Zhang Sheng glanced at Lin Xiao and knew that he was on the verge of anger. After a few seconds of silence, youyou said, "Yuan Shang! Are you jealous of the credit of brother Xiao? Brother Xiao has made great contributions to the suppression of the rebels this time. The leader will certainly give a lot of rewards. Are you angry that he robbed your credit? Why don't I call the general captain and tell him about it?"

"Fart!" Yuan Shang was like a cat with its tail stepped on. "Don't talk to the captain!"

"What? The general captain has given special approval. Whoever can take the head of the rebel leader will be rewarded, no matter who... Do you understand?" Zhang Sheng sneered, "the general captain is selfless and does things at a glance. You should know his character! What do you think he will do if I report you running against brother Xiao Lin?"

The captain obviously has a great deterrent to Yuan Shang.

As the saying goes, it is better to be in charge than to be in charge now. The general captain has direct leadership over the captain and vice captain of these strongholds, even the power of life and death.

So when it comes to the general captain, even though Yuanshang brothers are very domineering, they also mutter in their hearts at the moment.

In addition to his own strength, contacts and social influence, there is another important reason why Zhang Sheng can be the leader of this sixth stronghold as an earthman.

Zhang Sheng's sister was favored by the captain and married as his wife.

It is for this key reason that Zhang Sheng stood out and became the captain of the sixth stronghold of the black evil army in the western regions.

Sure enough, when Zhang Sheng mentioned the general captain, the two brothers of Yuan Shang beat the back bore drum.

"Hum!" Yuan Shang said to him, "why do you mention the captain? We're just kidding Lin Xiao. Isn't he all right now? Since he can eat so well, eat well and hope he won't die!"

"It's just a joke. Why take it seriously? Don't be so stingy!"

The two brothers laughed derisively.

Zhang Sheng youyou said, "don't forget your bet. Do you write your resignation yourself or do I write it for you?"

Yuan Shang's face changed, "Zhang Sheng! Don't be complacent. Even if we are reduced to team leader, we are also black evil star people. It's not so easy for you to sit on our heads for a long time!"

"Let's go!"

The two left the table, looking like they didn't pay attention to Zhang Sheng, and slammed the door and left.

"These two bastards..."

Zhang Sheng didn't investigate their disrespect. He didn't want to, but didn't want to really offend the black evil army because of these two villains. He could only bear the evil spirit.

Moreover, Zhang Sheng didn't want to disturb the captain unless he had to.

Nominally speaking, the general captain is his brother-in-law, but after all, he is the direct line of general Ye of the black evil army. He is in a high position and does not pay attention to him.

"Brother Xiao Lin, are you really okay?" At this time, Zhang Sheng had the opportunity to observe Lin Xiao and found that he looked normal, but he was still very worried.

Zhang Sheng had never seen a man who ate dozens of kilograms of Horned Dragon meat standing unharmed.

Even if this is a young Horned Dragon, the vitality it contains is not that the earth's human body can bear.

"It's all right," Lin Xiao blinked innocently. "There are so many delicious food. I was just half full. Come and eat while drinking!"

Everyone looked at each other and was stunned by Lin Xiao's "big stomach".

Fu Shaohua felt that there was no light on his face and didn't want to stay. He directly got up and said to Zhang Sheng, "team Zhang, I'm not feeling well. I'll go back to my room first. Just inform me when I leave tomorrow morning!"

"Fu Shao, don't eat?" Zhang Sheng was slightly stunned. "Is it not a good reception?"

"No!" Fu Shaohua glanced at Lin Xiao without showing any trace. "I just have nausea!"

"Fu Shao, this is a sign of loss of appetite," Lin Xiao said in a fuss. "It is estimated that there is still the possibility of kidney deficiency. This is a man's taboo. I have medicine for you?"

"Hum!" Fu Shaohua didn't want to tangle with him, so he shook his sleeve and left directly.

Wang Yang and Wang Yue looked at each other and didn't intend to leave, but Fu Shaohua went halfway and suddenly looked back. They were sweating and hurriedly got up to leave.

After a lunch for most of the day, only Zhang Sheng and Lin Xiao were left.

"Forget it, let's eat," Zhang Sheng was also quite helpless. He took Lin Xiao's arm and sat on the main seat. "Brother Xiao Lin, I hope it doesn't affect your appetite!"

"How? I have a good appetite." Lin Xiao grabbed the chopsticks carelessly, "but I don't think team Zhang is very happy in this sixth stronghold. They are riding on their heads by two vice captains?"

Zhang Sheng sighed lightly, "who makes us earth people be regarded as inferior? I can mix in this position. My ancestors have burned Gao Xiang!"

"No, no, no..." Lin Xiao shook his head while eating. "I think captain Zhang is a little self deprecating. Since he can be the captain of the black evil Star Army, he is also outstanding among the people on earth!"

"Now," Lin Xiao said meaningfully after drinking a mouthful of wine, "the black evil army invaded the earth and ruined the lives. If it continues, sooner or later, it will subjugate the country and family, and really become the slave of the black evil star!"

Zhang Sheng's expression moved slightly.

"Why do capable people like team Zhang succumb to the hands of a group of invaders? Even if they have achievements in the future, they will not become traitors in the eyes of all people on earth?"

"Do you want your children and grandchildren to be scolded by people pointing at their backbone?"

Lin Xiao said vaguely with the strength of wine, while observing Zhang Sheng's expression.

A look of shame appeared on Zhang Sheng's face. Although he passed away, Lin Xiao observed him sensitively.

That means Zhang Sheng still has some conscience. Maybe he joined the black evil army not out of the essence of evil.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiao deliberately reminded, "what would you do if the black evil army started on your relatives, friends or brothers?"

"Hum!" Zhang Sheng's expression immediately became gloomy. "I joined the black evil army to protect my family from harm. If they dare to hurt my family, I will die and break the net!"

"Think about it, the black evil army is so cruel that they have no compassion for the people on earth. They have killed hundreds of millions of lives less than a month after they came to the earth. What a terrible number?" Lin Xiao told the blood debt of the black evil army word by word.

"They treat us as animals, not even their pets. Think about the things reported on TV. How many people on earth are kept as pets by the black evil star people? Become targets shot at will?"

Zhang Sheng's face turned cloudy and sunny, and the scenes of tragedy in the news were emerging in his mind.

"I heard that Captain Zhang is in charge of the logistics supply of the sixth stronghold. There are a large number of super weapons and some yuan pills and Yuan medicines to improve the strength of martial artists. If these things are delivered to the people on earth, we must also develop and grow!"

Lin Xiao said tentatively, "in this way, you are the great hero of the earth people and will be immortal!"

Zhang Sheng's eyes sank and stared at Lin Xiao, "Xiao Lin! Did you have this idea?"

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