There is no obvious injury on jianwuji, but his state is very worrying.

His face is pale and his breath is unstable. In the words of martial artists, there are signs of being possessed by evil.

"Master, are you hurt?" Lin Xiao held the sword Wuji, went to the side and sat down. He hurriedly took out a needle to treat him.

Jian Wuji gently pushed away his hand and said with a smile, "I taught you your medicine. Do I still use you?"

"But..." Lin Xiao knew that his doctor couldn't compare with his master, but he couldn't watch Jian Wuji suffer. He said anxiously, "I'd better help you."

"No! I know my body. It's okay." Jian Wuji glanced at the people in the room.

All the people around were silent and looked at the sword with awe.

Being able to beat back the lost leaves is enough to prove that jianwuji is already a supreme master.

They were all excited because it was the only supreme on earth.

However, they did not know the origin and experience of the predecessor of jianwuji, and thought that jianwuji had just reached the supreme stage of cultivation.

"Are these your friends?" Jian Wuji asked with a smile.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao nodded hard.

"Good!" Jian Wuji seems very happy. In the face of strong enemies, there are so many friends to help, which shows that Lin Xiao is not fighting alone, "cough..."

"Master!" Lin Xiao was a little nervous. He felt that the state of jianwuji was strange. It seemed that there was something difficult to hide.

The sword waved weakly, "it's no problem. It's useless when I'm old. Now even a lost leaf can ride on my head and bully me!"

Lin Xiao didn't quite understand the meaning of jianwuji, and he couldn't imagine that jianwuji was once the peak figure of domain master Jiuduan.

The domain master is already a strong man with a broken void between waving hands. He is only one step away from the great emperor.

Unfortunately, jianwuji was seriously injured and could not recover after thousands of years of cultivation.

Now he is so down that even a small leaf can step on his head.

"I'd better help you." Lin Xiao is busy and is about to do it.

"Go and help your brothers. I'll just meditate for a moment!" Jian Wuji said in a deep voice, "I think your friends have taken the fierce pill. The situation can not be ignored. If the treatment is not timely, I'm afraid there will be no growth in cultivation!"

"Fierce Dan?" Lin Xiao was surprised, clenched his teeth and angrily said, "what the hell are these guys doing?"

"Go!" Jian Wuji seemed to have trouble talking, "find me a quiet place!"

"Sir, go to your lounge?" Just then, Xiao Ling came over and said to Jian Wuji in a more respectful tone than Lin Xiao.

Jianwuji looked at Xiaoling and smiled, "do you remember me after so many years?"

"Of course, I remember adults. If not adults, there would be no Xiaoling!" Xiaoling is like a servant.

Lin Xiao was stunned, "master, master, this..."

"I'll tell you everything when I have time!" The sword is limitless and then floats away.

"What the hell is master doing?" Lin Xiao was stunned. He heard a sense of vicissitudes from the tone of Jian Wuji.

The strong cloud was left many years ago, and Xiao Ling even called Jian Wuji an adult. There's nothing fishy in it. Who believes it?

"Lin Xiao, you master, it's not easy." Fang qingruo said with deep meaning.

"Yes!" Lin Xiao nodded and suddenly asked, "has the space box been handled?"

"Hey, speaking of this, I want you to have a good look and come with me..." Fang Qingchao hooked Lin Xiao's finger, "I promise to surprise you!"

"Don't worry," Lin Xiao said in a deep voice, "I'll heal my brothers first and go later!"

"You will regret not coming," Fang Qing said with a smile. "Do you know what's in it? It's all medicine!"

"Medicine!?" Lin Xiao was stunned.

"Yes! It's full of drugs to treat various diseases and injuries, and some concentrated energy food, which is enough for us to live for two or three years."

"But..." Fang Qing mused, "Xiao Ling just opened the space box and found that the opposite side was ready to cut off the space transmission. Fortunately, she was really powerful and guaranteed the connection time of five minutes, which brought out a lot of drugs!"

The space box is closely related to the warship. In fact, everything is stored inside the warship, but the space box can be easily taken as an output channel.

After the space box was robbed, the Phoenix warship received the news. It was going to cut off the connection, but it was intercepted by Xiaoling.

Because the spatial connection requires the signals of two ports to work at the same time, although Xiaoling intercepts the opposite access request, this side will be forcibly closed after a certain time, and there is nothing she can do.

"What medicine do you have?"

"In short, they are all drugs we dare not think of!"

Gao Haijian and others lay quietly in the medical cabin, but the warship could not be started. The function of the medical cabin could not be fully operated and could only ensure the most basic life support.

At the moment, Lin Xiao was very happy. The drugs taken out of the space box were classified and stored in small medicine boxes.

Five minutes was not long, but Fang Qing and others took out hundreds of boxes and more than 10000 bottles of medicine.

Healing, healing, and a small amount of Yuan pills, each of which is an enviable wealth.

"This medicine..." Lin Xiao picked up a small medicine bottle and found that it was very similar to Shaolin xiaohuandan according to the instructions written on it.

There are hundreds of bottles of this medicine alone, not to mention the medicine with more powerful effect, which is comparable to Da huandan.

Gao Haijian and others only need a small pill to recover.

There are at least thirty in this vial.

"I'm really rich." Lin Xiao grabbed the medicine bottle and rushed out excitedly. At the same time, the other Qing shouted, "find out the functions and effects of all drugs, and then make a list."

Fang Qing couldn't help turning her eyes, "let me be a coolie again!"

However, looking at the medicine boxes everywhere, Fang Qing was still very excited. These things were enough for them to raise an army.

The effect of medicine is surprisingly good, even more effective than xiaohuandan.

After Gao Haijian and others took it, they recovered from 7788 in only half an hour. The sequelae caused by violent Dan was also repaired.

"Boss, what medicine is this? It's amazing!"

"The high-tech gadgets of the black evil army are really powerful!"

"Boss, where did the warship come from? Isn't it incredible?"

"Yes, we also have warships, ha ha ha..."

Everyone's attention shifted to the warship and pulled Lin Xiaodong to ask.

Lin Xiao explained to them briefly, and then said, "we need a lot of people to start the warship. Now we have few people, and everyone has to learn to sail. I'll let Lu Yun teach you."

"That feeling is good. If this thing drives, it won't be afraid even in the face of the Phoenix warship!"

"With the eldest master, the sword is limitless, and the loss of Ye is nothing."

"Now with a ship comparable to the Phoenix warship, we can finally fight against the black evil army!"

"Lin Xiao, no, come quickly!"

Lin Xiao was discussing the warship with his brothers. Suddenly, he heard Fang Qing roaring outside. His heart sank in an instant.

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