The big horse's opponent roared, "don't you pacify your guests right away? Will you feel better when you are regarded as food? What are you doing standing silly? Go!"


His men carried the pot again and arranged with a black face.

Lanjing people are tall and strong. Even women are tall and strong. Their clothes cover the whole person directly.

At first glance, it's like a bed of cotton hanging on a branch. How funny it is.

Lin Xiao frowned, "where are their own clothes?"

"Cough..." the big horse coughed violently. "Their clothes are dirty. I sent someone to wash them."

"Really?" Lin Xiao looked strange.

"Shit!" Big horse suddenly roared and lost his temper at his men. "What are you doing to eat? Don't you take back your guest's clothes?"

The men looked confused. They stripped all their clothes and threw them into the fire. Where can I get them?

"Why are you stunned? Go?" Cried Thomas.

The soldiers were terrified and did not know where to look for clothes.

Seeing the problem, Lin Xiao shouted angrily, "OK! Stop acting. Since people are all right, I don't care about you. Now, honor what you just said."

Declare allegiance in front of all the people. Once this thing is done, there is no way back. Even if Damas repents in the future, he will be despised.

Up to now, Damas had no choice but to bite his teeth and nod, "OK! I have only one request to be kind to my people!"

"Don't worry! I'm not a murderer."

Big Max took a deep breath and walked quickly towards the platform.

The Terran women noticed Lin Xiao's existence and shouted in surprise.

Lin Xiao is so famous now that his image has long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

However, they don't quite understand that Lin Xiao went deep into the tiger's den alone, and now he is mixed with the leader of the Lanjing family. What do you want to do?

The next moment, Big marsh stepped onto the platform and waved to be quiet.

He cleared his throat and looked as embarrassed as constipation. He hesitated for a long time before he said, "now, I'll announce something..."

Everyone was listening, and even the persecuted Terran women listened carefully.

They saw that Lin Xiao's arrival must have changed his fate, otherwise he would not be treated well by those "monsters".

"I decided to follow..." big Ma Shi was stunned and hurriedly looked at Lin Xiao, "what's your name?"

Lin Xiao's face turned black, "Lin Xiao!"

"Yes, yes! I've decided to follow the Terran's powerful Lord Lin Xiao. In the future, the star robber team at the 486 trading point of Lanjing will be led by Lord Lin Xiao!"


Many blue Jing soldiers were surprised.

Neither compromise nor truce would surprise them so much.

The word "follow" is not easy to say in the heart of the Lanjing people.

"Be quiet!" "What's the noise? Aren't you satisfied with my decision?"

No one dares to question Damas's decision.

In the Lanjing clan, the chief has absolute authority, which is a rule and habit formed from generation to generation.

"Don't kneel down!" Big horse roared again.


Thousands of blue elite soldiers knelt down together.

Seeing this scene, the Terran women were stunned, and some couldn't believe their eyes.

Just now, he was clamoring to eat himself. In the twinkling of an eye, he became a follower of Lin Xiao. It was as unreal as a dream.

"Mr. Lin," the big horse smiled at Lin Xiao, "do you have anything to say?"

Lin Xiao strode up the platform.

Countless pairs of eyes turned to Lin Xiao, and all kinds of feelings were different.

The blue Jing soldiers who had experienced the battle just now naturally respected and feared Lin Xiao.

But others were unconvinced and were eager to try and find something.

Lin Xiao pointed to a blue Jing soldier who was the most prominent in the crowd and had the most anger in his eyes and said, "are you not satisfied?"

"Yes!" Without saying a word, the tall Lanjing soldier rushed out of the crowd, pointed to Lin Xiao on the high platform and shouted, "you alone want us to follow willingly? Bah!"

"Hey!" Lin Xiao smiled, "don't you listen to big horse?"

"Hum!" The blue Jing soldier angrily said, "I naturally listen to my captain, but I don't obey. I obey. If you want me to obey, you must defeat me!"


"Beat us!"

Many soldiers of Lanjing clan came out more and more. They were obviously dissatisfied with Lin Xiao and showed signs of fighting.

Malaysia's morale turned green. He couldn't watch his men come out and die, so he shouted, "get back to me. Who let you come out? Didn't I listen?"

"Captain!" The tall blue Jing warrior was neither humble nor arrogant. "Although we blue Jing are star thieves, we do the business of knife head licking blood. When did we succumb to others? We'd rather die standing than live kneeling!"

"You know shit!" Damas did not know the humiliation, but he was a wise man. He had seen Lin Xiao's extraordinary.

Who can escape the secret cannon with supreme strength?

He only heard of a master level master who predicted the attack range of the Tianji gun in advance, made evasive actions, and finally got hurt but didn't die.

Today, he personally saw Lin Xiao easily dodge the Tianji gun with the strength of the supreme second section. This reaction and prediction were beyond imagination.

Damas is a man who has seen the real strong. He concludes that Lin Xiao must be a human power in the future.

Now climb this power, and maybe you can follow the popular and spicy ones in the future. Why should you be a star thief despised by everyone.

Therefore, now his men come out to question Lin Xiao. He must stop it, otherwise he may destroy his good intentions.

"Listen to me and get back right away, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless!"

It's rare that the big horse was so critical of them. The soldiers looked at each other and were still very unwilling.

"Get out!" The big horse roared.

The soldiers of Lanjing clan looked at each other. Facing the angry eyes of Damas, they had to retreat slowly.

Lin Xiao looked around and said, "is there any objection?"

The audience was silent.

"OK! Since you choose to follow me, I have a few requirements!"

Lin Xiao stretched out two fingers, "first, the star thief's business can't be done. Next, I'll enter 486 trading point and establish my own power. You have to take the lead for me!"

The crowd was in an uproar.

Entering the trading point is something that star thieves dare not think of.

They swagger outside, but facing the official army inside the trading point, they hide as far as a mouse sees a cat.

Now let a group of star thieves enter the trading point and face the official. Isn't that going to die?

"Do you want us to die?" The tall blue Jing soldier came out again and angrily pointed to Lin Xiao, "anyway, it's better to die now!"

This time, the crowd was so angry that it seemed that even the big horse couldn't stop it.

"Sir, we... Really want to enter the trading point?"

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