The yard is quiet.

Ye's mother, who liked the noise most, also stopped. She stood with her son Ye Hu and carefully accompanied Lin Xiao. She didn't dare to say a word.

"Aunt, there's something I want to clarify!" Lin Xiao thought it would be better to Tell ye Rou's parents the truth. "Ye Rou and I are really just ordinary friends. We are colleagues. This time I came out to relax with her."

"Ah? Mr. Lin, please don't be angry. I'm too old to understand Taishan. Don't take it to heart. Xiaorou has been with you for several generations. We have absolutely no opinion as parents. I -" Mrs. ye thought Lin Xiao was angry. She said so deliberately and explained quickly.

"Mom!" Ye Rou was angry and smiled. She pulled her mother away, stamped her feet and said angrily, "Why are you two faced? Just now I said Lin Xiao..."

"Girl! Stand aside! I'm talking to my son-in-law. How can you interrupt?" Ye Mu glared at Ye Rou and immediately put on a smiling expression to come over.

Ye Hu didn't want to fall behind, so he took the initiative to come up and said with a smile: "brother-in-law, I was joking with you just now. I've seen that you're not an ordinary person. You're much better than the young master of the Deng family. I --"

Ye Rou was speechless and directly took Lin Xiao out.

"Eh? Where are you going?"

"Sister! Brother-in-law! Where are you going?"

Ye Rou's parents and brother hurried to follow, while a group of villagers were already crowded at the door, chirping.

"Ah Rou! You've found a good husband. We'll help you when you get married!"

"As I said earlier, Mr. Lin is much better than Mr. Deng. One is in the sky and the other is on the ground!"

"Who says no, ye Rou will be very happy if she marries Mr. Lin for several generations!"

"I'm glad to see their love!"

Ye Rou only felt that funny faces appeared in front of her. She pushed the villagers away and ran out of the yard with Lin Xiao. She rushed out of the village without saying hello to her parents.

"Why go?" Lin Xiao was confused.

Panting Ye Rou looked back at Ye's village. Half of the row buildings just built at the entrance of the village were very conspicuous, but they were so nondescript. She sighed: "this family can't go back. You've seen it. Who are they?"

"After all, they are your parents and brothers, and there is nothing wrong with them," Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders, put his hand on Ye Rou's arm and said casually. "He has lived in the countryside all his life. Suddenly one day, his children have the opportunity to fly to the branches and become a Phoenix. Who will give up easily?"

"I know the truth, but I just can't stand their faces! Hey..." Ye Rou shook her head in distress. "I don't want to go back to the village, or shall we go back to Zhennan? I feel that the wind market is not safe. Can the Deng family give up?"

"Ha ha -" Lin Xiao's eyes flashed coldly and said faintly, "since I'm here, what's the meaning of going back like this? I really want to go to the Deng family. I still have some private accounts to settle with them."

"Private account!?" Ye Rou was confused.

"Things related to brocade!" Lin Xiao said casually.

The sunspot hit and "killed" Nangong Dalong. Although the boy has been arrested by the police and severe legal sanctions will be imposed on him, how can it be as light as he said that he dared to attack Nangong Dalong only because of the small role of sunspot?

Nine times out of ten things in this matter are related to the Deng family. Without the snake hall, another Deng family jumped out, and the whereabouts of masked General Wang are unknown. Maybe we can dig out some information from the Deng family.

As soon as she heard about president Jin, ye Rou consciously shut her mouth and suddenly woke up. The man in front of her didn't belong to herself. At best, she was a friend and colleague. A sense of alienation surged into her heart and made her mood low.

"All right! Let's go to the wind market!" Ye Rou said weakly.

The villagers chased out behind him. The mighty appearance was spectacular enough, but Lin Xiao felt full of irony and ridicule.

Suddenly, Lin Xiao also lost interest in this beautiful village. He turned back and said to Ye Rou, "let's go!"

They wanted to hire a taxi after the road, but they didn't expect the storm building to wait in the shade of the trees at the intersection.

