Lin Xiao had long noticed the strange things around him. In addition to the troops stationed on the surface, there was also a spaceship floating in mid air.

This ship is probably the most visually powerful ship besides the Phoenix warship. It is one of the action ships of the black evil army, A-class combat ship, which can easily destroy the powerful ship of the aircraft carrier formation.

The black evil army only brought three action ships this time, and sent one to garrison heaven and Earth City, which is enough to show the importance it attaches to here.

It's as difficult as heaven to brazenly save people from here.

Saving people here is equivalent to fighting under the eyes of the enemy.

"Team Zhang, how many troops are stationed here?" Fu Shaohua walked to the side and asked in a deep voice.

"Tens of thousands!" Zhang Sheng did not specify the quantity. He glanced at Fu Shaohua and said, "why does Fu Shaohua ask this?"

"Just curious!" Fu Shaohua said with a dry smile, "if you have arrived here, don't bother team Zhang to send you off. Give me the pass order."

Zhang Sheng hesitated for a few seconds, took out the pass token and handed it to Fu Shao, reminding him, "although there is no large number of troops stationed in Qiankun City, it is still a controlled area. Come out quickly after you finish it to avoid accidents."

"Don't worry!" Fu Shaohua was a little anxious. He picked up the token and rushed out.

After Lin Xiao said hello to Zhang Sheng, he quickly followed Fang Qing and others.

When he came to the entrance, two strange guns stood at the door. At first glance, he thought they were ordinary heavy machine guns, but Lin Xiao found that their muzzle was also wrapped with light electronic components.

"Quantum gun!" Lin Xiao's pupil contracted slightly.

This is a small shipborne gun. Once the gun goes down, the tank will have to be broken into pieces.

The entrance is equipped with such powerful firepower that once the enemy is found, it can be destroyed directly.

With the firepower of the earth, it is estimated that it will take another 50 years to counter this weapon.

Unfortunately, the earth has not developed for 50 years, which makes Lin Xiao more and more worried about the fate of the earth.

Subconsciously, he looked up at the Phoenix warship floating in the air. Lin Xiao's mood became more dark.

"Brother Xiao Lin?" Zhang Sheng shook his fingers suspiciously in front of Lin Xiao, "what's the matter?"


The guard's rude voice and Zhang Sheng's surprised questions pulled Lin Xiao back.

"Nothing." Lin Xiao shook his head and looked at Fu Shaohua.

Fu Shaohua pushed Lin Xiao away. Before he came to the team, he handed the pass to the guard and said to Zhang Sheng, "Captain Zhang, can we go in?"

After checking, the guard retreated and continued to monitor the entrance with straight eyes.

"Yes!" Zhang Sheng nodded and said with a smile, "after finishing the work, I'll wait for you at the stronghold!"

Lin Xiao, Chao Fang Qing and others winked and were about to go in.

"Wait a minute!" Fu Shaohua suddenly reached out and stopped the crowd.

"What?" Lin Xiao frowned slightly.

Fu Shaohua pointed to Lin Tian and his guard and sneered, "these two people are not in our team. They can't enter!"

"They are my friends." Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "help me finish the task together. Why can't you go in?"

Fu Shaohua said calmly, "because I'm the captain, I have the right to let someone in or not let anyone in! Understand?"

"Shit..." Lin Tiancai didn't eat him, stared and shouted, "I'm going in. What's the matter?"

The guard behind Fu Shaohua and Lin Tian's guard Xiu almost stood out at the same time. Although they didn't have any momentum, they just made people feel cold and withdrew unconsciously.

"What are you doing?" Fu Shaohua sneered, "want to fight?"

"I just want to hit you. What's the matter?" Lin Tianzao didn't like Fu Shaohua. He always yelled at the young master without any respect. He was just ready to take this opportunity to beat him up.

He also knew that the guard around Fu Shaohua was the supreme puppet, but he was not afraid of xiuzai.

"Die!" As soon as Fu Shaohua's eyes were cold, he would order the guard to start.

As soon as Zhang Sheng saw that the situation was wrong, he immediately stood up and said, "what is this? It's all his own people. Don't hurt the harmony!"


The quantum guns on both sides of the entrance slowly shifted their muzzle and aimed at the crowd.

Lin Xiao took a deep breath and said with a smile, "Lin Tian! Go back to the sixth stronghold with your bodyguard and wait. I'll contact you when I come out!"

"But..." Lin Tian was in a hurry. Fu Shaohua had a puppet around him. If this bastard did something wrong, the young master would be in danger.

"I'm fine!" Lin Xiao naturally knew his worry, "you go back first!"

Lin Tian didn't dare to disobey Lin Xiao's order. He felt very oppressed and didn't dare to say. He had to vent his anger on Fu Shaohua, pointed to his nose and shouted, "boy, you'd better come out well, and then I'll teach you how to be a man!"

Fu Shaohua remained calm and gently poked Lin Tian's fingers away. "Be careful of your dog's life. I hope you can stand in front of me after I come out!"

"Hum!" Lin Tian stepped back, looked at Lin Xiao, then turned and strode away, "let's go!"

Xiu dodged and drifted back.

Fu Shaohua stared at Xiu for a long time and thought to himself, this boy has a puppet supreme. He's not small.

His attitude towards Xiao Lin is obviously respectful.

What exactly is the origin of Xiao Lin?

Originally, Fu Shaohua doubted Xiao Lin's identity. Now he has more doubts in his heart.

"Go in!" Fu Shaohua took the lead in moving forward.

A group of people followed and quickly hid into the entrance.

Zhang Sheng waited for about two minutes, then looked at his watch. When he was about to leave, the communicator rang.

Didi didi!

The messenger assigned to him by the Black Ghost Legion has different alarm sounds. Now this urgent sound proves that it comes from the top of the Legion.

Zhang Sheng's heart clicked for a while, quickly found a corner and carefully connected, "Hello! This is Zhang Sheng, the sixth stronghold. Who is your adult?"

After a few seconds of silence, a cold female voice rang, "are you Zhang Sheng? Zhang Qian's brother?"

"Yes, I am, you are..." Zhang Sheng guessed in his heart, but he was still not sure.

"I am rain leaf!"

"Rain leaf pioneer!?" Zhang Sheng was startled.

Yuye is the second person of the black evil army of the whole earth. In terms of identity, status and strength, Yuye is only second to Ye's loss.

In his life, Zhang had never had the opportunity to contact Yuye pioneer, which was somewhat flattered.

Moreover, the other party mentioned his sister Zhang Qian, which means he found himself through the desolation of the general captain.

Vaguely felt that it was not so easy for Yuye pioneer to find himself. Zhang Sheng's mind ran quickly.

"I ask you, have you heard from Lin Xiao around the sixth stronghold recently?"

"Lin Xiao?" Zhang Sheng asked in surprise, "the 'son of the king' wanted by the Legion?"


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