
The beast roared one after another, and there was more than one sound.

At this moment, the city of heaven and earth is in a mess.

Dozens of biochemical animals of different sizes and shapes are killing wantonly, and none of the houses and buildings can stop their footsteps.

One of them, a strong giant ape ten meters tall, with a thick mace in his hand, hit the ground desperately.

Boom, boom!


The ground was smashed into pieces, and the sputtered fragments were like flying bullets, killing a large number of innocent people.

A group of martial artists led by Gao Haijian are all colorful. I'm afraid their lives would have been in danger if there were no puppet supreme guard.


I saw a biochemical beast like a cat, more than two meters tall, more ferocious than a tiger, jumping out of the herd and killing it.

Bang Bang

A puppet supreme was pushed away by a claw and rolled out along the ground for a long time. In terms of power alone, it was not an opponent of cats and animals at all.

"Meow!" The cat and beast opened their bloody mouths and bit another puppet supreme.


With the strength of the puppet's supreme hard body, he was bitten out of a crack.


In fact, under the command of Xiaosu, the puppet tried his best to rescue him.

"I can't stand it!" Seeing this situation, Lang Yan urgently shouted, "I can't hold on."

"There are too many monsters. We can't love war!" Hundreds of experts brought by Gao Haijian and thousands of soldiers sent by Dong Jianwu have long been dead and injured. They can fight to the end with puppets.

"Xiaosu! Your method doesn't work either. What should I do now?"

Xiaosu was also in a hurry. He thought that after finding the eighth puppet, he could combine it into a dominant Puppet by using the method of the Runner King.

Unfortunately, I don't know why, the last step can't be completed.

If the three puppets were not combined into a more powerful puppet, they would not have to be killed.

"Get out of town first!"

Gao Haijian took a deep breath and quickly gave the order to retreat.

Among the crowd, the shapes of the two puppets are very conspicuous, up to more than four meters high.

These two puppets are the supreme combination of three puppets, and their strength is greatly enhanced.

Even so, they still can't stop the tide of biochemical animals.

In addition to dozens of particularly fierce biochemical beasts, there are hundreds of ordinary beasts. They seem to be driven by some kind of sound wave, their eyes are red, bloodthirsty and tyrannical.

Langyan runs fastest, like a gust of wind, leading everyone's direction.

After Gao Haijian and several puppets were severed, the battle was quite fierce.

But the number of biological and chemical beasts is too large. Even if the soldiers use human sea tactics regardless of life and death, they can't stop it for long.

Poof poof!

The soldiers were ripped open and their deaths were terrible.

The giant ape with a mace has cold eyes. It behaves like an intelligent creature and can command the battlefield easily.

In addition to roaring from time to time and urging his biochemical beasts to speed up their attack, he looked up from time to time and looked into the distance.

Its eyes seem to be some eager, but very cautious.

In addition to Gao Haijian and the military, the warriors of Qiankun city also formed a defensive array.

The two sides killed each other.

But the biochemical beast side is too powerful. It has forced the team out of heaven and Earth City and is approaching in the direction of the strong cloud.

"Lang Yan, you take the team leader Wu out and I'll stay to stop them!"

Gao Haijian suddenly stopped and lined up with several puppet supreme masters to constantly resist the killing beasts.

"You want to die?" Lao Zhang roared, "let's go together!"

Gao Haijian glared at him, "the frequency of monster attack is higher and higher, and the giant ape has not shot. We have no chance of winning at all. We can only wait to die!"

"That's even more important!" Ah Fei, who was silent, suddenly opened his mouth and walked firmly to Gaohai sword.

The others looked at each other, had no intention of flinching, and stood up one after another.

"Don't be brave!" Lao Zhang said anxiously, "the boss must have known what's going on here. Only when we meet him can we have a chance to escape."

Gao Haijian shook his head, "stop talking nonsense! I'll stay!"

"Lao Gao, although you have eaten nine turns of Xiong Xidan and become the Supreme Master, this level is not so easy!"

Gao Haijian pointed to the giant ape, "I can feel that the giant ape has been locking me with consciousness. Only when I stay can I delay the monster army!"

"He's right!" Luocha woman said in a deep voice, "the great ape has indeed locked the sea sword."

"So what?" Lao Zhang angrily said, "if we stick together, I don't believe we can't even beat a bunch of animals!"

Poof poof!

Soldiers died one after another, and the biochemical beast army is approaching rapidly.

Many soldiers had run out of bullets and began to resist with flesh and blood.

However, even ordinary beasts, the soldiers also had a hard time resisting them.

Not to mention dozens of powerful biochemical beasts, which are shuttling freely through the battle array, must be brought up by a blood mist.

Boom, boom!

Grenade bombing is heard all the time, but for biochemical animals, this degree of bombing does no harm at all, but arouses their ferocity.


The cat and beast rushed the fastest. In the blink of an eye, they broke through the blockade of the puppet supreme and killed Gao Haijian and others.


The cat's claws, like sharp blades, flash cold light from a long distance.

In a short moment, he came to Gao Haijian.

Even the cat demon's red eyes have reached his head.

"Hum!" Gao Haijian leaned slightly and the long sword flashed out.


This sword stabbed the cat demon's lower abdomen and penetrated directly.


The cat and beast jumped away quickly, meowing and revealing two tusks to Gao Haijian.

"It's too late. Let's go!" When Gao Haijian was angry, he left his place and killed the cat demon.


More and more biochemical beasts are killing Gao Haijian. It seems that they all know that he is the strongest one present.


The great ape held the mace high, as if to give an order to speed up the attack.




All kinds of biochemical beasts began to attack madly.

The combined puppet supreme in front was besieged by more than a dozen biochemical beasts and was forced to separate in a short moment.

Originally weak, after the combined puppet was broken up, it was even more defeated and instantly submerged by biochemical beasts.

Bang bang!

The puppet supreme is staggering. If it hadn't relied on his strong body, I'm afraid it would have broken up long ago.


Gao Haijian took the initiative to enter the herd, and the target was directed at the giant ape.

Catch the king before the thief.

Only by subduing the great apes can these biochemical beasts be honest.

Gao Haijian is not sure to deal with the giant ape, but now the situation is urgent. He has no other way.

"You can't let Haijian risk alone!" Dongfang Yanghui glanced at the brothers and said in a deep voice, "according to the usual training formation, three people form a group and form a hundred troops!"

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