The cicada's cry was not matched, and the heat wave came to his face one after another, but the rain building with gold wire glasses on the bridge of his nose and a smile on his face did not have the slightest dry and hot state, but gave people a cool feeling.

"Mr. Lin!" The storm building seemed to be early. Even if Dinglin and Xiao would leave the village, there was no surprise in their expression.

"Are you waiting for me?" Lin Xiao narrowed his eyes and asked faintly.

"It's desolate near Yejia village. There are no cars. I think Mr. Lin is going to the city, so I'll wait here to give you a ride."

"Oh?" Lin Xiao smiled, "how did you know I would leave the village?"

The wind and rain building smiled confidently, revealing two dimples on his face. From the surface, the wind and rain building in front of him is like a big brother next door who is harmless to people and animals, but those who know him understand that his ruthlessness is no worse than Jiannan mountain.

"When we arrived, Mr. Lin was being besieged by the villagers. I vaguely heard the praise of Deng Yue, indicating that your arrival was not welcomed by the Ye family." As the wind and rain building said, it made a gesture of invitation and let Lin Xiao get on the bus.

Lin Xiao is not hypocritical and pulls Ye Rou into the car.

The air conditioner on the car is not so big, but the temperature gives people a very comfortable feeling. They exhale at the same time and enjoy the refreshing.

The wind and rain building then followed, motioned the driver to drive, and continued: "when Deng Yue knelt down, I saw the surprise and uneasiness of the villagers. With my understanding of these fart people, they will immediately change their attitude and hold you to heaven, right?"

Ye Rou frowned. She also came from a rural background and was disgusted with the word "fart people".

Lin Xiao didn't say anything.

"With Mr. Lin's arrogance and miss Ye Rou's hot temper, you can't stay. Since you can't stay, you naturally have to go!" Wind and rain building said calmly, not slightly proud of the accurate speculation.

Lin Xiao looked at the storm building and thought that the boy was young and had a lot of thoughts. No wonder he could become one of the two headed gods of death. He really had some mind.

"Mr. Lin, I have arranged all the food, clothing, housing and transportation for you in the wind market to ensure your satisfaction!" The wind and rain building smiled and said.

Lin Xiao stretched out, leaned lazily down and said carelessly, "in that case, I'll wait to enjoy it."

The car sped past like a meteor, raising a burst of dust, and soon entered the provincial road and drove towards the wind market.

At this time, the two father and son who were sent back to the Deng family by jiannanshan woke up in the worried eyes and expressions of the family.

Deng's villa, Deng Kunlun's bedroom, sat a large family, old and young, men and women. In addition to their worries, they also had some panic and fear.

"Cough -" Deng Kunlun finally woke up. He felt that he was holding his breath in his chest. Even if he opened his eyes, he was still unwilling to say a word.

People called one after another, hoping that Deng Kunlun would respond.

Deng Yue, who had woken up, knelt in front of the bed, grabbed Deng Kunlun's hand and shouted anxiously, "Dad, you're all right, great!"

"Hum!" Deng Kunlun did not know where his strength came from. He shook off Deng Yue's hand, struggled to get up and slapped his son in the face.


The slap on the face was loud and bright, which shocked everyone.

"I know to make trouble all day. Now, I offend people who shouldn't offend." Deng Kunlun now wants to cry without tears. At the beginning, he was soft in front of Zhuang mountain because he was afraid of the double headed God of death behind him.

Now the double headed God of death and Lin Xiao stand on the same front, and the situation of the Deng family is even more precarious.

In recent years, Deng Kunlun has been quietly arranging, hoping to grab some business and business from the double headed God of death, so as to expand the power of the Deng family.

Unexpectedly, because of an ordinary woman, the full plan was hindered.

Deng Kunlun was angry that his son was so disheartened that he frustrated the great cause of the family for the sake of a woman.

"Dad! Don't scold me. Look who's coming!" Deng Yue smiled bitterly and suddenly whispered.

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