As soon as Gao Haijian said this, everyone looked strange.

The other party really ran out to make a plane.

The two planes hovered in the distance and looked like two small mosquitoes, but the pressure on everyone was enormous.

"I see what they want to do." Lu Yun went to the communication system and turned on the external amplifier switch.

Before Lu Yun could speak, he opened his mouth first.

"Listen to the natives of the earth. General Ye lost imprisoned the warships. The two space warships can't play any role. Your plan to fight against the black evil army with the strong cloud has completely failed! Now there is only one way in front of you..."

"That is to obey the black evil army."

"Of course, general Ye lost is very generous. He can allow private defection. As long as he defected to the black evil army, he will be polite no matter what grievances he had in the past. In addition, he will be rewarded with 1000 yuan Dan!"

A thousand yuan pills!

Everyone took a breath of air-conditioning.

The weight of a thousand yuan pills is as shocking as ordinary people hear 100 billion, and no one will not be moved.

"Ye lost such a big hand..." Gao Haijian was stunned. He didn't covet those pills, but felt that ye lost was going to cost money and his intention to disintegrate them was very firm.

"My darling! A thousand leaves are lost and there are so many stocks? Is it a lie?" Lang Yan shouted loudly.

Lao Zhang stared at him, "what? Do you want to surrender?"

"Hey, hey..." Lang Yan smiled, "I'm just feeling. What's your hurry?"

"Hum!" Lao Zhang said coldly, "Ye lost this bastard. He has a good abacus. But he doesn't know that we won't surrender even if we die, let alone just a thousand yuan pills!"

Although everyone was very excited and had a struggle, his inner firmness never wavered.

Lu Yun is a little wavering. He is a member of the black evil army, and he is only loyal to desolation.

Now it's deserted and dead. Lu Yun has nothing to do with people on earth.

The reason why he stayed here was that he had no way back, because he knew that ye lost was very cruel to traitors; Second, because his sister-in-law is here, he wants to fulfill his dying wish to take care of them.

"Lu Yun, tell them not to be paranoid." Gao Haijian looked at Lu Yun and said, "do you want us to surrender? Let Ye lost kneel down and repent for three days, and we'll consider it again!"

"Yes! Let Ye lost that bastard kneel down and repent for three days, and then we'll consider his opinion!" Cried Lang Yan.

Lu Yun frowned. He naturally dared not say such words. That would only make the situation more anxious.

He thought for a moment, grabbed the communicator and said, "go back and tell Ye lost, we..."

"Wait a minute!" Just then, Lin Xiao's voice sounded from behind everyone.

The people turned around one after another and looked at Lin Xiao in surprise.


"Where have you been?"

"What's the matter with you?"

Lin Xiao walked in with big strides, glanced at the crowd and said in a deep voice, "Lu Yun! Tell ye lost! All he wants is me, which has nothing to do with others. If he wants me, just promise me a condition..."

"Boss! What are you doing? Never!"

"What conditions do you promise? Boss, are you crazy?"

"Don't trade with Ye lost. This old thing is treacherous and cunning. It's definitely not a good bird!"


Lin Xiao raised his hand to stop the discussion and looked at Lu Yun again. "You Tell ye lost that if he is brave enough, he will fight to the death with me in three days. If he wins, I will go with him. If he loses, he will leave the earth immediately. I know he has a way to leave!"

Lin Xiao already knew the portal that the black evil army was building on the virgin peak. He believed it was a huge project and something of epoch-making significance.

I'm afraid we will face a steady stream of forces from all over the universe in the future.

Lu Yun's eyes brightened, "Lin Xiao, did you... Break through?"

"Yes!" Lin Xiao smiled calmly.

Speaking of his breakthrough process, it is really unimaginable.

But Lin Xiao doesn't want to mention it now. He just wants to use this opportunity to lose Ye Yijun and establish his own advantage before the Heisha military aid army arrives.

If you can defeat Ye lost, the earth Legion will be as powerful as a rainbow. If you work hard at that time, you may completely defeat the black evil army without the support of Phoenix warships.

He believed that ye lost would agree, because the old man looked down on the earth people and Lin Xiao.

"Boss, did you break through?" Gao Haijian was overjoyed. He strode to Lin Xiao and turned around him for several times. His mouth seemed to be watching strange animals in the zoo because of his surprise.

Lin Xiao pushed him away angrily. "What are you looking at? I have flowers on me?"

"Boss, have you really become supreme?" Lang Yan was more excited than he was to become the Supreme Master. He couldn't wait to say, "they all said that the Supreme Master can fly in the air. Would you try?"

"Yes, boss, I heard elder jianwuji say that the Supreme Master can fly in the air for a short time. Open your eyes!"

"That's awesome! The Supreme Master born and raised on earth has only the eldest brother except the sword limitless elder?"

In fact, to be exact, Lin Xiao was the first Supreme on earth.

Both sword Wuji and the former king come from the extraterrestrial sphere, which can't be counted.

Moreover, the king in the front hall of the king also broke through to the supreme after leaving the earth. He made great progress all the way and became the great emperor of the universe for thousands of years. His talent is terrible.

Lin Xiao, as the first real supreme on earth, doesn't know where his future will go

A group of people chirped around, as if they had forgotten the danger they were facing, completely indifferent.

Lin Xiao couldn't laugh or cry, "do business first, gossip later!"

"Yes..." Gao Haijian's confidence in Lin Xiao was unprecedented. He immediately turned to the land and air force and said, "you answer them and ask Ye lost whether the old boy dare to fight!"

Lu Yun hesitated, "Lin Xiao, are you sure? Ye lost is an old master of the supreme section 2. Even if you have broken through, you are only the supreme section, and the state is unstable at the moment. I'm afraid..."

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "that's why I have to wait until three days later. After I stabilize my realm, I will fight with him again!"

"Now let's see if ye lost dare to fight." Lin Xiao smiled slowly and said confidently, "as long as he dares to fight, I can beat him out of shit!"

"Yes! My boss is very powerful. When he just broke through the great master, he fought against more than a dozen high-level great masters and beat them up!" Lang Yan was most aware of Lin Xiao's things in heaven and Earth City, and proudly said, "I heard the elder Tibetan Dao say that the scene was too violent at that time. A group of great masters were all patted by the boss, which was too overbearing!"

The brothers laughed and laughed. Without serious expression, the atmosphere became active again.

These guys have lived and died with Lin Xiao for ten years. They have never seen anything. Even now they are in danger, they have never given up.

Because in their hearts, Lin Xiao is the sea god needle.

As long as he is there, no difficulty can stop them from moving forward.

Lu Yun frowned. Originally, he had some confidence in Lin Xiao, but the other party's attitude made people uneasy, "Lin Xiao, the Supreme Master is no better than the great master..."

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