let you die like this. I'll waste your limbs and take you to the south of town and burn them to ashes in front of all the wronged souls!"

Lin Xiao accidentally looked at Fang Qing, who was out of control. He was surprised that a person who was so calm at ordinary times also had such a manic time.

"Ha ha......" Ha God glared, "mole ants! If you dare to kill me, the black evil army will wipe out the whole south of the town. If you don't believe it, try it!"


Fang Qing directly inserted the dagger into his abdomen and said in a grim voice, "it's estimated that you can't see that time!"

Ha Shen spits blood at his mouth, but as a senior general, he is not so easy to admit defeat, let alone bow his head, grin grimly and show a mouthful of blood red teeth, "I forgot to tell you that general ye will send a special envoy in half an hour. At that time, none of you can escape!"

"Special envoy?" Lin Xiao was slightly stunned and immediately looked at Chen Feng.

Kneeling on the ground, Chen Feng stammered, "I don't know who the special envoy is, but I've heard one thing..."

"What's up?" Lin Xiao turned around and stared at Chen Feng.

"The special envoy is under general Ye's command. He is responsible for passing messages and orders around the world. Moreover," Chen Feng wiped his sweat, "he is a supreme master!"

"Oh?" Lin Xiao's pupil shrunk slightly, "supreme?"

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