The runner king was calm and relaxed. The moon wheel in his hand turned gently. He looked contemptuously at the seven star sword in Lin Xiao's hand and said with a smile, "I said there was one missing in my baby. You stole it."

"Fart!" Gao Haijian said, "your stuff? I bought it on the black market in Kyoto. Why do you say it's yours?"

The runner Wang sneered, "it doesn't matter. No matter what weapons Lin Xiao takes, there is only one way to defeat!"

"Hum! My boss can kill you!" Gao Haijian stepped back, pointed to the Runner King and shouted fiercely.

Lin Xiao pointed his long sword flat and said faintly, "Runner King, the life and death agreement has been signed. Now it's no use saying anything else. Let's use this war to solve all our grievances!"

"Ha ha..." the Runner King laughed, but his young voice gave people a very gloomy and terrible feeling. "I've been waiting for this day for a long time. Since I fell ten years ago, I swear I'll step on you!"


Lin Xiao jumped up, the sword tip flashed fine awn, and shouted coldly, "come on!"


The moon wheel rotates, and the Qi force is vertical and horizontal. Unexpectedly, there are four Qi forces shooting at Lin Xiao from different directions.


Lin Xiao stopped as many times as possible, but his body did not stop. He pressed directly in front of the Runner King.

"Hum! I have some skills!" The runner king did not step back. Facing the sword tip stabbed by Lin Xiao, the moon wheel rose fiercely.


Sparks splashed in all directions, and the outward Qi force was like ripples thrown into the water, impacting in all directions.


The storm drove all the people watching the war back, causing an uproar.

"How strong!"

"This, is this the supreme?"

Many people exclaimed.

After Lin Xiao broke through the Ninth Section of the great master, he didn't do his best. Today, he felt refreshed and couldn't help roaring.


The runner king was a little surprised, his eyes narrowed slightly, but the speed under his feet was faster and faster, "underestimate you!"


The two sides exchanged weapons and retreated as soon as they touched, making a crisp and harsh sound one after another. The sound waves hit all around, which made everyone very uncomfortable.

This high-frequency impact sound will cause great damage to hearing, and those with slightly poor strength can't resist it.

"Impossible!" A Dai was surprised. He didn't expect Lin Xiao to be able to stop the Runner King's full attack.

They are one level behind each other, and the wheel King's wheel Dharma is definitely a superior skill, not necessarily worse than Lin Xiao's limitless skill.

But Lin Xiao was calm and did not show any signs of difficulty.

"Lin Xiao, do you think that's all right?" The Runner King couldn't attack for a long time. When he was surprised, he didn't despise it any more. The moon wheel in his hand began to rotate rapidly, making a disturbing and angry buzzing sound.


It seems that there are hundreds of thousands of flies flying in your ears, making your scalp numb.

In addition to the sound, there was a constant gush of Qi, which was driving Lin Xiao into the corner.

Lin Xiao did feel the pressure.

This was the first time he felt that the great master could be so strong, and even had the illusion of approaching the Supreme Master.

Of course, the king of chaos is still far from the supreme. He can't be compared with the supreme in terms of the purity of internal power or the level of power.

Even so, Lin Xiao's pressure continues to increase and increase.


The moon wheel turned to a certain extent and almost exceeded the speed of sound. Lin Xiao couldn't bear the shock wave and was finally knocked down to the ground.

"Boss!" The crowd exclaimed.

The Runner King's eyes tilted and sneered, "Lin Xiao! Don't admit defeat?"

Lin Xiao turned over, wiped away the blood from the corners of his mouth, and sneered, "that's the damage. Do you want me to admit defeat? Overestimate!"

"Since you want to die, I will help you!" The Runner King soared up in the air, unexpectedly stopped in the air for a short time, and then suddenly killed Lin Xiao.


Lin Xiao only had time to raise his hand in a hurry to stop him, so he was kicked on his arm by the Runner King and turned upside down uncontrollably.

After rolling on the ground for several times, Lin Xiao turned over again and shook his painful arm, "Hey! This strength is pretty good!"

"Huh?" The runner king was very surprised. Just now he tried his best and added the dark strength of the runner. The experts of the ordinary great master Jiuduan had long vomited blood and died, but Lin Xiao was still talking and laughing like someone who had nothing to do.

In fact, Lin Xiao felt bad. His arm was burning and seemed to be broken, but he knew he couldn't show the direction of defeat, otherwise he would face the devastating blow of the Runner King.

"Die!" The Runner King came again.

The moon wheel shrieked.


A light blue semicircle in the air, sharp as a knife, chopped Lin Xiao hard.

Lin Xiao's wrist turned over, and the seven star sword roared and stopped suddenly.




Lin Xiao felt his knees soft, bent his knees on one leg and fell to the ground. His chest was stuffy to death. He couldn't help but open his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood.

"Get out!" Lin Xiao roared and held the sword in both hands. His internal power exploded in an all-round way. His fierce power directly acted on the moon wheel.


The two suddenly separated.

Lin Xiao was impacted and flew out again.

On the other hand, the Runner King stopped his figure after taking three steps back.

There is indeed a gap in strength between the two sides.

But the discerning man had seen that Lin Xiao suffered from weapons.

The moon wheel of the Runner King is a real big killer. If the power increases, it will at least double, which is much higher than 70% of the seven star sword.

It was this gap in weapons that made Lin Xiao suffer a dark loss.

"Unexpectedly, your wheel Dharma can already send out dark strength, which is not simple!" Lin Xiao wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and stood up calmly, just like an immortal Xiaoqiang.

"Hum! What a cockroach!" The runner king was in high spirits and rushed to Lin Xiao with big steps, just like a galloping beast.


Lin Xiao wanted to hide, but he was hurt and moved much slower. He was immediately caught by the Runner King and kicked on his chest.


Lin Xiao was like a crouched shrimp, flying backwards for tens of meters and rolling to the ground.

"Don't you admit defeat?" The runner king shouted.

The sound shocked the four fields and made people deaf and enlighten.

The brothers are very worried. If Lin Xiao really loses, they will work hard.

They are not afraid to work hard, but they are afraid that all their efforts will be burned.

"Boss!" Gao Haijian looked angry and wanted to fight the Runner King himself.

Unfortunately, he knows very well that all of them are not the opponent of the Runner King.

Fang Qing's pretty face turned very pale and cried, "Lin Xiao! You can do it!"

Lin Xiao slowly got up and subconsciously patted the dust that didn't exist on his body, shaking his body back and forth.


The Runner King's eyes became more gloomy. He didn't want Lin Xiao's life. After all, the warship is someone else's territory. It's another big war.

But it seems that Lin Xiao doesn't want to die.

"Runner King, it seems that this is your limit?" Lin Xiao slowly looked up with a joking look in his eyes, "to tell the truth, it's not very good!"

"You're looking for death!" The runner king was angry and said word by word, "no wonder others!"


The Runner King finished his killing. Even if he didn't kill Lin Xiao this time, he would never let him stand comfortably and talk.

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