The Runner King's eyes lit up, "did you agree?"

Lin Xiao smiled. "Do you think I will agree to such a thing? With your nature, if you take over the puppet supreme and explode, all of us here will be in danger!"

The Runner King's eyes narrowed slightly, "so today's transaction can't be done?"

Everyone was angry with the Runner King.

So many soldiers outside fought hard to send you in just to pay the puppet money.

Moreover, these puppet gold are also official things. You have violated the rules by trading privately. Now you are still aggressive, and everyone is filled with indignation.

Lin Xiao smiled, "you should see the situation clearly. If you don't take advantage of it, you may even stay here forever. It's not impossible for me to hurt you."

"Oh?" Hearing this, runner Wang smiled, and his childish face was full of fun.

The Runner King has changed his life against the sky through the runner Dharma, making his talent excellent, breaking the shackles of the past body and achieving the supreme body.

Perhaps it was impossible to become supreme on the earth in the past, but today's earth has sufficient vitality and a large number of Yuan pills. It is only a matter of time to become supreme.

And the Runner King is now the cultivation of the great master Shiduan. He is confident that no one can be invincible under the Supreme Master.

This is the strength of his negotiation with Lin Xiao.

Both sides have puppet supremacy, and his puppet supremacy can also be combined. Therefore, he believes that the battle between the two sides is equal, and even his own side has the upper hand.

The runner king knows Lin Xiao's character very well. In this case, Lin Xiao is likely to retreat to avoid damage to his brothers.

"Do you want to fight?" The Runner King's eyes are more focused.

A Dai and his men immediately dispersed, and more than a dozen great masters formed a siege and faced off with everyone.

Ah Dai's talent is very strong, and he has always been the confidant of the Runner King. At the beginning, he protected Xiaosu, but now he has returned to the hands of the Runner King. Coupled with the explosion of the vitality of the earth, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has become an expert of the great master Qiduan.

Among the people present, several people can beat him, which is a very strong combat power.

The other subordinates of the Runner King are at least the martial artists of the great master more than four sections.

Such a fighting force must not be underestimated.

Lin Xiao knew the character of the runner king very well. He was arrogant, determined and self respecting.

If it had been someone else, perhaps he would have thought about how to catch Lin Xiao and give it to Ye lost to receive a reward.

But the Runner King disdains to do so. He wants to fight against the black evil army through his own efforts, and even has an ambition to surpass everyone in the end.

"The Runner King," Lin Xiao suddenly raised his voice, "you just have been jealous of what happened in those years. But things have changed, and today is different from the past. Besides, you are lucky because of misfortune, aren't you?"

"Hum!" As soon as he mentioned the past, the Runner King's face became ugly. "Do you still have the face to mention the things of the year? If it wasn't for Xiaosu's face, I wouldn't have this deal with you at all! I could exchange a lot of Yuan pills for puppet gold and leaf loss!"

"That's right," Lin Xiao nodded thoughtfully, "but since you're here now and puppet Jin has entered the strong cloud, it's impossible to take it away!"

"Ha ha..." chaos king was not nervous at all. "Since I dare to come in, I'm sure to go out. What do you think?"

"Maybe..." Lin Xiao glanced, "but now we are a grasshopper on the rope. Even if you succeed in killing, you still have to face the pursuit of the black evil army!"

When the chaos king raised his eyebrows, he suddenly pointed to two strong men carrying puppet Jin and sneered, "see them? They are my dead men. They are full of C4 bombs. As long as there are abnormalities... Ho!"

The king of chaos made an exaggerated action and said in a Yin voice, "your puppet gold will disappear."

Puppet gold is extremely hard, but it has a weakness that it is not resistant to high temperature. Once C4 explodes, the high temperature generated is enough to make it lose the effect of the original metal.

The people in the room were a little nervous. They subconsciously stepped back and looked at the chaos king and his party more vigilantly.

Lin Xiao looked calm and said faintly, "if I want to do it, I won't waste a long time with you and grind my mouth for a long time. Are you right?"

"What do you want?" The king of chaos has been testing Lin Xiao. If he can replace all the puppets, everyone will be happy, but he knows it's unrealistic. Even if he only gets half of it, it's good.

Lin Xiao smiled, "when you were knocked off the cliff by me, your strength was naturally poor. Now your strength has soared when you return from the wheel. Why don't we continue to fight the unfinished fights in the past

"My strength is poor?" The king of chaos was so arrogant that Lin Xiao said publicly that his strength was poor. Naturally, he was angry.

"Isn't it?" Lin Xiao said with a smile, "who was knocked off the cliff by me?"

"Hum! That's my carelessness. I really think you are stronger than me?" The runner Wang sneered.

"Well, since you were careless at the beginning, how about fighting again now?"

"With you now?" The runner Wang smiled confidently, "I don't think there's anything comparable?"

Lin Xiao curled his lips. "Don't you dare? You have learned the wheel Dharma and even half of my limitless skills. Now let you fight with me. Don't you have this confidence?"

The runner king was slightly stunned, and then his expression became cold. "Wuji Gong? Speaking of this, I have to admire Xiaosu's willpower. He forcibly closed this part of his memory, so that I can't peep into the mystery of Wuji Gong. It's a pity."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao's eyes darkened, and a glimmer of hope rose in his heart. After all, Xiaosu's consciousness was still there, but he was deeply suppressed in his mind by the Runner King.

"Even if there is no limitless power, I am not an existence you can resist!" The runner king looked around and gave directions, "all the people present are not my opponents!"

"Are you so confident?"

"What do you mean? Do you want to humiliate yourself?" Runner Wang looked at Lin Xiao coldly.

Lin Xiao's eyes brightened, "can you do it? Don't you know after playing?"

"Hahaha..." the Runner King laughed loudly, and his voice was very penetrating. "Lin Xiao, do you think I'm still the same as before?"

"No matter who you are, dare you fight?" Lin Xiao sneered.

"Good!" The runner king shouted, "I'll fight you! Come on!"


As soon as the Runner King lifted his cloak and threw it to ah Dai, he immediately went to the center of the venue, and the condensed breath was steaming like boiling water.

"Wait a minute..." Lin Xiao suddenly said with a smile, "before playing, I have something to say!"

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