Lin Xiao said word by word, "if the soldiers fight hard to resist the invasion, even if they sacrifice tens of millions, they are willing to go ahead. But it is the greatest sorrow to be framed by their own people, to die wronged, to die unclear!"

"The two sacrifices have the same ending, but the process is completely different. Some of them choose to be a hero, some choose to be a bear, and some choose to be a traitor. Which do you think you are?"

Lin Xiao's words deeply hurt Zhang Sheng and made his face very ugly.

But what Lin Xiao said was also true, which made Zhang Sheng unable to refute.

"So what?" Zhang Sheng's face can't hang, "that's the truth!"

"Ha ha..." Lin Xiao did not argue with him about these things, but said casually, "team Zhang, don't get excited. Just follow your heart. There is no absolute right or wrong in this world! Come and have a meal!"

Lin Xiao cut off the topic. If we continue to study this issue, we will only collapse the conversation.

This kind of feeling everyone's position and idea are different, and Lin Xiao still thinks that he has the opportunity to draw Zhang Sheng over, which can also increase the help to deal with the black evil army.

The breakfast was quite sumptuous.

It can be seen that Zhang Sheng has a very good impression of Lin Xiao and wants to attract him.

But Lin Xiao's words made him a little ashamed, and he couldn't say anything.

Originally, Zhang Sheng wanted to persuade Lin Xiao to work with him, but he was speechless when Lin Xiao questioned him in the opposite direction.

Zhang Sheng was unhappy with his breakfast, but Lin Xiao wolfed down all the delicious food like a whirlwind.

After eating, Lin Xiao left and went back to his room.

Leave Zhang Sheng alone to think.

Fu Shaohua didn't come for breakfast. Zhang Sheng specially invited him for lunch.

Probably because of Zhang Sheng's identity, Fu Shaohua could only go to the banquet even if he was dissatisfied with Lin Xiao.

Unexpectedly, Yuan Shang and Yuan Long also came.

The two men didn't intend to attend the luncheon. They didn't know what Fu Shaohua said, which made them change their mind.

In addition to these people, Shan Yu and Wang Yang and Wang Yue brothers were also invited to the banquet.

Lunch was very rich. Some special meals from heishaxing looked unique in color, smell and taste.

Especially in the middle of the table, a large iron plate with a diameter of about five or six meters, which accounts for half of the table, attracted people's attention.

The two brothers of Yuan Shang leaned back on their chairs and closed their eyes. They had no response to the whispers around them.

Shan Yu spared no effort to mobilize the atmosphere. Seeing the silence of the people, he immediately stood up and said with a smile, "Captain Zhang, first of all, on behalf of Fu Shao, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks for your warm hospitality!"

Zhang Sheng looked at Lin Xiao. In fact, the lunch was for Lin Xiao, and others took it lightly.

But since Shan Yu said so, he couldn't refute it and said with a smile, "yes! The teams led by Fu Shao are all excellent soldiers and strong generals, especially our Xiaolin brothers. If you have a chance in the future, you should cooperate more!"

"That's natural," Shan Yu respectfully pointed to Fu Shaohua. "In the future, major general Fu will be the president of Zhennan martial arts association and command the martial artists in Zhennan. At that time, all experts will come and vote. The scene must be spectacular..."

Shan Yu observed the people's expressions as he spoke. Except for some changes in Zhang Sheng's face, the others didn't seem to hear.

"Cough..." Shan Yu smiled and felt embarrassed. He was anxious to change the topic and his eyes fell on the big iron plate in the middle of the table.

The iron plate has a cover, and there are faint bursts of meat fragrance. The fragrance is very special. It is not spices, but it is better than spices. Just smelling it will greatly increase people's appetite.

"Team Zhang, what's in such a big plate? Elephant meat?" Shan Yu asked half jokingly and half seriously.

With a dry smile, Zhang Sheng looked like he wanted to stop talking, but said vaguely, "in short, it's a very rare meat!"

"Oh? I'll try it." Shan Yu said a few times.

Referring to the big dish of meat, Yuan Shang suddenly opened his eyes and joked with a smile at the corners of his mouth, "want to know?"

Shan Yu's eyes were bright. "Isn't it really elephant meat? I heard that elephant meat is not so delicious. Is this the unique craft of heishaxing?"

"Hum!" The feminine Yuanlong smiled with a disdainful expression, "elephant? Elephant is a fart. You have burned Gaoxiang for several generations today to eat this kind of thing?"

Yuan Long's words were very harsh and uncomfortable. Naturally, an unconvinced idea grew in his heart.

Elephants are already the largest land creatures on earth. It's really not so easy to eat elephant meat.

Even Fu Shaohua raised his attention, slowly straightened up, stared at the iron plate, and asked thoughtfully, "is there a creature on the black evil star on this plate?"

"Fu Shao is right," Yuan Long said to Fu Shaohua, much better than Lin Xiao, pointing to the iron plate. "The meat here is definitely a creature you can't imagine in your dreams!"

"Oh?" Fu Shaohua's eyes were slightly bright and interested. "I'm looking forward to this meat to open my eyes!"

"Someone!" As soon as Zhang Sheng saw the atmosphere rising, he quickly ordered, "open your eyes! Take off the lid!"


Two strong men came over and raised the iron cover with some difficulty.

When the lid was lifted, a special smell of meat came out.

Not only the fragrance is very attractive, but the unspeakable taste goes straight into the nose, which makes people feel refreshed and excited.

"Huh?" Lin Xiao sniffed his nose and suddenly found that his Dantian had a feeling of joy. He seemed to like the taste very much, which made him take a few more breaths.

Sure enough, the inner breathing of Dantian was boiling. It seemed that he was greeting his best friend who had not seen for many years and rushed out uncontrollably.

Among all the people, only Lin Xiao appeared different and his face flushed. He fought hard to suppress it.

When the iron plate was completely removed, the smell became stronger and stronger, and Lin Xiao's body began to tremble.

Fortunately, everyone's eyes are on the meat in the huge plate. No one pays attention to Lin Xiao's situation, otherwise it will certainly arouse suspicion.

However, Lin Xiao himself did not know what had happened.

Just then, the sound of exclamation pulled Lin Xiao's mind back from the shock.

And his physical reaction gradually calmed down and disappeared quickly.

Everyone was surprised to see the big ball of meat on the iron plate.

The meat shape still retains part of the appearance of animals before they died. It is a creature similar to lizards. To be exact, it should be one of the dinosaurs we have seen on TV.

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