The Runner King endured a sharp pain in his chest and stood up carefully.

He winked at ah Dai, meaning to let him mobilize the puppet supreme.

A Dai was about to move when Gao Haijian found him and stopped him directly.

"What are you doing?" Gao Haijian looked at ah Dai with a smile.

Ah Dai is trapped, and the two puppets of the Runner King are also on guard.

But Lin Xiao's puppet supreme has begun to surround him. Once the other party has any change, he can launch a surprise attack.

Seeing Lin Xiao's momentum getting stronger and stronger, the runner king knew that it would be really over if he waited any longer.

"Lin Xiao! Fight again!" The runner king didn't know what to take out and fed it directly to his mouth. The whole man's momentum burst in an instant.

A terrible force flowed from the Runner King, making his expression very ferocious.


As soon as the Runner King stepped on the ground, he ejected like a shell, and smashed his fists with a strong smell of blood.

Lin Xiao was still motionless, as if he had been fixed by something. His eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was trapped in chaos and confusion.

Sooner or later, the runner Wang flashed to Lin Xiao, with a ferocious expression. He roared and hit him without hesitation.



The blow was earth shaking and shocking.

Onlookers clearly heard the sound of sonic boom.

This is the power to reach the supreme, and the Runner King's fist can definitely compare 70% of the power to the supreme even if it is almost hot.

"No!" Gao Haijian and others were surprised and subconsciously wanted to rescue.

However, the runner king was ready and ordered the puppet supreme to launch.

The puppets of both sides fought directly to one place.

The puppet supreme of the Runner King combined, and the combat effectiveness soared, which immediately put great pressure on many puppets.

Bang bang!

The red and black supremacy had a little poor strength and were immediately beaten out. Although they immediately rejoined the war, they couldn't even do close combat.

"How awesome!"

Gao Haijian's eyes stared round. A group of them coordinated outside to prevent ah Dai and others from escaping, but they were surprised to see that the puppets after the combination were so powerful.

No wonder even the military division crime of the supreme section is suppressed. After the puppet supreme is combined, the strength is close to the supreme section II. Even if it is worse than ye lost, it is also limited.

Bang bang!

Lin Xiao fought with the Runner King.

After the outbreak, the strength of the runner king rose sharply and almost pressed Lin Xiao to fight again.

However, the more so, the more excited Lin Xiao was.

The momentum that had been rising could not continue for some reasons, but under the pressure of the Runner King, Lin Xiao felt that the boiling internal force in the Dantian was changing.

It was a process of compression and then outbreak, and the speed of mobilization was faster. Even Lin Xiao could feel the surge of external vitality more and more intense.

Lin Xiao knew that he was about to break through and couldn't help shouting.


The runner king was startled. At the same time, his eyes became clearer. His efficacy was slowly disappearing. He knew that if he didn't seize the opportunity, he would be completely planted today.

"Kill!" The Runner King rushed at Lin Xiao desperately. His internal power was concentrated on the fist front. He was fierce and without waves. He almost hit Lin Xiao in front of him in the twinkling of an eye.


Lin Xiao raised his arms to resist the impact, but the other party's strength was so strong that he threw him out directly.

"Cough..." Lin Xiao's breath was a little messy, but his eyes were very excited. He propped up his body and laughed, "hahaha, this is a little interesting. Continue!"


The Runner King is consuming his vitality. His gratitude and resentment with Lin Xiao has lasted for more than ten years. Today is the last day of liquidation.

Lin Xiao also regarded the Runner King as a pedal. If he can make it through today and let him break through the cultivation of the great master Shiduan, he will become the supreme master just around the corner.

Excitement mixed with excitement made Lin Xiao roar continuously.

Even though he was knocked down several times by the Runner King, Lin Xiao was still in high spirits and shouted, "Runner King, come again!"


Bang bang!

The momentum of the Runner King is declining rapidly, but he still doesn't want to give up. His mind is locked on Lin Xiao and doesn't retreat.

Lin Xiao kept retreating. Facing the heavy blows of the runner king again and again, he only felt that there was inexplicable refreshing in addition to the sharp pain all over his body, as if every cell was trembling and jumping with joy.


The Runner King beat Lin Xiao back with a fist. The latter didn't hold up for a long time. After all, the strength gap between the two sides is a little big at this moment. Even if Lin Xiao has iron man like willpower, it is difficult to make up for this gap.

"Boss!" Gao Haijian and others quickly came to the rescue.

"Don't come here!" Lin Xiao roared, reluctantly stood up and laughed, "let me deal with him!"

The Runner King's eyelids jumped up for no reason. He saw Lin Xiao stand up again. Although he was trembling and couldn't even stop a punch, that momentum made him tremble.

Lin Xiao had defeated him before. He always believed that he would trample Lin Xiao under his feet.

But today's such a good opportunity, the Runner King found that he was losing it.

At this moment, the confidence established by the runner king in the past ten years was shaken.

His wheel Dharma has been silent for ten years, which is equivalent to reviving the soul with a corpse, and his strength has made a great breakthrough.

I thought there was no invincible hand in the world, but I didn't expect to be defeated by Lin Xiao again.

Just as these thoughts of the Runner King flashed by, the idea of defeat was born in my heart.

At this time, Lin Xiao was already walking towards him with big steps. The smile on his mouth proved that he was different from just now.

"Wheel king! Thank you for your wheel Dharma! Let me understand a truth..."

Lin Xiao's voice overwhelmed all the movements on the field.

Even the fighting of the puppet supreme masters stopped strangely.

The audience was silent and stared at Lin Xiao.

The runner king had an impulse to run away, but he forced himself to calm down and asked in a deep voice, "did you... Break through?"

"It's just a fluke! In fact, the great master Shiduan is just like this!"

"Breakthrough?" Gao Haijian and others were overjoyed.

"The boss broke through?"

Great master Shiduan is one step away from the Supreme Master.

Now Lin Xiao has nine turn Xiong Xidan, and it is not impossible to break through to the supreme.

Lin Xiao smiled confidently, pointed to the Runner King and said, "I'll give you a chance to let Xiaosu come back. Maybe I'll let him keep your consciousness!"

"What, what?" The runner king was surprised, "how do you know Xiaosu is still alive?"

"Hum!" Lin Xiao sneered, "there is a flaw in your wheel Dharma, and the flaw is Xiaosu! Otherwise, you would have made a breakthrough towards the Supreme Master."

"But you're stuck in the tenth section of the great master. You're only one step away from the Supreme Master. If you don't completely annihilate Xiaosu's consciousness, you can't become the Supreme Master in your life, right?"

When Lin Xiao poked the center, the Runner King's face turned very bad.

"So, I'm giving you a chance to live..." Lin Xiao said with a smile.

The Runner King hesitated, but he was unwilling!

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